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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: baratron on 2006 February 14, 02:22:36

Title: Clean Installer not installing properly
Post by: baratron on 2006 February 14, 02:22:36
OK, I've had an extremely stressful evening.

I made a sim me in BodyShop. For the benefit of the MATY downloaders, I moved her into an empty lot and played the game for 1 sim minute. Then I edited her job, interests and skill levels to be "correct", and packaged the lot. This is safe, because she hasn't met anyone at all, so can't possibly take any "ghost" (unlinked) copies of all the sims she ever knew, as that's no one. The contents of the .sims2pack are simply: a lotSegmentForUpload, a familySegmentForUpload, sim me, and sim me's everyday outfit.

To cut a very long story short, while CleanInstaller lists the contents of the .sims2pack correctly, it doesn't install the package properly. When the lot installs, it's an empty lot containing The Baratron Family, which is apparently 8 non-existent empty sims, all called SimName Moniker. WTF? I tried a whole bunch of things to fix it, right up to removing my entire Sims 2 folder and letting the game regenerate it. But the only thing that actually worked was... not letting CleanInstaller install the file, and instead forcing it to be Opened with the game's own installer! This has happily unpacked the occupied file with sim me intact!

Has anyone else had this problem before? I've never tried to package an occupied lot before because we all know that occupado = bad. But I thought CleanInstaller worked! ???

Title: Re: Clean Installer not installing properly
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 14, 15:29:35
Well, obviously not!  But if you had nothing in the game that was sinister in any way (ie vanilla, no hacks etc.), then I can't see that CleanInstaller is any advantage over the Maxis Installer.

Title: Re: Clean Installer not installing properly
Post by: angelyne on 2006 February 14, 15:51:12
Strange enough coincidence, I was trying that last night.  And I had the exact same problem as you.  Clean installer does not seem to be able to install occupied families correctly.

I finally tried with the native Sim installer and that worked....but only for 2 of my 3 families.  And none of my families had the custom content that was included in the file, although that's probably another problem.

Title: Re: Clean Installer not installing properly
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 February 14, 17:56:40
I've installed occupied lots with clean installer without problems, not that I do it much but it worked fine just recently when I moved a lot stuffed with sims from one hood to another (done properly so hood won't go boom from it)

Only once did I have it mess up(and that happened ages ago), it installed and the lot showed correctly in-game with the sim "appearing" to be on the lot, but on entering the lot the sim was nowhere to be found.  I think I got it to work after a couple trys.

Title: Re: Clean Installer not installing properly
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 14, 19:02:23
Maybe after a while Clean Installer gets overloaded with data.