More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Assmitten on 2006 February 07, 02:41:16

Title: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: Assmitten on 2006 February 07, 02:41:16
So, I know from a search that they've been obliquely referenced on other threads, but I was wondering if anyone has heard any more about "Glamour" or "Family Fun?" It sounds better than holidays already.

It's referenced on Snooty Sims, January 30:

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 February 07, 02:51:19
well on their poll it says

- April 26: Family Fun: New objects, home design options, and outfits for family life for kids and parents.
- June 21: Glamour: Signature home furnishings, design, and wardrobe items to live the luxurious life of the rich & famous.

thats the most I've read about them  :(

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 February 07, 02:57:03
More Awesome Than You does not deal in Maxian lies and propaganda.

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: Paperbladder on 2006 February 07, 02:59:43
There's not much more than that, except they have that you can pre-order both on an australian site.  Also, if they keep the price they listed there, It'll end up being roughly $23.

Then again, this is just propoganda like OFB after all.

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 07, 03:29:27
It's not worth $23 to me.  That's almost as much as the regular EPs cost in the US.  I can get Uni or NL for $30 each from with free shipping.  There isn't enough content to justify spending that much money on them, in my opinion.

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 February 07, 04:08:12
Wait and see what they come with before you bash them! Family Fun looks good, I need more maxis meshes for the kiddies. :)

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: KellyQ on 2006 February 07, 05:28:09
I didn't see any "bashing", I only saw opinions. ;D
Oh and thanks for the link, Assmitten, that was the first I had heard about it.

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 February 07, 07:26:59
This is the first I've heard of these as well.

Overall I just wish that they would NOT do these and stick to regular EP's.

Either way... I'll let other poor smucks buy them first and report back on them before I throw away my hard earned money.
The Glamour pack *could* be interesting if they put a lot of high priced items for sims with money to burn.

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: Jorenne on 2006 February 07, 10:09:30
Well, I shall probably have them fairly soon after they come out.  My ex seems to think keeping me supplied in Sim products as soon as they're on the market is part of the divorce settlement or something.

So I will let him buy them for me and let y'all know how they turn out  ;D

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: Gwill on 2006 February 07, 10:14:54
Well, I shall probably have them fairly soon after they come out.  My ex seems to think keeping me supplied in Sim products as soon as they're on the market is part of the divorce settlement or something.

I need to get an ex like that.

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: flowerchile on 2006 February 07, 10:36:59
More Awesome Than You does not deal in Maxian lies and propaganda.
Mr Paper is on to you JM.  I also seem to remember you saying and I quote, "I point out that there is NO SUCH PRODUCT that these people claim to have pictures from".  OFB Spoiler.   ;D

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 07, 11:57:47
Well, I shall probably have them fairly soon after they come out.  My ex seems to think keeping me supplied in Sim products as soon as they're on the market is part of the divorce settlement or something.
I need to get an ex like that.
You're telling me!  I couldn't even get him to buy Sims stuff for me when we were still married...something about me spending more time with them than him.   ::)

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: angelyne on 2006 February 07, 13:50:13
You're telling me!  I couldn't even get him to buy Sims stuff for me when we were still married...something about me spending more time with them than him.   ::)

Oh I hear that all the time too.  I'm not divorced yet, though <cross fingers>.  But now I found the solution.  We turned our TV room into an office for him, so now he takes his work home from work.  (he's in the middle of a really really really busy project).  Ok , so now there is no TV, but who needs a tv when you got TS2 :)

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: Gwill on 2006 February 07, 14:02:47
You're telling me!  I couldn't even get him to buy Sims stuff for me when we were still married...something about me spending more time with them than him.   ::)

That's when you should point to his Sim and say "What are you talking about? We just whoohooed for the third time today and we had a long wonderful convesation about aliens and elephants over dinner!"

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: radiophonic on 2006 February 07, 14:30:30
That's when you should point to his Sim and say "What are you talking about? We just whoohooed for the third time today and we had a long wonderful convesation about aliens and elephants over dinner!"

And he points back and says: "That's because those Sims don't play The Sims"

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 07, 20:36:11
And he points out that "his" sim is really not him at all...just a bunch of pixels on a screen...and he got no satisfaction from it at all!   ::)

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: Taz on 2006 February 08, 00:56:14
You're telling me!  I couldn't even get him to buy Sims stuff for me when we were still married...something about me spending more time with them than him.   ::)

Perhaps if he had smustled a bit more. "A couple who smustle together, hustle together."  ;)

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2006 February 08, 01:22:22
I have never heard of these mini expansion thingo's, but I am a total sucker for anything sims, although I wouldn't go so far as to wear a "The Sims 2" t-shirt, but yes, I will probably buy these things as soon as they appear on the EB shelves here in Australia.

