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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Sandilou on 2005 August 07, 23:30:42

Title: Is Death truly random?
Post by: Sandilou on 2005 August 07, 23:30:42
Today I experienced my first child death through poisoning.  This is in a house in my main neighbourhood that has had Death visit on each of the last  occasions that I have loaded it:
1. The mother died but the father successfully pleaded for her life.
2. The mother died of exhaustion, starvation and aspiration failure. No-one was available to plead for her.
3. The father died under similar circumstances to the mother, but was successfully saved from death.
4. The son died of food poisoning. His only red need was sleep.  No-one could successfully plead for him.

Over at the attached University town, there is a dorm where Death visited the last 2 times that I loaded it;
1. To get the Nanny who came to visit with an invited friend. (Hooray!)
2. A female student who died in the Ladies' toilet.  Sometimes the Toilet really does Use You.
The playable sim moved out to a Greek House and I haven't played that lot since.
So is Death truly random?

(There has only been one other death in my game; a Uni professor was between neighbourhoods when he collapsed and died at a Toga Party).

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: themaltesebippy on 2005 August 08, 00:10:22
No one ever dies of anything but old age in my town unless I smote them.  it's so boring!

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: DuckSpeak on 2005 August 08, 00:20:01
Doesn't it got to to totally with the sims' motives?
Otherwise from what I see poisoning will kill if not cured in a certain time period. :-X

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 08, 01:14:21
The only deaths I've had (other than townies I've decided to kill off, and whichever Pleasant twin annoyed me most) were Beau's wife in a previous game, when she was pregnant, but Beau pleaded for her successfully, and a new couple I'd only just started playing who got stuck in their pool car and I was still very ignorant about how to get them out!  Needless to say, on that occasion I didn't save, but it was funny to watch the Grim Reaper make use of their bathroom , and then go and watch their TV!

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: DuckSpeak on 2005 August 08, 01:28:26
Dying is quite hard I find. No one succesfully died other than those djhfoahdfsa named bots that I used as test subjects for throughly enjoying the different methods of killing.

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 August 08, 02:59:31
I've had quite a few.  Oddly enough, I currently have a nanny (Christina Despond) in a Greek house who came with an invited friend and is now stinking up the place and constantly falling asleep (standing-up) in front of toilets.  I lifted her up and stuck her in the garden last time I was in there so she could be a smelly statue.  She's a crap nanny so I am not taking pity on her and deleting her, she can stay there until the Reaper finally catches-up with her.  The same thing happened to Kendal Lawson (an even crapper nanny) a while ago and she's a nanny ghost now.  I just had a pregnant sim die of starvation tonight (took her too long to wander around serving the meal) but her partner successfully pleaded for her.  I also had a Sim die of starvation after spending all night playing the piano on the Goth lot, so she's provided them with yet another ghost.  My 'best' death was a bride who died of 'flu under the wedding arch seconds after taking her vows.  She was fine at the start of the wedding party, but I had her socialising with the auto-socialiser and as 7 or 8 of the 12 guests had the 'flu, she caught it several times.  Her new husband couldn't plead for her because he preferred to run out to get into the limo to go on honeymoon by himself.  When he came home he was so distraught, I got him to resurrect her.

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 August 08, 03:20:18
My 'best' death was a bride who died of 'flu under the wedding arch seconds after taking her vows.  She was fine at the start of the wedding party, but I had her socialising with the auto-socialiser and as 7 or 8 of the 12 guests had the 'flu, she caught it several times.  Her new husband couldn't plead for her because he preferred to run out to get into the limo to go on honeymoon by himself.  When he came home he was so distraught, I got him to resurrect her.
You shouldn't invite people who have the plague, and if a townie has the plague, he cannot be cured and must die. Furthermore, if somebody has the plague, you have to cure him before playing any other lots, or he'll start wandering around community lots and giving other people the plague.

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: PresentTense on 2005 August 08, 04:56:42
I've got a boring neighbourhood like themaltesebippy: mine dont ever die until old age unless i deliberately do something to make them die. Even when they do get sick they always recover.   

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 August 08, 06:01:01
You shouldn't invite people who have the plague, and if a townie has the plague, he cannot be cured and must die. Furthermore, if somebody has the plague, you have to cure him before playing any other lots, or he'll start wandering around community lots and giving other people the plague.
Well I know I shouldn't, but I like spreading the 'plague'.  Deaths just from old age are so BORING.  Anyway, nobody but the bride has ever died from the 'flu and practically everybody in Pleasantview has it.  They so like to share.

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: vecki on 2005 August 08, 06:08:24

Heh, I thought I had my first non-old age death on my hands when Adrian Le Gassey, he of the maxed out mechanical skills, got electrocuted repairing the dishwasher.  Was my first electrocution and I was quite disappointed that he didn't cark it.  He's one ugly bugger.

