More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 06, 15:45:47

Title: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 06, 15:45:47
How difficult is it, and what is involved, in correcting the neck gap you see on some of the hair meshes?  Because I have a few hairstyles I absolutely love, but have this neck gap that just creeps me out when I can see her teeth from the back.

Any help or guidance to a tutorial, etc. would be mucho appreciated.  ;D

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 06, 15:48:04
Like MINE?
I finally switched hairstyles because it bugged me so much. But I would love to find out how to do this, too.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 06, 15:54:10
Yeah, yours, but I rarely noticed that one.  There's this hairstyle from TSR that I really love (a sort-of wavy, loose ponytail) and it has the gap too.  If it didn't, I'd probably put it on every Sim.  :D

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 06, 16:01:09
I know exactly which hairstyle you're talking about. I have the same one, and it drove me nuts.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: simliterati on 2006 February 06, 16:07:51
I'm not a mesher, so I can only guess, but I would bet it's the problem NeptuneSuzy mentions here:

And if either of you are brave SimPE-using souls you could try to fix those hair meshes by following the above tutorial. If you do, best of luck and please let us know the results! :)

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 06, 16:18:41
Thanks, I'll take a look at it when I'm not at work and I am going to brave it.  Maybe.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 06, 16:19:26
I wish I hadn't wasted my free 30-day trial of milkshape last year... :-\

Nevermind, I got another one. Now I just have to get brave enough to dig in...Thanks for the link, simliterati!

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 06, 20:59:15
Okay, I tried. Completely lost. Completely.  :P

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 06, 21:02:53
I'll try it later tonight.  If I succeed, I'll give you mine.  :)

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 06, 21:04:29
Good luck! I was trying to fix the backward cap gap, so maybe "just plain hair" will be easier.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: nectere on 2006 February 06, 21:57:57
Well Blue, if you can get it to work you can always stick the paper bag over their head. No gap!

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 06, 22:02:24
Hahahahahahaha..... ;D

How's that coming?

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: nectere on 2006 February 06, 22:23:10
Actually I havent started yet, I went to bed last night instead. (I know I know...but I was tired!)

Heck I havent even reinstalled milkshape yet. But I am going to tonight unless something earth shattering comes up. I am still trying to decide what to use as a base, I think it would be cool if the bag never came off, so I guess it would have to be hair. I am going to put little cutouts where the eyes and mouth are so they will still look "normal" when they eat etc. (or makeout with an unsuspecting sim!) I have one question though, what age group? All? I guess if its hair it would be genetic, but I think I know a way around would be pretty hilarious to see a family of bag heads aha!

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 06, 23:08:08
I was thinking of it being like a face mask or something (full-face makeup or glasses-based maybe?), so that it would be used for Sims who were just too damn ugly to go outside and scare the poor Simmie children.  ;D

If it could be for all ages from child-up, and for men and women, that would be ideal, and how you describe it sounds perfect to me.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: Gwill on 2006 February 07, 07:41:16
Go for accessories.
You can change it in simpe so they don't come off when people change clothes.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 February 07, 08:15:14
Like MINE?
I finally switched hairstyles because it bugged me so much. But I would love to find out how to do this, too.
So what's the new non-hole-in-head Brynne?

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 07, 08:40:04
She had a hairstyle from Sunair for awhile, now it's a light-brown recolour of the hair I have.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 February 07, 08:44:28
That's a pretty drastic change. Where's the new official Brynne, and why hasn't Brynne announced this? Does it also have a hole in head?

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 07, 08:47:27
It's only a recolour, so no, no hole in head.  And perhaps Brynne is on her own site saying this.  :P

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 14, 06:05:04

But, I may be in the home stretch of this modification.  We'll see.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 14, 06:11:06
Yes, Val no longer has the gap hairstyle. But she is blonde again. My game, my me, I can do that.  :P

I had this, but it doesn't move. Although this is probably the closest to my real hair:


Then I had this, which is closest to my real hair after going without a haircut for too long (kinda like now)


Then I decided to get a jump on summer and go blonde.


Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 14, 06:19:35
Are you seriously telling me I've spent 3 and a half hours on this, and you've moved on?

By the way, where did you get that hair?  :P

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 14, 06:25:09
You knew I "moved on", goofball.  :D That doesn't mean I won't go back to that hairstyle at some point, I just like to change it up a bit.

I'll find out about that hair for you, though.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 14, 06:28:37
You knew I "moved on", goofball.  :D That doesn't mean I won't go back to that hairstyle at some point, I just like to change it up a bit.

I knew you moved on, I just thought I'd try righteous indignation for all the blood, sweat and tears I put into this so far, and all the time I'm still going to put into it since apparently I missed a step and have to do it all over again with the Mesh Tool from the currently broken MTS2.  :P

Pain is a sign you're still alive...
Pain is a sign you're still alive...
Pain is a sign you're still alive...

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 14, 06:34:52
Well, if you're able to successfully fix that gap, many many people will be muchly happy. Myself among them.  ;)

I put in a couple of hours the other day on that backwards cap and gave up. I feel your pain.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: Tgdrysix on 2006 February 14, 14:43:20
Then I decided to get a jump on summer and go blonde.