My hubby has given up. He just shakes his head and walks off when he see's me playing. What I do love though is my toddler who now says "Play simmies mummy?". She will sit on my lap and ask me to make them do certain things. I think this is why hubbie has given up. Plus dinner guests always want to see these "sims" that my husband refers too when discussing my interests. We often all end up in the study with our glasses of wine and me explaining who Don Lothario is and his relationship to Cassandra, Nina and Dina etc etc. It can take a few hours sometimes!

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: Zeljka on 2006 February 08, 04:38:36
hmm, mine just comes home with snide comments like 'the new guy at work said his kids used to like the Sims but they discovered the money cheats and got bored with them... and they're only 8 and 10'    where I come back and say 'sure they've discovered the cheats, but they haven't discovered the mods...'

then again, he also heads me into the computer room when he wants control of the tv (which is 98% of his home after work time)

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: cabelle on 2006 February 08, 04:45:02
then again, he also heads me into the computer room when he wants control of the tv (which is 98% of his home after work time)

Exactly why my hubby doesn't make a rucus about my sims anymore. He now gets pretty much full control of the TV and can watch any game he wants. It helps too that my husband finally has his own laptop so he can get in his computer time. Not to mention also how playing sims is a stress reliever for me and we all know that a happy mom means a happy household. ;D

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: Swiftgold on 2006 February 08, 22:43:43
Definitely interested in the family one. As it is, growing Sims up has gotten really kind of boring now that there's tons of macros and things to help out. I remember how hard it was with my first set of twins and a single mother - by now I wouldn't break a sweat and I don't have the baby controller :P I've never grown a Sim up early yet because of boredom, but some are tempting me. Anything new for kids would be great. And damn, I haven't seen zits on my teens since before Uni!

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: wishy-washy on 2006 February 08, 22:52:21
In Canada I can get an EP for $29.99. (Canadian) If it costs me $23 American that's more than an EP. There's no way that I'd buy any booster packs. I wish I could. I really want more family items. And there aren't nearly enough outrageously expensive items for rich sims to spend their excess cash on. Oh, well.

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 08, 23:03:01
Where in Canada can you get an EP for only $29.99?  I've never been able to find it for less than $34.95, and more often, it's $39.95.

I didn't "buy" the Holiday pack, and I can't see buying any future booster packs, unless it included a whole lot of stuff that I just can't live without.

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: Marg on 2006 February 08, 23:23:43

 What BlueSoup said.      I am in Canada and I paid $39.95 for the last one.    Unless of course you get a bithday gift from EA and buy through the online store to preorder.   

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 08, 23:25:36
I've never gotten a birthday gift from EA.  >:(  Bastards.

Even when Treynutz exposed the mysteries behind the point of the official BBS ranks with his BBS Supreme Social Sim pack thread, I got that and *still* didn't get anything.  ;)

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: flowerchile on 2006 February 08, 23:29:53
Birthday gift?  I got a free Cheat code when I registered my game and I felt SPECIAL.   

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: LFox on 2006 February 08, 23:35:02
I'm not stupid enough to buy their crummy little packs for 20 bucks especially after the hell i heard about the xmas one.  Tree's combusting, little singing snowmen screwing up and santa giving coal?  Hah think of them as bug packs, there's not enough bugs in the game so they want to add more.  Also you can count on the fact that no bugs will be patched for these things and they won't be updated so they'll become obsolete with expansions and become useless.  Just like their items they released remember the cool alienware computer?  Not Uni compatible.

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: Sagana on 2006 February 08, 23:46:18
I'll end up buying that family one if there's anything good in it at all, because I'm a total wimp for kid stuff. Even when I'm trying to wean off downloading or (<gasp>) just not interested in dling anything else right now, if my mouse strays across something for infants, toddlers or often kids, I must have it. I probably have 50 useless stuffed animals in my game (stuffed cow, stuffed frog, dolls etc.) and rocking horses that don't rock and swings that don't swing and even just plain decorative stuff. I can't help myself.

(I've totally resisted the holiday pack tho... I should get something off for that one)

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: Paperbladder on 2006 February 09, 00:19:09
I don't even think I'll install the Holiday Party Pack the next time I have to reinstall because it adds so much junk that I'll never use.  These "Glamour" and "Family" packs would be a little more useful, but seeing how much times people complain about Maxian clothing I doubt the "Glamour" one will sell that well.  The "Family" one might sell a little better, but I don't see much content they'll actually add with a "donation" pack.

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: PlaidSquirrel on 2006 February 09, 00:29:28
I want fireworks. Didn't the holiday pack have fireworks?
I'm going to have to replace my base game disk anyway since I lost it. Had to borrow my dads disk when I needed to install on my new computer. Guess I'll get all the holiday stuff with that.