Oh well, I guess he'd had no practical experience in repairing.  All theory and no practice makes Adrian a (tries to think of a rhyme)... a (gives up) nerd.

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 08, 11:54:43
I've never had one die of electrocution - they just look like they've taken up chimney sweeping for a hobby!  In the original Sims1 they died of electrocution changing light bulbs.  In my very first game, when I was still playing the Newbies and learning the ropes, Bob called the electrician and he got electrocuted.  But he came back as a ghost so when you called the repairman in that game, the ghost came to repair you dishwasher or whatever!

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 August 08, 14:44:37
I've had quite a few.  Oddly enough, I currently have a nanny (Christina Despond) in a Greek house who came with an invited friend and is now stinking up the place and constantly falling asleep (standing-up) in front of toilets.  I lifted her up and stuck her in the garden last time I was in there so she could be a smelly statue.  She's a crap nanny so I am not taking pity on her and deleting her, she can stay there until the Reaper finally catches-up with her.  The same thing happened to Kendal Lawson (an even crapper nanny) a while ago and she's a nanny ghost now.

Now that is funny! I had to let Kendal die, as well. She was the first nanny I ever used, and it didn't take long for her to turn into a "stinking statue". In the kitchen! My sims would be eating their meals and gagging at the smell of her. If that wasn't bad enough, she was in her awful granny panties and bra. And if that wasn't bad enough, she is also prominently featured in my sim's birthday party photos, front and center, in all her green-fuming, granny panty glory, next to the cake. I couldn't dismiss her, so I did the next best thing (or the more fun thing). I walled her in and put every dirty dish I could find in with her. A ghost actually scared her to death. I was disappointed, as I was trying for a "death by flies".

The funniest death I've seen was a back-to-back death with the same sim. She was an elder whose needs were low. A ghost scared her to death, but Castor Nova saved her from the GR. Her needs were still low and the ghost immediately popped back up and scared her to death again. Once more, Castor came to her rescue and I had to quickly get her inside to replenish her needs. That was also the first time the GR used the toilet in my house. I don't think he even had time to leave from the first death!

Has anyone else gotten the "singles ad" for the GR pop up? 

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 August 08, 15:23:07
Yup. Gotten the singles add, the "Your sims would have wanted you to move more into the house," and "You weren't *trying* to kill them, were you?." Heh heh heh.

The main way the sims "die" in my current neighborhood is that if teens sneak out while hungry, they are likely to starve right after they come home, because apparently sims have nothing in the way of all night eateries. This is one reason why I'd like to have NL: I can actually control them on dates, so they don't DIE! Gah. And I had a plague that claimed or almost claimed the lives of a handful of sims. I didn't realize that anyone had it until they started keeling over, and at this point basically everyone had it so I had to quarantine everyone and go about stomping it out. Rather tedious, because apparently sims don't get immunities to things once they had them, so they just kept passing it back and forth. Now I don't save when someone has any sort of disease that I know about. I still miss things occasionally, but I haven't had an uber-plague since then.

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: SJActress on 2005 August 08, 15:40:58
My Sims never die...I'm too damn nice to them, I think.
I do remember though, in Sims1, I made a great family with two little boys.  I just picked a BUNCH of toys for them and put them in the playroom.  One of the toys was the rocket.  I had no idea what power that thing possessed.
Long story short, it became a great family with ONE little boy!  :(

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 August 08, 15:44:30
Have you ever gotten the message that sounds like an actual singles ad, though? I almost fell out of my chair when I got it. Something like "likes long walks in the park"...not those words, but that kind of message. I've also gotten the "sims 2 is a life simulator and you're trying to kill them all" one.

I'm looking forward to the restaurants as well, too, so my sims can stay on the lots a little longer. Takes long enough to load, might as well stay awhile. Oh, sure, I've built some really extravagant 5 star fancy-shmancy restaurants in my game, but you've gotta cook your own weiners.

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: gali on 2005 August 08, 16:48:16
Lol, I got once the "Sims2 is LIFE simulator" - that was when I tested JM's Death fix, to see if the dead leave a herritance.
I  killed Pollination and Jenny (the only time that I killed a sim at all), to see to whom they spread their herritance - and just when I was going to exit without save, I got that message. It worked quite a lot on my conscience...:).

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 08, 18:40:29
I've never got the message!

