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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: vilia on 2006 February 17, 12:58:04

Title: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: vilia on 2006 February 17, 12:58:04
I think I found the inspiration for some of the Tricou names - the legit kids not the others.  I was wondering about Fricorith's name, did a google search and came across this site Basically it is a homage to a series of books written by a bloke called Steven K Zoltan Brust but it includes some interesting notes which I'll reproduce below.

Fricorith: old North-Western tongue for "nearly the end of winter"
Cvorunn - Kvirinun: Serioli for "time of melting snows" (sounds very similar to Kvornan)
Nylissit - a character in one of the books

So eventually I get to my point...if you want 'authentic' names for your little Tricou offspring it probably wouldn't hurt to check out the Dragaera website or this one which lists names.  Mayhap one of the designers is a fan?

Title: Re: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: Emma on 2006 February 17, 13:00:09
They would make great alien names too! Thanks vilia, I've bookmarked :)

Title: Re: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: vilia on 2006 February 17, 13:10:25
Pleasure!  I just found a Wiki page on it which is probably much better if you are like me and want to nick names - so far I like Zerika, Sethra Lavode, Dolivar, Juliska, Aliera so bookmark that one (I'll update my first post)

NB forgot to add in first message there is a Jenicor character as well

Title: Re: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: Emma on 2006 February 17, 13:21:23
Awesome! Thanks again ;D

Title: Re: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: Gus Smedstad on 2006 February 17, 13:58:35
I don't doubt it for a moment.  Brust has quite a following.

The earlier Vlad Taltos books are pretty good, as are "The Phoenix Guards" and "500 Years After," though the latter have a deliberately odd style that's a homage to Alexander Dumas (author of the Three Musketeers).  I don't care for what he's writing now, though.  "The Lord of Castle Black" bored me to tears.

 - Gus

Title: Re: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: Renatus on 2006 February 17, 19:22:07
So that's where those odd names came from. They were driving me a little batty because I couldn't find any real-world language source for them. I'm glad you cleared up that mystery!  :D

Title: Re: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: Wolfee on 2006 February 17, 22:18:36
 Thanks so much. I'm always looking for interesting names to name my Sims. I bookmarked that site too.

Title: Re: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: Sagana on 2006 February 17, 22:31:19
Oh wonderful! I also had been looking for the inspiration for the family and Freedom and Necessity co-authored by Brust (and Emma Bull) is one of my very favorites, although the Taltos books aren't high on my list. I tried every New Orleans search I could think of... and never got to the names and fictional. Thanks very much :)

Edit: Silly tag

Title: Re: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: angelyne on 2006 February 17, 23:42:08

The earlier Vlad Taltos books are pretty good, as are "The Phoenix Guards" and "500 Years After," though the latter have a deliberately odd style that's a homage to Alexander Dumas (author of the Three Musketeers).  I don't care for what he's writing now, though.  "The Lord of Castle Black" bored me to tears.

 - Gus

oh heh cool.  I never made the connection.   I read quite a few of his books, but the early ones in his Vlad Taltos series.  I kinda got bored with it eventually.

Title: Re: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: vilia on 2006 February 17, 23:44:35
Names interest me and not knowing the meaning of the Tricous has been bugging me on and off for quite a while.  

I'm quite terrible when naming my families as I like to contine tradition - if it is the Pleasants then they are given bible names such as Eve, Adam, Cain, Abel.  If I resurrect Skip Broke, I continue the odd naming conventions but if I don't, then I name future kids after alcohol to follow tradition - so far I have had Sherri, Martini, Walker and Jim  :P  Dreamers always have kids starting with D. and Goth kids are always named after characters from the 'classics' - Helen, Penelope, Antigone, Dido, Calypso, Andromache, Achilles, Priam, Patroclus, Ajax, Odysseus etc.  

Title: Re: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: angelyne on 2006 February 18, 03:09:12
My current generation are all named on a botanical theme..  I have Laurel, Angelica, Jasmine, Ginger, Willow, Basil and Veronica

Title: Re: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: vilia on 2006 February 18, 13:54:27
My current generation are all named on a botanical theme..  I have Laurel, Angelica, Jasmine, Ginger, Willow, Basil and Veronica

I tried having a tree theme for House of Fallen Trees once but had to give up after Ash & Rowan as I couldn't think of any others ;D

Title: Re: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: Gus Smedstad on 2006 February 18, 14:18:08
When I get twins I like to give them related names.  I had twin boys named Ash and Oak at one point.  Naturally, "Oak" was the solid Family type, whereas Ash was the unreliable Romance guy.

 - Gus

Title: Re: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: Renatus on 2006 February 18, 15:34:26
In my senior year of high school, a couple of new kids came in that were from a family where all of the six (or was it eight? Lots, anyhow) children were named after trees. The girl got off more or less easy being named Willow, but I couldn't imagine being saddled with her older brother's name - Tamarack!  :D I never did find out what the rest of the siblings were named.

Naming conventions can be fun to play with in TS2. At one point I had a fantasy neighborhood where I was planning for each entire generation to go by a different convention, starting with gemstone names. Each kid got named after a gemstone that was similar to their eyecolour. That got annoying very fast, though, as I quickly ran out of names that sounded like names and didn't feeling like naming any of them Bloodstone or Labradorite, no matter how cool the actual minerals are. It definitely works better to keep naming conventions in families, it's harder to run out of names!

If I ever get further than two generations in my current neighborhood, I think I'll start using some naming conventions. I've kind of already started with one family that currently has toddler twins - Castor and Pollux. They seem to want to have more children rather badly, so hey, might as well continue along with that. I think I'll use plants/flowers and trees, and perhaps colours as well.

