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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: cyphirsofchaos on 2006 February 07, 22:11:24

Title: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: cyphirsofchaos on 2006 February 07, 22:11:24
Hey.. I made some custom sims in pleasantview and they were all in one family to save time. I went into simpe and severed their relationsions and made them all cool and stuf fwhatever u kno modded them up and when i went back to pleasantview i accidently delted them from the sims bin!! ahh
i tried using simpe to get them into other famlies and i tried boolproping them back but they arent available in the bool prop thingy and when i put them in other fams in simpe it jsut crashes those fams..they dont ever load they remain in the waiting screen for hours!!
so is there a way to restore my deleted simmies..I tried to use the sims surgery tool to extrac them but they arent available in the extract menu prolly because they are considered "unlinked" and "no charactor file". so how can i go about creating these sims again if i ant them to look the same without starting from scratch?? is there a way to extrct them? or restore the orinals?

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: nectere on 2006 February 07, 22:23:34

I think the answer is no, but I can't tell because...uhm, you seem to speaking a foreign language or something. Perhaps if you rewrite your post in English, or even a translatable langue known to humans here on earth I might be able to help you more?

Or perhaps some of the more highly involved intelligent people here can help you…

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 February 07, 22:40:55
I enlisted the help of my 13-year-old daughter to decipher this - she saw nothing wrong with it (HUGE SIGH) but as she doesn't really know anything about the game, she can't help.  Anyway, as far as I can make out, shouldn't the Sims be available in CAS to re-use at will? 

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 07, 22:41:08
I'm with nectere on this one - the answer is no, you'll have to start from scratch, especially considering you seemed to have tried everything else without success.  Did you look in the Sim bin to see if they were there? I don't know if they will be, but at least you can check before you create the family all over again.

Also, English is a fine language, you oughtta try it sometime.  ;)

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: angelyne on 2006 February 07, 23:54:09
It make perfect sense to me.   What does that say about me lol.  Oh well I least I talk in complete sentences.  Most of the time.  If you ignore the typos.

And yeah, my guess is that your sims are gone.  I checked in SimPE and looked for a character I had deleted from the Sim Bin.  His character file is there, but it seems abbreviated, most of the information missing from his file.

So you are SOL I think.

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 08, 00:19:36
Why not simply clone them, re-create them in CAS  and then edit them to what you want again?  It sounds as though, even if they are appearing in the bin, that they are unlinked and this is why they get stuck in the loading screen.

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: nectere on 2006 February 08, 00:36:57
Hey.. I made some custom sims in pleasantview and they were all in one family to save time. I went into simpe and severed their relationsions and made them all cool and stuf fwhatever u kno modded them up and when i went back to pleasantview i accidently delted them from the sims bin!! ahh
i tried using simpe to get them into other famlies and i tried boolproping them back but they arent available in the bool prop thingy and when i put them in other fams in simpe it jsut crashes those fams..they dont ever load they remain in the waiting screen for hours!!
so is there a way to restore my deleted simmies..I tried to use the sims surgery tool to extrac them but they arent available in the extract menu prolly because they are considered "unlinked" and "no charactor file". so how can i go about creating these sims again if i ant them to look the same without starting from scratch?? is there a way to extrct them? or restore the orinals?

Lemme see if I can take another whack at this since I am home now

1) You made some sims, modded them with SimPe, accidentally deleted them from the sim bin.
answer: They are gone, kaput, finished, deleted...move on
2) You tried to use SimPe to get them into other families after you deleted them, and it didn't work.
answer: They are gone, kaput, finished, deleted...move on
3) You tried using bool prop (testing cheats I assume) to summon them and they aren't available in the testing cheats menu of available family members.
answer: They are gone, kaput, finished, deleted...move on
4) You tried putting them into other families with SimPe after you deleted them and it crashes the families.
answer: They are gone, kaput, finished, deleted...move on
5) You said something about families not loading and the loading screen just sitting there for hours, I assume this is related to point #4.
answer: They are gone, kaput, finished, deleted...move on
6) You tried to use the sim surgery tool in SimPe to extract them but they aren't available in the extract menu because they are "unlinked" and have "no character file".
answer: Yep, no character file, as in they are gone, kaput, finished, deleted....move on
7) How can I go about recreating these sims again if I want them to look the same without starting from scratch? Is there a way to extract them? Or to restore the originals?
answer: see above or more simply put, the answer is still no.

