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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: qvcatullus on 2006 February 03, 17:20:18

Title: Difficulty getting macro's to work with privacy hacks
Post by: qvcatullus on 2006 February 03, 17:20:18
I'm sure I'm doing something dumb or reposting an old question or something to make someone hate me. Regardless, I'm trying to design an apartment-style lot with several families with their own space; I've been using Inge's security system for that, and then replaced it with tuna's privacy doors over in Peasantry. The problem is that I like to use macrotastics, especially power idle, when I'm running six or so sims on a lot. When a sim cues up 'be used,' for example, they will happily go tearing off through a door that they're not supposed to be able to enter to use the bathroom there, or even worse, they'll stand at that door waiting patiently for hours for the door to disappear. They also want into other people's apartments to eat their food, etc. I was using the 'private' setting, which I thought would make them ignore things on the other side of the door, but I think that the macro is overriding that and trying to use things in there anyway. Especially annoying is standing a sim in their apartment next to an empty bathroom, macroing up a use bathroom, and watching them run to the other end of the complex to a bathroom they can't use. Is there a way to convince macros and security systems to be friends?

(BTW -- I posted this here since it combines questions about several different hacks from different parts of the site.)

Title: Re: Difficulty getting macro's to work with privacy hacks
Post by: Inge on 2006 February 03, 18:23:14
Out of interest did you also have this problem when you were using my apartment/security system or did it just start when you changed to Tuna's door?  You make it sound like it just started happening.  Thing is that a locked door with the routeblocking flag might stop a sim thinking about things behind it, but it doesn't stop the options available to be picked for him by the player or by some controller object like Pescado's.

I don't think it is anything Tuna or I can do, I think it's something Pescado would have to write into his hack to be aware of the locked doors.   But Pescado has his own locking door system, maybe his macro things are compatible with that.

Title: Re: Difficulty getting macro's to work with privacy hacks
Post by: tunaisafish on 2006 February 03, 18:50:03
The setting that allows your sims to go through my door wihen they aren't supposed to, is the 'non autonomous' pass override.
So I'm happy that is working :)  I have set this option in most of the preset access modes.
You can disable this in custom mode if you realy want to.

I did this to avoid the macro-fighting that occurs when one macro continuously tries to send the sim through the door, while the other continuously blocks the access.  As you've seen, that's not fun to watch.

Clicking the toilet roll to 'be used' is a non-autonomous action which should always pass.
I'm not sure if 'power idle' runs at a higher priority or not.  If it runs as autonomous there'll be macro fights, if it chooses to use an object behind a locked door.

As Inge says, there's nothing much we can do with the doors to make this better.

Title: Re: Difficulty getting macro's to work with privacy hacks
Post by: qvcatullus on 2006 February 03, 21:43:33
Inge -- Happened with both systems.
Tuna -- Right, I got confused as to whether the override overrides the fact that the door is locked, or overrides the sim's ability to go through the door. I straightened that out eventually, which is why sometimes the sims would go through and sometimes they wouldn't.

Does anyone who uses JM's door locking system know if it's macro-compatible?

Title: Re: Difficulty getting macro's to work with privacy hacks
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 February 03, 21:49:32
Yes, the Authorized Personnel Only is compatible with Macros, providing you configure it correctly.  I use both and it seems to work just fine.