This game is great for getting out the urge to name people strange things. Keeps it in check so I don't end up with story characters with ridiculous names, and maybe I'll have it all worked out of my system by the time I decide to have a kid.  ;)

Title: Re: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: sadiebutterfly on 2006 February 18, 19:13:08
I have one Pleasantview family who name their children like Puritans -- Old Testament prophets for the boys, abstract virtues for the girls. My Legacy family go in alphabetical order. And twins always alliterate: Connor and Catherine Adams, Medea and Medusa Beaker.

Title: Re: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: vilia on 2006 February 18, 23:41:31
I have one Pleasantview family who name their children like Puritans -- Old Testament prophets for the boys, abstract virtues for the girls.

Do you find it is always the mean and nasty ones that are named Charity or Mercy?  Back in my pre BFBVFS hood I had one family that I named them after virtues.  Unfortunately the family was not the nicest - lets just say Lillith Pleasant had nothing on this family - so it was quite comedic. 

btw I actually named my boys after virtues as well e.g. Fastbowler, Skuller etc  :P

Title: Re: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 February 18, 23:44:54
Do you find it is always the mean and nasty ones that are named Charity or Mercy?  Back in my pre BFBVFS hood I had one family that I named them after virtues.  Unfortunately the family was not the nicest - lets just say Lillith Pleasant had nothing on this family - so it was quite comedic.
I like the irony inherent in that. And Lilith Pleasant really is nothing compared to some of the sims in my neighborhood. Lilith was only mildly disagreeable. Some sims are downright dangerous hazardous to be around (*cough* BlueSoup *cough*).

Title: Re: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 19, 00:25:24
Some sims are downright dangerous hazardous to be around (*cough* BlueSoup *cough*).

Hey!  Sims are only as dangerous as their ruler lets makes them be. :P

Title: Re: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: gjam on 2006 February 19, 22:27:18
I tried having a tree theme for House of Fallen Trees once but had to give up after Ash & Rowan as I couldn't think of any others ;D

Tree names:

Fairly Common: Ash, Cherry, Cinnamon, Ebony, Elm (Elmer, Elmira), Hazel, Holly, Laurel, Linden, Magnolia, Myrtle, Olive, Palm (Palmer), Rowan, Sequoia, Willow

More Unusual: Acacia, Alder, Balsa, Beech (Beecher, Beecham), Birch, Cedar, Catalpa, Cork, Cypress, Gingko, Hawthorn, Hickory, Juniper, Kapok, Kauri, Mulberry, Oak

Title: Re: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: vilia on 2006 February 20, 09:34:14
Tree names:

Fairly Common: Ash, Cherry, Cinnamon, Ebony, Elm (Elmer, Elmira), Hazel, Holly, Laurel, Linden, Magnolia, Myrtle, Olive, Palm (Palmer), Rowan, Sequoia, Willow

More Unusual: Acacia, Alder, Balsa, Beech (Beecher, Beecham), Birch, Cedar, Catalpa, Cork, Cypress, Gingko, Hawthorn, Hickory, Juniper, Kapok, Kauri, Mulberry, Oak

You win! ;)

Title: Re: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: gjam on 2006 February 20, 14:42:20
You win! ;)

It's all your fault, you know!  When I get my new PC and start playing again, I'm going to have to make a Forrester family and give them all tree names.   :)   Maybe their neighbors will be the Woods family so all their kids can marry each other.

Title: Re: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: angelyne on 2006 February 20, 16:11:45
It's all your fault, you know!  When I get my new PC and start playing again, I'm going to have to make a Forrester family and give them all tree names.   :)   Maybe their neighbors will be the Woods family so all their kids can marry each other.

Hey that's great, I think i am gonna steal that idea :) 


Naming conventions can be fun to play with in TS2. At one point I had a fantasy neighborhood where I was planning for each entire generation to go by a different convention,

That's exactly what I am planning to do.  It provides inspiration for names and will also help me distinguish between generations.   I don't think I'll run out of names,  because I am keeping my generations small, to keep them manageable.

Title: Re: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: gjam on 2006 February 20, 16:47:30
Hey that's great, I think i am gonna steal that idea :) 


I love doing things with names.  I used to have a neighborhood where each generation had the same initial.  But now I think themes are more fun.

Title: Re: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: Renatus on 2006 February 20, 21:58:28

Naming conventions can be fun to play with in TS2. At one point I had a fantasy neighborhood where I was planning for each entire generation to go by a different convention,

That's exactly what I am planning to do.  It provides inspiration for names and will also help me distinguish between generations.   I don't think I'll run out of names,  because I am keeping my generations small, to keep them manageable.

I bet it'll work great, then. I was naming townie kids as well as my playables and ended up running out of ideas pretty fast.  ;D

Title: Re: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: vilia on 2006 February 20, 23:48:47
I was naming townie kids as well as my playables and ended up running out of ideas pretty fast.  ;D

Have you checked out the following website at all Renatus?

I try and give my townies 'normal names' and change the repeats or odd combinations the game comes up with and found this site quite handy

Title: Re: Inspiration for Tricou names
Post by: Renatus on 2006 February 21, 10:08:11
It's not hard for me to give them names when I don't go for a theme.  :D My regular custom neighborhood has (or had, I've been marrying them off to playables and need to make more) scads of custom made townies that I didn't have much trouble with for names - the hardest thing was finding enough surnames to match some of the ethnicities.

The fantasy neighborhood had a gemstone theme for the Gen 1 kids, townie and playable alike, and I ran out very fast. For naming schemes that are that limited I'll keep it in families, where a name set of 20-30 names will last me 'til the neighborhood blows up.