You tried all the right things and it didn't work, when you delete a character they become unlinked forever more as far as I am aware. There is no way to restore them. Perhaps if you have some pictures of them in your storytelling folder, of if they were originally created in Bodyshop you can recreate them either by bringing them into CAS from Bodyshop or recreating them from pictures, if not, then you can only recreate them from memory, yours not thiers.

Thats all I've got.

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 08, 00:46:10
I think Nectere has probably said it all (having understood your post better than I did!).  However, if you backed everything up BEFORE you messed around with them and then accidentally deleted them, then you could still clone them - you would obviously have to swop the present neighbourhood folder for the back up and then load that into SimPE.

However, no back-up - no sims!  This is why you get the option in SimPE to back up before you start messing around!

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: nectere on 2006 February 08, 00:53:21
Hey Zeph is on to something, my SimPe is set by default to back up, I never turned it off, I suspect that it is this way for everyone.

Go look in your character folder for some files that end in .bak, or for your neighborhood file that ends in .bak If you have either of those you can simply delete the corresponding file that ends in .package and rename the .bak file to end in .package

But I suspect we already scared you off, or you were a hit and run poster in which case you will never read this.

Ah well...points and laughs anyway.

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 08, 01:01:54
Always wondered about those .bak files (not the ones in the characters folder, but the enormous ones in the Neighbourhood folder).  Can these be deleted if they are simply SimPE back-ups?  (I know the ones in characters can - I do it frequently).

But it's useful to know that they can be used for something!

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: cyphirsofchaos on 2006 February 08, 01:03:19
Firstly, I don't understand how you guys can go about saying that I'm speaking a foreign language. No word rules/formations in other languages I know are even remotely similar to the words I used? Excuse my typos. Jeez. Can we just ignore the jargon and misspellings and fix the problem if you really do not have an answer why would you even bother replying? thats silly. when people just go oh thats odd gee that never happened to me i dont know the way to fix it.  sorry
well thankyou for your fine help anyway.
But, I believe youz'all  kinda misunderstood. Except the ZephyrZodiac i think he/she had it kinda.. anyway


I use SimPe alot to mess with the sims. Blah blah I made a bunch of sims in CAS, and they went into the Homless Sims Bin.
I accidently deleted them. Dead sims in the latest SIMpe show up like with a blue screen etc, Deleted Sims with "Unlinked" or "No charactor file" show up red i believe. So they are all red. first I tried boolproping them into the Burb's family that didn't work. Then I tried the Resurrect-o-nom, and I made the person who used it "Know everyone", that didnt work. They didn't show up in the list of dead sims probably because they did not die. Then I tried moving them into other families, in SimPe, I moved them into the Oldie's family. When I tried loading the Oldies every consecutive time, They just were in infinite load screen you know "Loading the Oldies." The deleted sims appeared on that load screen standing with the Oldies. But No, they do not show up in my CAS bin, or in Bodyshop's bin, or in the Homless Sims bin.
My next attempt was to try and use Sims Surgery in Simpe to export them into Body Shop. For those of you who don't know this heres what it does:

That's the tool you use to extract a sim's aesthetic appearence into BodyShop to tweak. Lets say you think Kalylynn Langerak is ugly as sin, looks like a man, bushy eyebrows, what have you... you can export her via the Sim Surgery tool, and it saves her file in the same format as one would have in BodyShop. You save her to "Saved Sims", and shell show up in BodyShop or CAS. Then you make a new sim in CAS using her as the base, tweak her to the desired appearance whatever, (the personality,aspiration,etc doesnt matter as only the appearance is what's changed), and you name her something like "Kaly2 New". Leave her in the homeless sims bin and exit. Then go back into SiMpe's Surgery tool, take the real Kalylynn "use" her face as the before face, and Kaly2 as the after face. The real Kalylynn will now LOOK like the kaly2 when you save. and you can delete kaly2 because she is just a useless look-alike.

