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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Ancient Sim on 2006 February 09, 05:48:14

Title: Jealousy Question (featuring Sim Brynne)
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 February 09, 05:48:14
Interesting scenario in my game tonight on the Caliente lot.  Brynne is Don Lothario's latest conquest (no woo-hooing yet, they're just in lerve) and she just happened to meander past his house 20 minutes before Nina was due home from work.  Being the shy type (ahem), she engaged Don in a game of red hands followed by a quick tickle.  At this point, Nina arrived home from work, got out of her car and stood on the driveway.  Dion, Don & Nina's son, ran out to give her the usual welcome home hug.  At the same time, Don grabbed Brynne and gave her a passionate smooch.  Nina totally ignored this and simply walked past them to go inside for a shower (they'd separated by the time she reached them), but Dion "cried softly", lost at least 20 daily relationship points towards his father and went -20 for Brynne (this improved to -4 very quickly because Brynne started telling him jokes and generally trying to wheedle her way into his affections while Don was otherwise occupied answering various phone calls from other lovers).

If Dion was aware of this smooch, Nina must have been too, so I am assuming she wasn't bothered because she's also Romance and they're not in a committed relationship.  I don't have the Romance Mod installed, so this is all coming from the game.  I've had other Romance Sims go nuts in similar situations when they haven't even been living with their Romance Sim lovers who've been carrying-on in their presence, let alone had a kid with them, so what determines whether they will be jealous or not? 

Title: Re: Jealousy Question (featuring Sim Brynne)
Post by: Regina on 2006 February 09, 06:02:33
Hmmm.  Interesting.  I had a guy Romance sim just dating another Romance sim (she was a waitress at the local cafe) and he went to that cafe with another date and the waitress got really ticked at him.

Title: Re: Jealousy Question (featuring Sim Brynne)
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 February 09, 06:08:02
I've had a couple of sims that ignored everything up to and sometimes including the first woo-hoo affair and then others go bonkers with just a wolf whistle. (I also don't have a romance mod.) One romance sim took his mistress up to the second floor and woohooed while the wife and kids were downstairs eating dinner. Nobody noticed. A couple of days later - same routine - this time the wife runs up stairs and has the fit.  ???

Title: Re: Jealousy Question (featuring Sim Brynne)
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 February 09, 06:21:19
Maybe it's because Nina is so wrapped up in herself or something.  She doesn't even get annoyed with the mess Don makes in the shower except once in a blue moon, she just calmly cleans it up, sometimes when he's still in the thing.  I was sort of disappointed really, I was going to have Don move out when she caught them at it, so she could change to Knowledge and spend the rest of her life making eyes at her precious telescope.  It's basically all she thinks about (apart from cleaning up after Don).

I suppose it might have been because the night before she and Don had woo-hooed in the hot-tub and a smooch seemed pale in comparison, but that seems a little too sophisticated for this game somehow.

Title: Re: Jealousy Question (featuring Sim Brynne)
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 February 09, 06:30:23
Could simply be proximity, perhaps Nina was too far away to perceive the jealousy emitter, or managed to edge just past the pulses. Sims can only perceive emitters at certain points in their cycle, and emitters only send out "Look at me!" pulses every few ticks, so if your sim manages to be busy, they can only detect the emitter from the "Look at me!" pulses, and if they skate between them, they miss it.

Title: Re: Jealousy Question (featuring Sim Brynne)
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 February 09, 10:01:33
I had this  happen to me before as well (also no romance mod or any other mod that would effect it)  The offending sims were on the very edge of the lot, on the sidewalk making out, while the female sim's partner was hanging out with friends further down the lot. 

I've often noticed that sims standing on the sidewalk will not "notice" that they are being cheated on.  One of my sims Fira..the female version of Don Lothario  managed to make out & flirt with other sims right in front of her mail man lover while he was delivering mail outside.  He did not seem to care until he stopped and stepped up on the actual lot.

Title: Re: Jealousy Question (featuring Sim Brynne)
Post by: diamonde on 2006 February 09, 11:02:08
I've often noticed that sims standing on the sidewalk will not "notice" that they are being cheated on.

Mine do, or at least two of them do.  I had a romance sim that was aiming for a 'woohoo 20 sims' LTW who got slapped silly by walkbys twice a few days apart.  Nina and a townie both ran all the way from the portal to the back of the house to bitchslap my sim for kissing someone else.  He had to get a bit more discreet.

Title: Re: Jealousy Question (featuring Sim Brynne)
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 09, 12:05:58
I apologize on behalf of my self-sim for upsetting Dion.
Dina shmina.
Wanna hear a dirty joke? Did you hear the one about a goldfish, a factory and an x-ed out schoolbus?  ;D

Title: Re: Jealousy Question (featuring Sim Brynne)
Post by: Sagana on 2006 February 09, 12:09:17
You're doing that jump up and down, clap your hands, oh boy you get to tell a dirty joke thing, aren't you?

Title: Re: Jealousy Question (featuring Sim Brynne)
Post by: Lythdan on 2006 February 09, 12:23:27
I had a similar situation today. Due to the inter-relatedness of my 'hood, random people spazz at random people cheating (Okay, so they're actually related...hey, my cousin-I've-never-met is your husband!) Anyway, today I had a romance sim smooching people to get them in love with her, her mother walked in in one of these passionate smooches (with her brother in law, no less)...and she walked straight pass it. Great, observant woman she is.