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 August 08, 21:22:58
Now that is funny! I had to let Kendal die, as well. She was the first nanny I ever used, and it didn't take long for her to turn into a "stinking statue". In the kitchen! My sims would be eating their meals and gagging at the smell of her. If that wasn't bad enough, she was in her awful granny panties and bra. And if that wasn't bad enough, she is also prominently featured in my sim's birthday party photos, front and center, in all her green-fuming, granny panty glory, next to the cake. I couldn't dismiss her, so I did the next best thing (or the more fun thing). I walled her in and put every dirty dish I could find in with her. A ghost actually scared her to death. I was disappointed, as I was trying for a "death by flies".
I laughed so much at this (it was the "awful granny panties and bra" that finished me off) that my 13-year-old daughter (she age-transitioned last month) came over to see what all the fuss was about.  She started laughing at the exact same point. It's something about the word "panties".  Anyway, it's given me an idea.  I think I will try to get the game to create 8 nannies and put them all in one house, then leave them to see which 3 last the longest, then they can be the official nannies.  Sort of a Nanny Survivor thing.

One thing I've found out about these nannies.  If at any time you make them selectable, they can no longer be dismissed and I would say that's also what stops them leaving.  I noticed that the last nanny I had just stood outside the bathroom door rocking (and, of course, blocking the entrance), even though her carpool was waiting (this is the action that led to poor Kendal's demise).  I'd made her selectable earlier (how else was I going to get her to see to the screaming, stinking baby instead of constantly cleaning-up when the maid was in the house anyway?) and the only way I could get her to 'come to' and go get in the car was to make her selectable again, then lift her up and stick her in the middle of the road.

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 August 08, 21:32:19
If you're talking about the Merolian mirror, my theory is that when you make them selectable, it changes their persontype to 0x104:0x00  (Resident), but when you change it back, they become 0x104:0x01 (Visitor), ungreeted, instead of 0x104:0x02 (NPC). Visitors who are not greeted and don't self-greet themselves fail the portal tests on doors, so are unable to leave.

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: kaarinah on 2005 August 08, 21:34:41
I too had nannies staying after having made them selectable. Once I kept the nanny selectable all day and noticed that now and then the action "Bail autonomy" would pop up in her queue. I kept her selected until the last moment and cancelled that every time it popped up and she left normally.

However, I never tested if she would stay unless I cancelled it. I have never seen that action except then, since then I have always had someone home with the kids.

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 August 08, 21:57:08
[ It's something about the word "panties". 

I think it's the poetic beauty of "granny panties".

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 August 08, 22:12:30
I'm going to have to request that this line of discussion be terminated, as this is not MTS2!

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: nectere on 2005 August 08, 22:29:35
I found out the hard way to NEVER select the headmaster with the mirror...everything will progress as normal, you will have a great ending score (well above 90 or whatever), then he will shake your hand at the appropriate time and tell you that he isn't impressed. No private school for you!

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 August 09, 00:02:10
I'm going to have to request that this line of discussion be terminated, as this is not MTS2!

Do granny panties offend you?

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 August 09, 00:52:45
If you're talking about the Merolian mirror,
Well I do use that when I need to find out where a visitor is and what they're doing, but when I can see them I just click on them and then click to make them selectable, using something unmentionable on this site.  It does have the same effect, though.  I can make an ungreeted visitor selectable, then when they're unselectable again they can still be greeted.  Somehow with nannies whatever you use seems to affect them adversely.  Probably something to do with their panties.

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 09, 01:42:31
Have you tried going into SimPE and making the nammies all very nice, extremely outgoing but incredibly sloppy - then maybe they won't be so keen on cleaning up?

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: vecki on 2005 August 09, 01:56:32
I don't know if the Sloppy thing's broken or what, but since University, EVERYBODY, whether sloppy/neat or somewhere in between, will automonously wash the dishes!  Rather annoying when you have a line up at the dishwasher, or four sims washing their individual plates at various sinks around the house.  Of course, this begs the question why I don't remove the sinks seeing as sims don't brush their teeth, and handwashing provides such a mini hygiene boost as to be worthless...

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 August 09, 13:35:18
True, the only thing they're good for is bathing babies, and if you get Cemre's baby bath, they don't use it for dishwashing!

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 August 09, 18:22:09
I've just had another random death.  I went into the lot lived in by Ricky Cormier, Marion Almasizzadeh (where does THAT name come from?!) and their daughter and as soon as I got in there he was standing naked next to the mailbox choking to death.  I know what caused it, it was the fact that he recovered from the 'flu while having his wicked way with some woman on another lot (serves him right).  Oddly enough, Marion got the same message a little later while she was having her wicked way on another lot, but as she was asleep when I went back to her lot, she escaped death.  I've had this message quite a few times, but this is the first time anyone died.  For some reason, his daughter wasn't able to plead with the Reaper and Marion was at work, so I decided to let him die rather than teleport someone in.  They weren't married and Marion had about 10 other men she was in love with, so she is now living with an old guy not far off popping his clogs.  Just as well I had the friendly social worker hack, or the kid would have been taken.  I suppose this is why they can't plead with the Reaper, because Maxis would rather they were taken away and get total amnesia just because their remaining parent isn't due home for another hour or so and the 3 visiting adults on the lot aren't capable of babysitting.