THIS IS WHAT I TRIED TO DO NEXT. Except, the deleted sims do not show up in the list of sims to choose from to export for surgey probably because they are unlinked etc. So i can't do that.
Next step was to try to Clone them in SIMpe but they still show up with the red backround meaning they are still deleted sims.
NEXT i tried using the extract sim option in SIMpe but i noticed the file format is different from that of the sims in the "Charactors" folder or "Saved Sims" folder, and I was simply wondering if saving with this file format would still work or not? will the sim show up in BOdyshop/CAS under this format? has anyone tried it and what's the outcome? I realised i porbably can't get the ACTUAL sims back, so i figured theres some way to make a clone, or export their looks into bodyshop so I don't have to start from scratch.

Is that clearer? I apoligize if I wasn't before. anyway, so now that I've been completely thorough with you English Buffs, will you please offer some knowledgable advice? And please don't if you don't know it's irritating to have mail saying I have replies when they are just people criticizing my use of conversational english, or telling me they "Don't know" that's alittle silly agreed?
I'm not trying to be a jerk, I just would prefer not to have to sort through answers that arent exactly answers. see?
Thankyou'z guys again.

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: nectere on 2006 February 08, 01:05:56
uh I did?

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 08, 01:12:04
I find it hard to understand why cloning shouldn't work - I've cloned ghosts with no problems such as you describe.  Even where the file is only 25KB, basically if the face and dna are there, then they can be cloned, at least that's what I found.  Only thing that springs to mind now is, which version of SimPE are you using, and are you using the new interface or the classic.  If you're using the new interface, why not try the classic, there are definitely differences in how they work.

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 08, 01:13:46
I think everyone has answered your question, although it may not be the answer you wanted to hear.  No need to be so rude about us asking you to please make yourself clearer, since the first post was a mess of "jargon" as you call it.

Nectere was pretty thorough about saying that the Sims were gone, and since it seems you already tried everything to get them back, it seems you are Shit Outta Luck with getting the Sims back without just making them from scratch all over again.

Is that clear enough for you?

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: cyphirsofchaos on 2006 February 08, 01:17:05
by the way with those .bak files.. DO they work when you change the format back to package etc? and if I messed with them alot before does it keep saving over the orginal back file or what because since i tried so many times now, it might have made alternate back files or copied over you kno?
I find it hard to understand why cloning shouldn't work - I've cloned ghosts with no problems such as you describe.  Even where the file is only 25KB, basically if the face and dna are there, then they can be cloned, at least that's what I found.  Only thing that springs to mind now is, which version of SimPE are you using, and are you using the new interface or the classic.  If you're using the new interface, why not try the classic, there are definitely differences in how they work.
yeah and thats a good idea, i had the old one.. now i have like one of the later copies.. not the latest i dont know which it is. is there a way to change from classic or new etc within the program or do i have to redownload the old one.
even if i do this, when i save the extracted file where do i save it to the "saved sims" folder or what?
AND does it save under the same format as the other sims in there, or..a diff one like the new simpe, and if it is diff does it matter? will it still show up.
its supposed to show in CAS/bodyshop yes?

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: cyphirsofchaos on 2006 February 08, 01:19:58
and as i did say....i wasn't trying to be a jerk. I wasn't attempting to be rude. I was being funny. It is some of you who were alittle rough around the edges. But as you can see I still havent gotten to the bottom of this, and i dont think they are gone because Zeph keeps offering new ideas. Thankyou Zeph. I will try once you get back to my last question. above^

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: nectere on 2006 February 08, 01:21:30
gah, you cant clone a character that has no charcater data.

