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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Syera on 2006 February 14, 23:08:49

Title: "Always ask before opening this type of file" - ooooops...
Post by: Syera on 2006 February 14, 23:08:49
Basically, I managed to accidentally uncheck that box for .zip files.

How do I CHECK it again?  I'm running Windows 98.

Title: Re: "Always ask before opening this type of file" - ooooops...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 14, 23:31:59
Would you  need to go into the security part of the tools menu?

Title: Re: "Always ask before opening this type of file" - ooooops...
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 February 14, 23:34:29
Do you mean for online downloads? If you use firefox it's under tools>options. IE should be tools>internet options.

If you mean file associations, then it should be under Folder Options> file types, or something similiar to "folder options", under control panel. I'm using XP, but if I recall correctly I don't think the control panel has changed very much.

Title: Re: "Always ask before opening this type of file" - ooooops...
Post by: Sagana on 2006 February 14, 23:40:02
Ok, very mildly helpful - you'll still have to search. I'm a mac user and have messed up a PC this way. It's in the explorer menus, go through the control panels until you find the one that links the files with the kind of program that opens it (looks very similar to IEs helpers menu, file on one side, program that opens it on the other) and find a zip and unlink it from the program. The next time you open it, it'll ask you to choose an application to open it with. Do that (find the applications menu and the right application) and then it'll ask if you want the same program to open it every time (with the check box) and you can set the check box back the way you want. Hope you can find it from that, I can't remember exactly where the application links are.

Edit: I'm not on 98 anymore, which is why I can't check, but on XP the easiest way is to right click on a zip file and choos properties and there's a "change" next to the box that says open with and if you change it, you can choose the "always open" checkbox again. I know you can find the entire list in the control panels on 98, but I don't know if right-clicking and properties works or not.

Duh. I'm not very good at explaining things :)

Title: Re: "Always ask before opening this type of file" - ooooops...
Post by: Syera on 2006 February 15, 00:02:26
Hmm... I don't see anything to fix that back.

Basically, I'm running IE and now when I click on a link to a zip file, it automatically opens it instead of giving me the option to save it.  Very annoying.

Title: Re: "Always ask before opening this type of file" - ooooops...
Post by: LFox on 2006 February 15, 00:20:11
I'm not sure how to fix that but for now until someone says how you can right click and choose save as, that'll stop it from opening them.

Title: Re: "Always ask before opening this type of file" - ooooops...
Post by: brat on 2006 February 15, 00:27:57

Hope this will help.

Title: Re: "Always ask before opening this type of file" - ooooops...
Post by: Syera on 2006 February 15, 01:24:58
It helped.  :)

Thanks, Brat.  :)

Title: Re: "Always ask before opening this type of file" - ooooops...
Post by: brat on 2006 February 18, 12:30:09
You're very welcome.