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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: SimsHost on 2005 August 08, 14:42:02

Title: Does Kissing Create The Plague
Post by: SimsHost on 2005 August 08, 14:42:02
Speaking of The Plague (which folks were, in the topic about death), does the game generate it from family kisses?

Twice now I've staged a family reunion where the sims spent a lot of time smooching each other, and both times, the flu spread like wildfire throughout the family.  These are the families I play the most so I'm sure that 100% of them were healthy before the reunion, and no outsiders were invited.

I'm developing a hunch that if your sim does family kisses with more than X other sims within time Y, that sim will develop the flu.

On the other hand, I've never seen the flu happen when the kisses really count, no matter how many partners the sim lip-locks in the same day.

Title: Re: Does Kissing Create The Plague
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 August 08, 15:23:01
IIRC, the way The Plague spreads is that periodically, a sim will drop an invisible "The Plague" tile. When another sim happens to touch the Plague Tile, contracts the Plague. This means that no specific social interaction promotes the spread of The Plague, it's simply a proximity effect. According to cursory examination, the firing rate of the plague tile spawner appears to be once per hour, at the same time you would receive the initial "So-and-so has The Plague" warnings.

Title: Re: Does Kissing Create The Plague
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 August 08, 15:27:11
That's roughly what Prima has to say on the subject. The reason that romantic interactions tend to spread Plagues is that (at least for me) an average smooching session lasts several interactions, and if it involves woohoo it almost certainly takes an hour. Anything that causes sims to spend a few hours in close proximity will spread the plague. So parties are a BAD idea with sick sims.

And I've had sims be sick without getting the little pop up for them, or otherwise knowing that they were plaguified. Parties tend to amplify this effect, since a large number of sims can get infected without your knowledge, if even one visitor is sick.

Title: Re: Does Kissing Create The Plague
Post by: SimsHost on 2005 August 08, 21:16:18
Thanks!  I get it.  It was the density of folks in close proximity for several sim hours, not necessarily their chosen method of showing affection for each other.  All it took was one healthy sim to drop the plague tile and then all flu broke loose.

Speaking of osculatory affection, would it be possible to create a hack so that guys don't kiss guys who are family members?  My real-life family is, indeed, a rather smoochie lot; but theres NoWayInHell that I'm going to kiss my brother.  Or father.  Or grandfather.  Or son.  Or male cousins.  Or uncles.

I play with Free Will turned on because I enjoy seeing what they'll do, but that's not Free Will; that's Free Weird.

Title: Re: Does Kissing Create The Plague
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 August 08, 21:45:42
Speaking of osculatory affection, would it be possible to create a hack so that guys don't kiss guys who are family members?  My real-life family is, indeed, a rather smoochie lot; but theres NoWayInHell that I'm going to kiss my brother.  Or father.  Or grandfather.  Or son.  Or male cousins.  Or uncles.
Yes, well, the sims apparently imitate Europeans in this regard. It's not really weird, it's just differently cultured. Hell, you want weird, the entire GAME is weird to me, but I was hardened against it from TS1. My family, my friends, we do *NONE* of those things that sims do. There's no appreciating, hand-slapping, kickybagging, hugging, or kissing. Instead, a proper greeting is to punch somebody in the stomach or kick him in the shins, then headbutt him. A good headbutting should create a resonant *CRACK* that scares the puny mortals, and when they look over concerned, we POINT AND LAUGH at them. That punch-you game is the closest thing that sims have to how we interact, and that one always ends with somebody hauling off and swinging and people getting all mad about it. Not in my family! We haul off and slug someone in the gut full force from the outset. The greeter is male, the greetee generally responds by kicking them in the nads. Otherwise you punch them in the face.

Title: Re: Does Kissing Create The Plague
Post by: nectere on 2005 August 08, 22:15:09
Apparently Uni is particularly tied to Euro customs since every so often now a Uni sim will greet her friends/family with a Euro kiss.

Title: Re: Does Kissing Create The Plague
Post by: Sandilou on 2005 August 08, 23:15:32
I thought that the flu epidemic was triggered through the outbreak of cockroaches.  Any of my sims that come into contact with them immediately get the pop up. 

In terms of catching the flu from others, your sim can get it from other sims while they are a non-active sim on a community lot or at another lot.  As soon as sims greet each other, the flu is passed on.

A prescription of isolation from other sims until full recovery for the whole neighbourhood, followed by a strong dose of no contact with townies seems to be the only way to keep it under some sort of control.

Title: Re: Does Kissing Create The Plague
Post by: Liss on 2005 August 08, 23:22:15
That must be a male thing.  I kiss my sisters, my neice, my daughter, used to kiss my mom when she was still around.  This doesn't seem wierd to me, but I guess I learned demonstrativeness (is that a word?) growing up with my mom, who came from a family of 6 sisters and 1 brother.

Title: Re: Does Kissing Create The Plague
Post by: SimsHost on 2005 August 09, 00:36:29
Apparently Uni is particularly tied to Euro customs since every so often now a Uni sim will greet her friends/family with a Euro kiss.

This must be in a European edition of the game.  In my game, no sim can kiss another non-relative without falling in love.

Liss, right.  Girls kiss each other.  Guys don't, unless they wear lavender underwear, which tells you something about the guys in Redwood City, eh?