As far as the .bak files you would simply change the extension from .bak to .package, but it wont let you do that until you delete the same .package file (the one that is messed up and that you are replacing)

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: cyphirsofchaos on 2006 February 08, 01:23:21
gah, you cant clone a character that has no charcater data.

As far as the .bak files you would simply change the extension from .bak to .package, but it wont let you do that until you delete the same .package file (the one that is messed up and that you are replacing)

thankyou for not being sore about this. i do apoligize for sounding mean. I'm going out now, upon my return I shall try all this and let you guys know. thanks again.

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 08, 01:25:06
Just go into your program files, open the simPE folder and you should find the icon for SimPE Classic.  Right click it, click on Create shortcut, then stick the shortcut on your desktop.  You can then choose either the new or the classic version - but if you decide to change, make sure the first one has completely closed downbefore you load the second.

Since the .bak files have never left your Characters folder (if they are in fact there) I can't see why changing them to the original file number shouldn't work.  Once you move a file out, you can't move it back again, it becomes unlinked somehow, but since these have never left, it's at least worth a try (but Back up everything first!)

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 08, 02:01:09
If some of us seem rough around the edges, it's because we are constantly having to deal with people who type messages that are hard to understand using BBS-speak such as the kids on the official BBS.  Of course we all make mistakes and typos at times, but it is the responsibility of the poster asking for help to make his/her request as clear and understandable as possible to enable people to help him/her in the best way possible.  We are all only human.  I think I got the general idea of what happened, but it was difficult to read through the slang and misused and misspelled words.  It may not be what you want to hear, and it may work on the BBS or sites like it, but most of us who hang out here have learned to appreciate a higher caliber of English usage.  Thus, the comments about using "English."

As for your question, I am sorry to say that once you deleted those sims from the sim bin, their character data was destroyed.  Meaning their facial structure, etc., are gone.  So any attempts you made after that point were doomed to failure.  So unless you have a backup, then you are SOL as Blue said.  Your only hope at this point is to restore those .bak files as Nectere described, unless you happen to have made a backup before you started.  I know this isn't what you want to hear either, but that's how it is.

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 08, 02:17:23
And I just checked on what Nectere said about cloning being impossible for unlinked sims - Hero Monty is unlinked,, and her file is only 25 or so KB, and even though I tried everything to put back her memories etc., when you open simSurgery she just isn't there.  Ghosts who have tombstones are there, also ghosts without tombstones but Hero Monty just isn't there at all.  (I imagine that Maxis deliberately deleted her after her death but left the unuseable file in situ.)  So, although Antonio was able to resurrect his brother, he couldn't resurrect his wife!  Pity, but he's go a new lady-friend now......

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: nectere on 2006 February 08, 02:33:36
I didnt say unlinked Zeph, I said no character data, there is a huge difference. Unlinked sims you can relink, but if they have lost their character data also they are simply placeholders now. Junk files...or, serve as a purpose to keep memories in tact if anyone knew them.

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 08, 02:42:42
I see what you mean, I get confused with which are which, especially at 2.00 am!  Still, I had wanted to revive Hero Monty, and that's really why I checked it out.  (Just thought it would make an interesting little scenario if she could be got to turn up again now Antonio's finally found someone else!)

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: cyphirsofchaos on 2006 February 08, 04:21:39
aight guys im not home yet so i havent tested out anything new but SIMSAMPLE from the modthesims2 forums offered this little peice of info for me which i will also look into. seems tedious though. its how to change sims' dna coding.

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 08, 07:45:24
Erm, I'm getting a 404 Not Found error with that link.   ???

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 08, 07:48:53
With the topic ID code, I found it was a link to this thread by Baratron (, about Strangetown DNA.