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: cabelle on 2006 February 09, 00:32:12
I'm not stupid enough to buy their crummy little packs for 20 bucks especially after the hell i heard about the xmas one.  Tree's combusting, little singing snowmen screwing up and santa giving coal?  Hah think of them as bug packs, there's not enough bugs in the game so they want to add more.  Also you can count on the fact that no bugs will be patched for these things and they won't be updated so they'll become obsolete with expansions and become useless.  Just like their items they released remember the cool alienware computer?  Not Uni compatible.

Yeah, but you've got to admit the combustable tree was hilarious. Someone here had an avatar of the flaming tree in the background with Santa doing the "ho, ho, ho" bit in the forefront. Cracked me up every time I saw it. I was so tempted to ask that person if I could use the picture to print my own holiday cards. Except I knew if I sent them out my relatives would be certain I'd finally gone over the edge. ;)

Family Fun and Glamour sound cool but I'm not going to worry about it until more info is out.

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: Paperbladder on 2006 February 09, 00:42:46
Yes, the Holiday Pack had fireworks.  I don't use them all that often though.

I never had the tree explode in my game, but that picture was pretty hilarious.  I don't make any stories but I believe storymakers would have more use for the Holiday Pack than I would.

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 February 09, 04:33:38
Yeah, but you've got to admit the combustable tree was hilarious. Someone here had an avatar of the flaming tree in the background with Santa doing the "ho, ho, ho" bit in the forefront. Cracked me up every time I saw it. I was so tempted to ask that person if I could use the picture to print my own holiday cards. Except I knew if I sent them out my relatives would be certain I'd finally gone over the edge. ;)
Oh, hell yes. Go for it. Where is that avatar, BTW? I should get Bippy to make one for me for this year's Christmas Special.

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: cabelle on 2006 February 09, 04:41:27
Found the post here ( by Twiki. Still love that photo. :D

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: wishy-washy on 2006 February 09, 06:15:42
Where in Canada can you get an EP for only $29.99?  I've never been able to find it for less than $34.95, and more often, it's $39.95.

I didn't "buy" the Holiday pack, and I can't see buying any future booster packs, unless it included a whole lot of stuff that I just can't live without.

I got Nightlife at Best Buy the first day it came out. It was just my normal neighborhood Best Buy and I was really surprised at the price. I checked prices online first and when I saw it listed at Best Buy I thought it must be in American dollars, but nope. When I got to the store it was 29.99 CAN. Plus 7% tax of course. I didn't "buy" the holiday pack either.  ;D

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 09, 07:11:07
Ahh...I don't have a Best Buy in my city, which I think is complete crap, considering we're the capital-freakin'-city of the province, however, Vancouver gets all the press.

I end up going to EB Games or Future Shop to get my game, which worked out really well for Nightlife, 'cause I got it the day before release.   ;D

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: wishy-washy on 2006 February 09, 07:25:49
Yeah, I live in Alberta's capital. Alberta's sort of "booming" right now, I guess you could say. Best Buy just opened within the last year. You could always order it online I guess. But, then there's the shipping, and the waiting. Too much hassle, I think.

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 09, 15:25:52
Yep, with the no-sales-tax thing you have going, it's no wonder it's booming.  Also, your premier is far better than ours.  ;)

Stupid, frickin' drunk-driving Liberal.  :P

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: Pegasys on 2006 February 09, 16:08:15
The best thing about the holiday pack is that it adds a new, fairly easy way to die.

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: Zeljka on 2006 February 09, 16:19:54
We don't have a Best Buy either, though I suppose if I drove to Toronto I'd find at least a couple. I have no idea what the booster packs cost, but probably not far from the $45(all-in) that I paid for each EP.

I haven't tried it yet, but didn't the last booster pack put new bugs into people's games? I already have a ton of new objects and clothes that work and actually appeal to me so I can't imagine paying for more Maxis stuff. (though I think I'd pay for a way to remove it from my Sims' closets)

New way to die? Perhaps that deserves investigation...

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: Assmitten on 2006 February 09, 23:00:28
The best thing about the holiday pack is that it adds a new, fairly easy way to die.

Yes, tell us more. Is it a real new way, with a new ghost, or is it a loophole?

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: Marg on 2006 February 09, 23:38:00

 I don't have the Holiday pack, but could it be the reindeer ornament that you put on the lawn outside? 
I know if  simmies pet it they get electrocuted.   If their motives are low that might be enough to kill them.

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: Pegasys on 2006 February 10, 01:49:56
Yes, it's petting the reindeer; I've had 3 electrocutions from that, 1 or 2 leading to having to be saved from death.

I don't know if it's considered a completely "new" way as the ghost would probably be the same color as other electrocutions, but it's easy  :P

Title: Re: Any dope on the new mini expansion packs?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 10, 02:22:50
No new ghost colors as far as I know.