Title: Re: Does Kissing Create The Plague
Post by: themaltesebippy on 2005 August 09, 02:08:42
Apparently Uni is particularly tied to Euro customs since every so often now a Uni sim will greet her friends/family with a Euro kiss.

This must be in a European edition of the game.  In my game, no sim can kiss another non-relative without falling in love.

They do this on their own, not by command.  I think it is stupid that a sim falls in love with another sim over a peck.

Title: Re: Does Kissing Create The Plague
Post by: SimsHost on 2005 August 09, 04:31:08
Apparently Uni is particularly tied to Euro customs since every so often now a Uni sim will greet her friends/family with a Euro kiss.

This must be in a European edition of the game.  In my game, no sim can kiss another non-relative without falling in love.

They do this on their own, not by command.  I think it is stupid that a sim falls in love with another sim over a peck.

I whole-heartedly agree.  If I fell in love with every woman who ever kissed me, I'd go bankupt the first time Valentine's day rolled around.

A guy can kiss his brother but not his friends.  That's weirdness.

Title: Re: Does Kissing Create The Plague
Post by: gali on 2005 August 09, 05:25:35
"I whole-heartedly agree.  If I fell in love with every woman who ever kissed me, I'd go bankupt the first time Valentine's day rolled around." (SimHost)


Title: Re: Does Kissing Create The Plague
Post by: baratron on 2005 August 10, 19:38:50
Apparently Uni is particularly tied to Euro customs since every so often now a Uni sim will greet her friends/family with a Euro kiss.

This must be in a European edition of the game.  In my game, no sim can kiss another non-relative without falling in love.

It's one of the Greetings. Young Adults & now Adults have a range of different greetings depending on how well they know the other person, and how Outgoing they are. You've probably seen the greeting that looks like a cross between jan-ken-pon (paper, scissors, stone) and high-fiving? Well, very Outgoing sims who know each other well will kiss each other on both cheeks. This is regardless of sexual orientation, and doesn't count as flirting.

I love it :D.

Title: Re: Does Kissing Create The Plague
Post by: SimsHost on 2005 August 10, 21:06:12
"I whole-heartedly agree.  If I fell in love with every woman who ever kissed me, I'd go bankupt the first time Valentine's day rolled around." (SimHost)


OKOKOK... next February 14, I'll send a dozen roses to each of them!  Let's see... roses at $50 per dozen times... um... oh, right... yeah, don't forget that party... or that one... hmmm... {MEMO TO SELF: Never again sing "Love Me Tender" at skiffy con.}  This is beginning to look like the gross national product of Lichtenstein!

So maybe cards... hmmm... check the Hallmark site... yikes!

Well, heck, there are always e-cards!  But then, I don't want to be a spammer.

Rats.  Is it gauche to sell advertising space on the back of Valentine's Day cards?

Title: Re: Does Kissing Create The Plague
Post by: gali on 2005 August 10, 21:10:47
LOL, SimHost - you always can use "motherlode"...:). I wish I could too...:).

Title: Re: Does Kissing Create The Plague
Post by: veilchen on 2005 August 10, 22:39:26
Rats.  Is it gauche to sell advertising space on the back of Valentine's Day cards?

Depends on what you're advertising :D


Title: Re: Does Kissing Create The Plague
Post by: SimsHost on 2005 August 11, 05:16:11
Depends on what you're advertising :D



Title: Re: Does Kissing Create The Plague
Post by: gali on 2005 August 11, 05:54:26
"OKOKOK... next February 14, I'll send a dozen roses to each of them!  Let's see... roses at $50 per dozen times... um... oh, right... yeah, don't forget that party... or that one... hmmm... {MEMO TO SELF: Never again sing "Love Me Tender" at skiffy con.}  This is beginning to look like the gross national product of Lichtenstein!

So maybe cards... hmmm... check the Hallmark site... yikes!

Well, heck, there are always e-cards!  But then, I don't want to be a spammer.

Rats.  Is it gauche to sell advertising space on the back of Valentine's Day cards?" (SimHost)

Wow! You have tremendous humoristic talant! I like it much more than the usual sarcasm going here...:). Why do you waste it on us? You can be exellend Stand-Upper...:).


Title: Re: Does Kissing Create The Plague
Post by: SimsHost on 2005 August 12, 02:07:03

Wow! You have tremendous humoristic talant! I like it much more than the usual sarcasm going here...:). Why do you waste it on us? You can be exellend Stand-Upper...:).

Thank you! It's very kind of you to say that!

Hmm... I've spent a lot of time standing up in front of viewgraph projectors in NASA conference rooms.  Does that count?  ;D

I'll admit that I'm sarcastically challenged, but I do try!  I had a great shot it at when I was in a television series called Future Fantastic produced by the BBC.  (You might have seen it.  Gillian Anderson is the host.)  But alas, all my attempts at humor hit the cutting room floor, so I just came off looking like some starry-eyed moon nut.  (But then, since I am a starry-eyed moon nut, that was not entirely inappropriate.) 

On the other hand, in another show called What Shall We Do With The Moon? (produced by TV 6 London, I think) I did manage to slip a few good ones past the the director's scissors while appearing to be a starry-eyed moon nut.