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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: PlayLives on 2006 February 08, 23:34:15

Title: Moving tombstones
Post by: PlayLives on 2006 February 08, 23:34:15
I know this information is somewhere but I don't have the time to look..
How do you move a tombstone from one residential lot to another.
I have a sim that is in Univ and when he graduates I want him to move to a new house, but his grandma's tombstone is still at his old house. Do I have to move him back into his old house first or is there some other way.


Title: Re: Moving tombstones
Post by: vecki on 2006 February 08, 23:53:05
My guess is yes, if you want to take it to a new residential lot.  He'll have to move back in, put the tombstone in his inventory, then move out to his new home.

The automagically moving tombstones only works when you're sending them to a community lot.

/me waits for someone to tell her how it can actually be done with mind control or something

Title: Re: Moving tombstones
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 09, 02:18:12
Does anyone else live in the lot?  If so, you could just use the transporter to get him to the lot, and the Mind Control Mirror so you can put the tombstone in his inventory.

Title: Re: Moving tombstones
Post by: PlayLives on 2006 February 09, 02:21:45
Right now, no one lives on the lot.

Title: Re: Moving tombstones
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 09, 02:31:06
Well, you could always move another family in, which would save your sim from having to buy the house back and then lose money moving out again, and then maybe not being able to afford the house you want him to have!

Title: Re: Moving tombstones
Post by: buddha pest on 2006 February 09, 06:38:42
I thought if everyone moved off a lot, the tombstones/urns there disappeared.

Title: Re: Moving tombstones
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 February 09, 10:04:23
^^I thought so as well, unless everyone on the lot died leaving it living sim-less.

Title: Re: Moving tombstones
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 09, 10:19:09
Well, I assumed from the original post that the sim had lived with his gran, he had gone to college, after which she died - leaving her tombstone or urn plus all the furniture in the house.  If he moved back in, the house would be just as she left it, with the addition of the urn/tombstone.  Personally, I'd just move him back into the house and that would be that, but you could move any sim you want into the house and then move the tombstone by the method I described.  You could also get the new owners to move the tombstone to a community cemetery, and then the grandson could visit the cemetery, and mourn his granny there!  I'm not sure if he can put her into his inventory at a community lot as I never tried it, but it might be possible.

Title: Re: Moving tombstones
Post by: C.S. on 2006 February 09, 10:20:47
Maybe s/he used Inge's stay things shrub? Or it works differently if the last one on the lot was a teen who had been sent to college with that tool in the Uni neighbourhood? I'd be interested to know. I've never had the last sim on the lot abandon the house.

Title: Re: Moving tombstones
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 09, 10:43:32
Well, before NL, you could certainly send a sim to college and leave the lot empty, if his family had already moved out an left him alone.  dunno about after NL though.  But the annoying thing is, it's still the sim's family home, and if someone was still living there, he could just move back in after graduating, but since the old gran has died and only her ghost remains, that doesn't count, and as no member of his family (or any other) still lives there, he would have to buy the house all over again.  But if another sim buys the house, he can be teleported in just to collect the tombstone, and this won't mean the new family are suddenly the richer by 20,000 simoleons!

Title: Re: Moving tombstones
Post by: C.S. on 2006 February 09, 10:53:19
"leave the lot empty", as in everything is gone, sold for simoleans? And the soon-to-be YA takes it with him on top of any existing scholarships? Or everything just plain disappeared without the money?

Title: Re: Moving tombstones
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 09, 11:00:26
When Dorian Durham's father and uncle moved out, he was left alone in the family house.  He went to college.  The house was empty of sims, but the furniture remained.  He took only his scholarships with him.  When he graduated, he could not just move back into the family home.  That was when I only had Uni, so I don't know whether NL has changed this.  But in order for Dorian to move back into the family home, he would have had to buy it.

Title: Re: Moving tombstones
Post by: C.S. on 2006 February 09, 11:10:27
I see. Huh! Buy back the old family home he moved out of, which probably costs more than 20k.... Reminds me of RL, one never really owns the house :P.

Title: Re: Moving tombstones
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 February 09, 11:14:40
You could give the family 10,000 and spawn the grim reaper phone and bring them back to life, then when you get to the new lot kill them with the testing cheats. :P

Title: Re: Moving tombstones
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 09, 11:17:59
Why go to all that bother when all you have to do is get him onto the lot with the teleporter - just needs someone to be living there, is all.  Use the mirror to click onto him so you can put the tombstone in his inventory, then just teleport him out again.

Title: Re: Moving tombstones
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 09, 12:19:33
ZZ's idea sounds like a good one.  Another thing that might work is using the Lot Debugger to respawn the tombstone.  I haven't gotten to try this yet, but JM says if you can somehow teleport the dead sim onto the lot (he doesn't say how, but I am assuming the teleporter shrub or the tombstone or L&D or something similar), you can make the sim selectable and then click the Lot Debugger to respawn their tombstone.  I would assume you could then delete the original one from the other lot.  You need to enable testing cheats also to use this command.  Here is the description of this feature:

XXI. RESPAWN TOMBSTONE (debug mode only) (experimental) (NL)
     Regenerates a tombstone for a dead sim. Note that the dead sim must be
     the selected sim, which means you must spawn him somehow, then make
     him selectable and choose this command.

Here's a link to the thread:

Title: Re: Moving tombstones
Post by: PlayLives on 2006 February 09, 16:53:42
In the case with this sim, his granny died while he was still a teen (he lived in the house alone). I then sent him to college (via screen menu not by phone). He only took his scholarships with him, nothing in the house was sold. The tombstone is still there. So now when he graduates, I wanted to move him to another house, but didn't know how to get the tombstone to take with him. I guess what I will try to do is move him back to the house first. That way he can collect the tombstone and get the money from the selling of the house, then move him to a new place.

I have another case where they grandpa died while his grandkids are at university. I'm not able to click on his tombstone to send to the cemetary since no one lives there. That house is kind of spooky though. The grim reaper stayed for a while watching tv and then left the front door open. I will have to move one of the grandkids back in to move the tombstone to the cemetary.

Title: Re: Moving tombstones
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2006 February 09, 18:45:01
I'm not sure if he can put her into his inventory at a community lot as I never tried it, but it might be possible.

Yup - tombstones can be tossed in one's  inventory on community lots and moved.

Title: Re: Moving tombstones
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 09, 19:00:10
Well, in that case, it makes it easier, you can just move a new family in, get one of them to move the tombstone (and unless they have a Knowledge sim amongst them, they will probably be happier without it) and then the grandson can just go to the cemetery and collect it!

Title: Re: Moving tombstones
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 09, 19:50:16
One thing that makes ghosts angry is when another family moves into the house who isn't related to the ghost.  So I'm sure they will be very glad to get rid of her!  But as for the graduate moving back into the family home, as has been pointed out before, the graduate may not have the simoleans needed to buy it.  I don't know if you are using JM's 's no 20k handout hack, but even if you aren't, the house is most likely worth more than 20k with furnishings.

Title: Re: Moving tombstones
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 09, 19:56:53
Well, some houses never seem to reach that amount - they devalue so quickly after the original family moves in and if they don't earn enough to buy good stuff, the house soon becomes very cheap!

Title: Re: Moving tombstones
Post by: PlayLives on 2006 February 09, 20:43:13
The house isn't worth that much. it is very small with basic furnishings (a single elder raising her grandson can't afford that much). Anyway, if all else fails, I can just have a new family move it to the cemetary and have him put it in his inventory as was already suggested. I may have to do this with the other elder that died also.
