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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Verona on 2006 February 16, 04:43:31

Title: Maxi collection folders - Can I delete ALL of them
Post by: Verona on 2006 February 16, 04:43:31
Probably the stupid question of the month, but I want to make my own collections and ran out of icons.  The wastecan is there, but I worry about that "are you sure you want to delete this" question.

I want to delete ALL of Maxis folders and make my own. Is that all right to do? I'm assuming the icons will remain there for my use.

Title: Re: Maxi collection folders - Can I delete ALL of them
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 16, 04:45:12
Yep. I removed all the collections that Maxis made (purely an accident, but that happens) and I still had all the icons when I went to make a new collection, in-game.

Title: Re: Maxi collection folders - Can I delete ALL of them
Post by: TaWanda on 2006 February 16, 05:00:06
Funny, I was just thinking the same thing, I think. So I can go into my ea games/sims folder and delete the collections folder and I won't be tossing anything important? What about n009 thumbnails, ok to trash those too?

Title: Re: Maxi collection folders - Can I delete ALL of them
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 16, 10:04:16
Anything you download from 4ESF2 now comes with a collections folder of its own.  Perhaps more sites will get around to doing this - makes it so much easier to find things - you have the bed, but where the heck is the plant/picture/curtain etc.!  Although you may not want to have the complete set, you may, on the other hand just want one item from it, and it makes it so easy to find!

Title: Re: Maxi collection folders - Can I delete ALL of them
Post by: Inge on 2006 February 16, 11:48:56
Yes you can delete them all - I did!

Title: Re: Maxi collection folders - Can I delete ALL of them
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 16, 11:56:16
Yes, I'd agree there, and you shouldn't lose the icons - I just checked the icons folder within the collections folder, and the only icon there is the downloaded one from 4ESF2.  So the Maxis ones must be stored somewhere else.