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 08, 09:38:50
Thanks for this link!  I'd completely missed the thread, and since I have Johnny and Ophelia as a couple at Uni it would have caused real problems if I'd graduated them and they'd married and had kids!  But I've tried and tried to save the Web Page for future reference, and I just can't seem to do it!  However, I'll keep trying, and in the meantime I'll just bookmark the page.

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 08, 09:45:37
It's in the Peasantry, and there aren't a lot of threads there right now, so that helps me since I tend to lose track of all my bookmarks. :)

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 08, 09:57:04
Oh, I've got all my Forum bookmarks separate from download sites (which I've now sorted into three folders!) and I don't bookmark many pages apart from the main page, so it's easy enough to find, but I like to be able to save pages onto a notepad doc so I can refer to them without going on the web.  Just annoying that I couldn't save this - and if I just print it, I'll file it away somewhere and never find it again!

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 08, 09:58:14
What sort of problem are you having?  Are you trying to copy and paste, or use the browser's Save As function?

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 08, 10:05:25
Tried both, but no luck!

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 08, 10:10:26
I just tried saving the printable version as an html file and as a text file.  If you want, I could email them to you.

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 08, 10:17:52
That would be great, Rainbow.  I don't seem to get any options, just Save As - I think maybe it's a firewall problem as I never used to have this problem with saving web pages!  I'll PM you with my email address, and thanks.

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 08, 10:26:06
No prob, it should be on the way now.

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 08, 10:31:02
Thanks Rainbow - all arrived safely and are fine.  So I can add them to my little store of useful snippets!

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 08, 12:12:44

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: angelyne on 2006 February 08, 19:30:33
And to confirm this to yourself ZZ, open a deleted sims character file and you will see it's shredded,   Most of the information is missing from it. It's only a placeholder, as Nectere said.

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 08, 22:02:16
Yes, for example, they will not have DNA or the Wants&Fears resources.  Ghosts should have this intact, because their character data gets shredded when you delete their tombstone (unless you have JM's fix for that).

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 09, 01:23:57
Well, since I never ever delete sims from the bin, I have no way of checking, so I'll take your word for it!  But since Hero Monty apparently has a lot of this info, what exactly did they do to HER?  I think they must have killed her somehow in the house the family were living in (wherever it was! but since Antonio doesn't have the full 20,000 simoleons, one assumes they were living in a house and moved out before the value reached that amount again), then when Antonio and the kids moved out, the tombstone or urn would have been sold with the contents of the house.  And since they didn't have JM's fix in their game, nasty things happened to her file!

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 09, 04:54:42
With Maxis, there is no telling what they did.  Besides, the value of the house wouldn't mean much because they have all kinds of tools to create and edit data that we don't even have access to, so they could have given them any amount of money they wanted to.  And I think Jordi made a good point about them setting up a lot of this stuff in an earlier version of the game, and all sorts of data got left hanging around.

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: vilia on 2006 February 09, 05:32:46
I'm confused now.  Hero Monty should have no data right? Yet when I open up her DNA I'm getting data.  What prevents her getting resurrected? Is it that it doesn't know what she looks like? ???

DNa - homogenous
Eye 32dee745-b6ce-419f-9e86-ae93802d2682
FacialFeature nose,brow,cheek,jaw,
Hair 00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Skintone 00000003-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Skinrange 00000003-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

Wants to be friends with Benedick Monty, meet someone new, buy a bar, buy a stereo.
Fears getting fat, death of Antonio & being rejected.

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: cyphirsofchaos on 2006 February 09, 07:23:50
Well though this thread has gotten off topic a bit I solved the problem finally.

dunno where u guys get the time but for me here its like 2am and I finally had a chance to try some things out, an hour ago. so heres how it all went down:

Nectere and Zeph you guys were right the first time about the .bak files.. I deleted the orginal files, changed the .bak formats to .package and wa-lah! My sims that i deleted were back to how i first had them before tweakings. Which is ok. woo.. to make sure it worked, i went into the game and boolproped them into a family, and it worked they showed up in the boolprop movei n menu! Thanks a bunch! I hope this thread taught us all a tiny something. I knew there was a way i jsut needed some advice. I think you's all came up with every possible answer and finally..someone had it right.