I'd like to know where you got the outfit.... ;D .... it's very cute.... tgdrysix

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 14, 15:11:17
I would definitely be happy.  I love this hair style.  I've been using it for several of my sims now.  I just edited the package files so they show up in the correct hair bins.  It would be perfect now if that gap could be fixed.

I just downloaded some new toddler hair that Melodie9 put up at MTS2.  I love it because it all shows up in the correct color bins, and there are no gaps!!!  Yay!  The curly toddler style that comes from Uni is one of my favorites, and the one I got from Natrobo bothered me because there was this HUGE hole right at the toddler's temple.  It creeped me out because you could see all the way through her head to the other side.  But Melodie9's has no hole, and I love it! :)

I'd like to know where you got the outfit.... ;D .... it's very cute.... tgdrysix
Beware, there are a lot of cute outfits, and I felt compelled to download all of them!   :o

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 14, 15:43:59
Well, I believe I got close to fixing it.  I finished all the work on the mesh and saved it, exported it blah blah blah.  However, my personal mesh tutor *ahem* forgot to tell me about the mesh tool and saving it as a proper package, so it didn't save as the right file type.  When I went to load Brynne's lot, the lot crashed.  Since MTS2 was down last night, I couldn't download the mesh tool but I got it this morning and I will hopefully finish the hair tonight.  If I fixed it, I am going to see about talking to the creator to either update his mesh or post it my-damned-self.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 14, 15:45:36
Beware, there are a lot of cute outfits, and I felt compelled to download all of them!   :o

I have downloaded them all.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 14, 15:46:12
LOL Me too.  They have their own special subfolder.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 14, 15:47:03
Beware, there are a lot of cute outfits, and I felt compelled to download all of them!   :o

I have downloaded them all.
I know!  ;D

I love DTA for Firefox! :)

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 14, 15:48:22
I have columns and columns of Jope this and that. Really good stuff, whatever the hell Jope means.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 14, 15:55:11
I know, I like Jope over Suza too.  He (she?) is great.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: nectere on 2006 February 14, 15:59:23
I dont know why it didnt work, but as I lay awake this morning for countless hours again, it occurred to me that perhaps if we would have just "selected all" and then did the export it would have worked....

That and we shouldnt have closed the file, should have saved it as a ms3d file so we could work on it again, shoulda woulda coulda...


Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 14, 16:10:09
/me votes that Blue should post it "her-damned-self."

(when she and nectere get done with it!)

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 14, 16:11:32
It will work tonight.  No worries.  Even if you're totally sick of me by now and don't actually show up, this is what I plan to do tonight.  :)

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: nectere on 2006 February 14, 16:13:45
well yea, I have to show up so Pescado can give me further instruction on how much I suck and how I can suck less...


*ok get your mind out of the gutter...

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 14, 16:15:08
LOL.  He didn't mention anything about your sucking to me since then, he just told me how much money I made last night.

Again, minds out of the gutter people.  :-*

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 14, 16:17:46
You get paid to suck???  :o

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 14, 16:18:38
Mind out of the gutter, Rainbow!  :D

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 14, 16:18:50
Tsk, tsk, tsk.  You have a dirty mind.  :D

I made money on a chance card.  §55,000 to be exact.  And I am currently loving my Pescado-ian storyline.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 14, 16:30:05
No, not me.  I'm just badly influenced.  :D

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 14, 16:56:07
All right. Who's been badly influencing Rainbow??

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: jrd on 2006 February 14, 16:58:30
The Cow Mascot.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 14, 17:00:37
Death to the cow mascot, then.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: jrd on 2006 February 14, 17:01:19 :p

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 14, 17:02:15
Already have it. ;D

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 14, 17:20:53
Stupid Cow mascot just won't die.  Every time I kill one, another spawns in its place.  WHY WON'T THEY DIE?!?!?!

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: simliterati on 2006 February 14, 17:45:05
Blue, I just wanted to cheer you on, and also to tell you I feel badly about the somewhat incomplete tutorial I pointed you toward. I didn't know, since I've never actually gotten that far into meshing. I've always drank too much and got tired long before that step. ;) You're very brave, congrats on your progress! :)

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 14, 17:48:31
Yeah, that tutorial didn't help at all, but it's OK.  I think at this point it's a little more trial and error with nectere helping me as much as she can (but she's never touched a hair mesh either).

I will get it, I will work at it until I do!  Thanks for the cheering.  :)

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: Hegelian on 2006 February 14, 20:21:58
FWIW, I recently noticed on one of the Maxis meshes where you can see through the strands of hair (I can't look at it at the moment, but it's about shoulder-length and wavy), there's a big hole at the back of the head.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: nectere on 2006 February 15, 00:29:36

It is in fact fixed, I bet you tried to replace it with the xml file - wrong one! Replace it with the other file it exported and it works!

So it was not for nothing after all - Happy V-DAY kid!