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: Sandilou on 2005 August 09, 18:52:51
That reminds me - Ricky Cormier died in my game as well, thanks to JM's murderous In Russia The Toilet Uses You - sims really do die waiting to go!

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 August 09, 20:38:01
That reminds me - Ricky Cormier died in my game as well, thanks to JM's murderous In Russia The Toilet Uses You - sims really do die waiting to go!
Yes, I've heard about that.  Mine are always been told to queue when they don't actually need to go, often when they've just BEEN.  I had a pregnant Sim kept being forced back into the toilet when her bladder and hygiene had both just been dealt with, but her hunger level was dangerously low.  By the time she'd made and served a meal, she dropped dead of starvation before she could eat it. Luckily, her boyfriend was able to reason with the Reaper.  I am now removing all toilet paper from lots with pregnant Sims on them!

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 August 09, 22:14:26
Yes, I've heard about that.  Mine are always been told to queue when they don't actually need to go, often when they've just BEEN.  I had a pregnant Sim kept being forced back into the toilet when her bladder and hygiene had both just been dealt with, but her hunger level was dangerously low.  By the time she'd made and served a meal, she dropped dead of starvation before she could eat it. Luckily, her boyfriend was able to reason with the Reaper.  I am now removing all toilet paper from lots with pregnant Sims on them!
It used to be a little more twitchy than it is now. Formerly it would consider 80 bladder worth peeing, and the problem with high-drain sims is that they'd lose more than 20 points of bladder while showering. The current version lowers this to a much lower 60.

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: veilchen on 2005 August 09, 22:29:40
It used to be a little more twitchy than it is now. Formerly it would consider 80 bladder worth peeing, and the problem with high-drain sims is that they'd lose more than 20 points of bladder while showering. The current version lowers this to a much lower 60.

I have the newer version; works like a charm.


Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 August 10, 15:45:03
It's still sort of twitchy. I've had sims keel over in the bathroom (got stuck, not sure how) and when I send a second sim in to plead, the first thing the second sim does is insist on using the bathroom. Had two sims die on account of this "must use bathroom! I'll plead later!" thing. Now I immediately switch into buy mode and get rid of it if I need someone to plead in the bathroom, then put it back when they're finished.

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 August 10, 16:08:12
It's still sort of twitchy. I've had sims keel over in the bathroom (got stuck, not sure how) and when I send a second sim in to plead, the first thing the second sim does is insist on using the bathroom. Had two sims die on account of this "must use bathroom! I'll plead later!" thing. Now I immediately switch into buy mode and get rid of it if I need someone to plead in the bathroom, then put it back when they're finished.
I dunno why somebody would get stuck and actually keel over in the bathroom, given that if you give a handmove order and X out the controller, the controller will not override the move order that is queued after. Or why your sim is "stuck". What kind of bathroom did you make?

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: sasha on 2005 August 10, 20:35:26
I am not really sure what happened all I know is I loaded my game, my girl climbed out of bed fell on the floor and died.  I was in total shock so I just quit the game with out saving.  Reloaded the game and she fell and the floor and died again.  She didn't have the flu, her needs weren't lethal.
Which I was watching for this time and I was able to have her wife plead for her life and she was saved.

My other death was the maid that Dan Pleasant got caught sleeping with, died in the Pleansant's backyard.  Dan got caught moved out the same day.  Mary-Sue kept the house and I notice maid just wandering around but she wasn't cleaning anything.  I couldn't fire her actually i couln't ineract with her at all.  She would pass out in the yard but use the bathroom and take a shower.  If I "served" food she would eat.  So I just made sure that all food was put up she died from starvation and I told a nice little story all about it.

My only exciting deaths/close calls everyone else has died of ripe old age, well I had the one preganant starvation death and I just let ole Cass Goth die.

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: gali on 2005 August 10, 20:59:58
sasha, the first death showed a hack uncompatible with Uni. You have to scan your Downloads folder with the Clean Installer (link to it you can find on the main page of Mod the Sims 2), and begin to remove all red-marked lines (except these of JM and two-jeffs). If you have the old version of the InSimenator, it may be the cause, and you have to download the new version.
Watch out - it can happen in the college too - suddenly mysterious death.

Kayliyin was accepted to "hand out" with Daniel, that's why she didn't leave. You had to delete her with moveobjects on. Well, if she is dead now, it's OK.

Title: Re: Is Death truly random?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 August 10, 22:50:02
I am not really sure what happened all I know is I loaded my game, my girl climbed out of bed fell on the floor and died.  I was in total shock so I just quit the game with out saving.  Reloaded the game and she fell and the floor and died again.  She didn't have the flu, her needs weren't lethal.
Which I was watching for this time and I was able to have her wife plead for her life and she was saved
Well, you know, people die.