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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Darkstormyeve on 2006 February 13, 03:32:43

Title: No Jealousy???
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2006 February 13, 03:32:43
Ok, another weird thing in my game of late - no jealousy.

No mod to that effect in my game but I did download Emma's apartment building, but having said that, some jealousy has occured since but with one of my couples, I even had them woo-hoo in front of the lover and nothing. Nothing.

Any clue?

Title: Re: No Jealousy???
Post by: Emma on 2006 February 13, 07:45:42
Well, I don't have the no jealousy hack in my game, so it isn't from me! :D Your sims must just be swingers ;)

Title: Re: No Jealousy???
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2006 February 13, 21:52:26
Yeah, I didn't think it was your lot Em. The only reason I mentioned it was because it was the last thing that I have downloaded for a few days. I am trying very hard to curb my download habit. It maybe that this particular house that I'm playing is corrupt as the food on the plates when they are eating never disappears. I will only have the option to "clean-up" after they have eaten but the picture of the plate is still full. Its a maxis house, the one next door to the Goth's. I think Witch is playing in it too at the moment with Cassandra Goth and the Mary-Sue.

Oh well, tonight I'll move the family out somewhere else and see how they go.

I seriously hate to dump on the Insim but as much as I love that machine, weird things have been happening in my game ever since. I have alot of hacks so maybe there is a conflict there that I should investigate.

Title: Re: No Jealousy???
Post by: Emma on 2006 February 13, 23:23:39
Well I hope you get it figured soon. ;) Sounds pretty screwy!

Title: Re: No Jealousy???
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 February 13, 23:27:22
It maybe that this particular house that I'm playing is corrupt as the food on the plates when they are eating never disappears. I will only have the option to "clean-up" after they have eaten but the picture of the plate is still full. Its a maxis house, the one next door to the Goth's. I think

Do you have any custom foods? I have noticed that some custom foods don't disappear when they are eaten. Is this happening Maxis food on their plate and is it lot specific?

Title: Re: No Jealousy???
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2006 February 14, 01:07:13
Hi simmie. No, I have never downloaded any custom food. I prefer to use my free computer space on clothes and hair. What is extra weird, is that it only happens on one side of the big/long maxis expensive dining table too. People eating on the oher side have their food disappear off their plates as per normal.

Goodness, the more I write the more I realise I gotta get those sims out of there!

Title: Re: No Jealousy???
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 14, 01:23:22
It must be a haunted house!  :)

Title: Re: No Jealousy???
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2006 February 14, 01:25:46
All I know is that it is freakin weird Rainbow! But funny you mention that because this is what the house is going to be known as in Pleasantville from now on, although sense tells me to just bulldoze the thing.

Title: Re: No Jealousy???
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2006 February 14, 01:30:54
Hang on, hang on, hang on.

Just reading the Mr Big thread and apparently the romance mod is functional and currently in the Directors Cut?????

Geez, I have the Director's Cut of course (who doesn't?) so maybe thats it!

Title: Re: No Jealousy???
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 14, 01:39:37
Yeah it is.  I actually thought of that, but I didn't think of mentioning it.  But I don't think that would cause the sims to be able to eat food from across the table.   :-\

Title: Re: No Jealousy???
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2006 February 14, 01:52:36
Yeah I know but fixing the jealousy thing is my priority at the moment. It was a real let down the other night when I had set up this scenario where Daniel DeVille was visiting his pregnant ex-wife (his baby of course!) and Brandi shows up, see's Autumns belly and guesses for herself who the father is. Brandi, who is shattered by the news then argues with Autumn. Autumn, feeling confident and triumpht lays a big smooch on Daniel as if to say "he's mine now Brandi!" and just when fights should be happening for young and old, Brandi grabs the newspaper and sits down to read.

I then command romanantic kiss, make out, leap into arms and finally woo-hoo with Brandi seated in the room and nothing! She's cool as a cucumber. Not good for my story. Not good at all. Especially when my imagination is so limited in story telling!

Title: Re: No Jealousy???
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 14, 02:06:37
Are they Romance sims?  Cuz the romance mod only turns off jealousy for Romance sims who have 15 or more total points in Nice, Outgoing, and Playful.  Otherwise, they and every other sim should get jealous as normal.  If you are talking about Brandi Broke, she is a Family sim and should be very jealous, unless you changed her aspiration or this is a different Brandi?

Title: Re: No Jealousy???
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2006 February 14, 02:28:25
Oh, I didn't know that Rainbow. No, I never play romance sims so I guess I'm back to square one.

Title: Re: No Jealousy???
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 14, 03:06:28
Sorry.  :(  I hope you can figure it out!