Title: Re: Jealousy Question (featuring Sim Brynne)
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 09, 12:24:32
I've often noticed that sims standing on the sidewalk will not "notice" that they are being cheated on.

Mine do, or at least two of them do.  I had a romance sim that was aiming for a 'woohoo 20 sims' LTW who got slapped silly by walkbys twice a few days apart.  Nina and a townie both ran all the way from the portal to the back of the house to bitchslap my sim for kissing someone else.  He had to get a bit more discreet.

When Cassandra cheated on Beau with Daniel Pleasant Beau was clipping hedges at the edge of the lot.  Cass arrived home from work, bringing Daniel with her, and proceeded to kiss him and make out (autonomously I might add, plus she was the initiator not Daniel) and Beau rushed across and proceeded to beat the crap out of Daniel!   Beau was knowledge in that installation, but I didn't change either Daniel or Cass, so since Cass is Family, who are randier, Family sims or romance sims?   And why did poor Daniel get the blame?

Title: Re: Jealousy Question (featuring Sim Brynne)
Post by: akatonbo on 2006 February 09, 13:16:05
I managed to have a Sim sleep peacefully in her bed on the same floor while her husband was woohooing with his mistress. Made for some great pictures for storytelling -- there she is sleeping cutely, the other side of the bed empty and unmade, while her husband is in bed with someone he met because SHE brought the bint home from work one day. ;)

Title: Re: Jealousy Question (featuring Sim Brynne)
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 09, 13:18:18
Well, serves her right for bringing these darned ugly townies home in the first place!

Title: Re: Jealousy Question (featuring Sim Brynne)
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 09, 23:26:47
I have an old set of pics where the girlfriend of one of my YAs (at the time) walked into the oresha clam chowder house (whatever!!!) and did not notice her boyfriend was on the couch with another girl in his lap. She even sat down next to them! Once he kissed her, though, the girlfriend sprang up and slapped Zachary silly. He went to class a little miffed with her.


Title: Re: Jealousy Question (featuring Sim Brynne)
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 10, 00:36:52
Serves him right! ;D

Title: Re: Jealousy Question (featuring Sim Brynne)
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 10, 01:53:35
Well, he's a romance sim and that was pre-Romance mod. Poor guy was having a rough time at Uni.  ;D


Title: Re: Jealousy Question (featuring Sim Brynne)
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 February 10, 05:07:16
Hmm ... how come he was having a rough time?  He's not exactly rough to look at, is he.  Whose son is that one, then?

Title: Re: Jealousy Question (featuring Sim Brynne)
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 10, 05:37:33
 Zachary (the poor sim in the picture) is the grandson of Joe and Brandi Broke. He is Bradley's son. Bradley is Justin's half-brother and son of Joe and Brandi. I need a chart for this.
He's not bad, no. Not at all. But he's funny. I had to change his aspiration to Popularity, and he's faring much better, now.

Title: Re: Jealousy Question (featuring Sim Brynne)
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 10, 08:47:59
Maybe he just wasn't ready to settle down!  and if his LTW was the woohoo or 20 lovers at once, then perhaps he should have lived alone with a double bed, a hot tub and a changing booth!

Title: Re: Jealousy Question (featuring Sim Brynne)
Post by: Lalaith on 2006 March 25, 03:57:56

I'm really curious as to how exactly jealousy is supposed to work in-game. My goal is to be able to have polyamorous households, but at the same time, I'd still like my family sims in committed relationships to flip out when they catch their signifacant others cheating.

I've got Casual Romance and the Romance given those, how will jealousy conceivably work in-game?

Title: Re: Jealousy Question (featuring Sim Brynne)
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 March 27, 07:05:44
Brynne, that sim is pretty good looking. If I am you, I'll give him that 20 lovers! :D

Title: Re: Jealousy Question (featuring Sim Brynne)
Post by: KnightSkyKyte on 2006 March 29, 06:03:55
This jealousy thing IS weird...

AND Another stupid sim thing:

The husband of a cheating sim is actually CONGRATULATING his cheating spouse! I know he is, because the talking bubble with the number 2 comes up (for 2 loves at once) and he is patting his other half on the shoulder! Shouldn't he be slapping his spouse silly instead???

Title: Re: Jealousy Question (featuring Sim Brynne)
Post by: Process Denied on 2006 March 29, 16:43:22
I had a sim ask another sim(townie) on a date while they were at the Han's trap door place and her other lover walked in so I thought it was weird that he didn't freak cause they were on an official date,so I spawned the InSIminator and turned off jealousy.  Well, they do everything, they public woohoo--her lover goes to applaud.  The date ends and she goes on shopping in a few minutes,  the date walkes over to make out with her and the Diva walked in and went psycho(she had flirted with him a long time ago and had a pink heart with him).  So,apparantly the no jealousy didn't take and her other lover just didn't care.  He was also a romance sim.  I had Nina walk on a lot while Don was getting out of the car while he was on a date--he hadn't done anything yet--and Nina slapped him.  In my game,they are happily married.  They both had 20 woohoos before they married so they don't cheat on each other with dates,but other lovers tend to grab them a lot.