Goodnight guys.
 This thread can be closed or whatever i dont know how that works. but yeah.. problem solved!

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 09, 08:01:21
I'm glad it all worked out for you.

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 09, 10:13:37
When Antonio called the Grim Reaper, the only sim he had the option to resurrect was Claudio, none of the other Monty ghosts or dead sims were on his list to resurrect.  I think Claudio should be able to resurrect Silvia, but I haven't tried that.  But normally resurrectable ghosts have files that are bigger than 26KB!

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: vilia on 2006 February 09, 10:32:53
I checked Silvia in SimPe and she is shown as no character files & unlinked...if you work out how to do it, please post as I would be very interested.  I'm intrigued by Hero Monty now though so I've decided to create an identical sim but call her Hera as & marry her off to Antonio.

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 09, 10:48:17
Well, I tried to clone her, but she doesn't appear in the list, so the only option would be to create one as much like her as you can - of course, since her dna etc is shown, you could edit that.  You can also, of course, make sure this new version is the one known to Antonio, Beatrice, Benedick and every other sim who has memories of her - a long job, but at the end of it, the twins would (sort of) have their mother back!

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: vilia on 2006 February 09, 13:43:19
I went ahead and created my Hera who funnily enough looked suspiciously like Hero (and had all of her characteristics & interests). I plonked her into the same house as Antonio and his kids so they would have a higher base relationship and...disaster struck.  Antonio is a cancer sim & Hera/o was aries.  They were mutually repelled by each other.  I'll have to get in and alter the zodiacs so they have a chance. I won't bother re-creating the relationships & memories for Hera - too much work.

I'm getting a feeling that Maxis may not have thought about zodiac signs too much when they were doing the pre-stories (unless it was deliberate) as none of the couples seem to get on or even be attracted to each other.  Take Romeo & Juliette or even Hermia & Puck/Mercutio for example - I couldn't get any of these couples to have a bolt of interest in each other.  Romeo & Juliette is one of the greatest love stories ever and unfortunately, Juliette has taken up with Mercutio & Romeo has fell in love with one of his professors (one of the elder ones).  I did end up having Hermia & Puck get together but only by tweaking Hermia's personality.

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 09, 13:53:40
In my game, one of my CAS teens who was also romance took one look at Juliette and made a dead set for her!  After that, Romeo didn't get a look in!  and Mercutio is doing very well at Uni with his girlfriend, the eldest daughter of Albany and Goneril!

Is Silvia's tombstone still at the Monty Ranch?  If so, you could try to resurrect her.  It works for Claudio.

I also resurrected Juliette, Hermia and Tybalt's parents and that worked well, she moved out and took her kids with her, did an excellent job of spurring them on to be more ambitious and hard-sorking and got them all off to college before finally persuading Caliban to move in with her.  And consort .... Moved him to a new house, as I can't stand the one he was in, and he's all alone now, rattling around in a mansion!

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: vilia on 2006 February 09, 23:02:01
Is Silvia's tombstone still at the Monty Ranch?  If so, you could try to resurrect her.  It works for Claudio.

I also resurrected Juliette, Hermia and Tybalt's parents and that worked well, she moved out and took her kids with her, did an excellent job of spurring them on to be more ambitious and hard-sorking and got them all off to college before finally persuading Caliban to move in with her.  And consort .... Moved him to a new house, as I can't stand the one he was in, and he's all alone now, rattling around in a mansion!

I'm rather enjoying this resurrecting thing so I'll give Cordelia, Claudio & Caliban a shot. I don't think Silvia has a gravestone - I'll check. 

As for Consort - he hooked up with the maid.  Contessa looks a little too scary for me lol.

Title: Re: restoring deleted sims?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 10, 00:33:54
Not half as scary as Consort looked after I had him use the surgery table!