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 15, 01:11:49
Happy Val Day!  ;)

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 15, 02:54:38
YAY!!  I did it!  ;D ;D ;D

I have uploaded the fixed exnem mesh, found here (, and I've uploaded it to SimBrynne's thread (;boardseen#new).

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 15, 02:57:13
Wow! Most awesome, Blue! 

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 February 15, 04:24:20
BlueSoups are very awesome!!!

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: TaWanda on 2006 February 15, 04:44:11
Blue Soups Rock!

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 15, 18:35:15
What's with all the kitten avatars??  Just kidding.  ;) 

Yes, Bluesoup is awesome for fixing this mesh that has been bugging the heck out of me for awhile now.  I have some other meshes that need fixing too.  Do you think you could fix those too, Blue?  ;D

Will you be informing the creator of the problem?  Perhaps s/he could use your fixed mesh in the original package.  I'm sure s/he would appreciate your hard work and saving them the hassle of trying to fix it.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 15, 18:41:36
I did post a link to Brynne's Sim-self thread in the original Exnem thread, which is 16 pages long.  I read the thread last night, and exnem was aware of the neck gap from as far back as July 2005, from what I could tell.  He promised to post a fixed mesh soon after, but still hasn't.  :-\

Plus, the reason that he said caused the gap was not actually the problem.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: Renatus on 2006 February 15, 18:51:44
I hope he doesn't freak out at you - I've noticed he's had some erratic behaviour on MTS2  (including a big dramafest about leaving because someone had insulted him, wah - but then I noticed he never actually left). If he's smart, he'll be happy someone did his work for him!

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 15, 18:56:02
Really, if he does happen to freak out (and I read that there was a little bit of drama), he'll have to deal with Pescado about getting the mesh removed from this site.

Any bets on what Pescado will say?  :P

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: Renatus on 2006 February 15, 19:02:33
*snort!* I can make a few wild guesses.  :D Well, if Exnem does throw a big fit, I'll bring some marshmallows to roast over the inevitable burning wreckage of his ego.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 15, 19:21:15
I was really worried about this last night, until Pescado, a creator, put it into perspective for me.

If exnem fixes it, then I can take mine down. 

If he asks me to incorporate my fix into his mesh, no problem.  But if he thinks he can post a fix on a Maxis-type timetable and have no one fix it in the meantime, then he's delusional.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: Renatus on 2006 February 15, 19:59:27
No disagreement here. Since half of the point of custom content is to share it, that stance makes perfect sense. I hope Exnem is smart and less of a drama queen than he seems to be, because as initially entertaining as it might be it would get tiresome pretty fast.

I'm glad you fixed it, myself.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 February 15, 20:05:14
I was really worried about this last night, until Pescado, a creator, put it into perspective for me.

If exnem fixes it, then I can take mine down. 

If he asks me to incorporate my fix into his mesh, no problem.  But if he thinks he can post a fix on a Maxis-type timetable and have no one fix it in the meantime, then he's delusional.
I like that.  Well said.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: cheriem on 2006 February 15, 22:12:22
I third the motion. ;D

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 February 15, 23:12:32
Beware, there are a lot of cute outfits, and I felt compelled to download all of them!   :o

ok so I went back and actually looked at the clothes...big mistake!! since I discovered there was a lot of nice I now have most of the clothes that were made by Jope, that don't require new meshs!

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: angelyne on 2006 February 15, 23:46:32
woo nothing like a good ole shopping downloading spree.

Thanks for fixing that hair BlueSoup.

BTW, BlueSoup rocks.  All rumours about her suckage are false~~

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 February 16, 00:05:35

BTW, BlueSoup rocks.  All rumours about her suckage are false~~

Unless you also heard that she was asked nicely.  :P

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: angelyne on 2006 February 16, 02:03:47
Beware, there are a lot of cute outfits, and I felt compelled to download all of them!   :o

Man that place has some GREAT clothes.  I just finished downloading almost everything and checking it out in the game.

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 February 16, 04:47:59
angelyne, my daughter called it a downloading shopping spree *laughs*

I was really stupid after downloading all those clothes from simply styling...I went to sims 2 sisters

I got some hair recolors for some meshs I already have *sigh* like i needed more but they are really nice!!! *laughs* O ya and I downloaded a ton of clothes (223 files)...

It's been ages since I downloaded from there (I still have some of the older stuff) it wasn't till I hit page 40something (in the adult females section) that I reached the older stuff  ;D

looks like I will be binning hair tomorrow and fixing the adult and young adult clothes so they work for both ages (male and female) then I get to burn my Downloads folder and put it on my other computer for my daughter  ::)  she is insisting that she is going to play again soon, she will be pissed when she finds out I didn't pre-order two copys of OFB  :P

*is on a downloading high*  :D

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: angelyne on 2006 February 16, 13:37:32
Oh no, what have you done to me.  I didn't see that site before

Title: Re: Neck Gap (I can see her teeth from the back of her head!)
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 February 16, 13:40:25
lmao errr...I mean...Ooops! 

have fun  ;)