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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: flowerchile on 2006 January 30, 11:04:07

Title: My Shout???
Post by: flowerchile on 2006 January 30, 11:04:07
Why is it that when a Sim is asked to go downtown (with a bunch of Sims they've never met), they all eat drink and be merry but the Sim who was " invited";' ends up copping the bill???   And speaking of bills, where's the one for the cellphone? 

Title: Re: My Shout???
Post by: vilia on 2006 January 30, 11:28:34
Just as fair as the one where you spend ages crafting a dream date and then the next day you get a call saying last night was fun, lets go out again so you can spend even more time and money on me :)  If they drop of an expensive item then sure, no problems but if it just a lousy bouquet of flowers, no dice.

Although we don't get hit in the hip pocket with mobile phones, I reckon we 'pay' our dues with them whining about wanting one & it ringing constantly when our sims are trying to [insert any activity]  :D

Title: Re: My Shout???
Post by: Grater on 2006 January 30, 11:43:23
Heh, I think the gifts more than make up for the amount spent on them. It's funny in one of my families the male slob has dropped of a Telescope, Hot tub and DJ Booth. Not a rich sim, The Slob! And that's just for cuddes with a urine drenched hobo who hasn't spent a cent on him. (I suspect the gifts are stolen)

Title: Re: My Shout???
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 January 30, 12:00:15
Although we don't get hit in the hip pocket with mobile phones, I reckon we 'pay' our dues with them whining about wanting one & it ringing constantly when our sims are trying to [insert any activity]  :D
Have you tried Pescado's Phone Hack?  It's awesome.  If you haven't, you don't know what you are missing!  One thing it does is get rid of the incessant calling.  Sims actually make useful calls instead of calling to ask why you never call them.  And you can set the number of rings from 5, 10, 15, or Off.

Title: Re: My Shout???
Post by: gali on 2006 January 30, 12:02:52
In downtown, you have all the participants selectable, but the cah shown is always YOUR sim's cash. You can order any other sim to pay, but the sum will be substracted always from your sim, because only his wealth is known by you...:).

I bought many townies cellphones and electric stuff with my sim's money.

Title: Re: My Shout???
Post by: flowerchile on 2006 January 30, 12:14:51
Goddamn bunch of freeloaders I tells ya!!  I did however receive the nicest? gift from a date.  It was a napkin holder and sauce bottle!!  (One of my customs, I think..  LOL)  He probably flogged it from the oh so expensive restaurant he took me to.

Title: Re: My Shout???
Post by: Emma on 2006 January 30, 12:56:52
Something really funny happened on one outing downtown with my sim-there was 8 of them (my sim included) and when they arrived I got my sim to play pinball. Anyway after a short while playing pinball, the 'menu' interaction appeared in queue! I clicked off the pinball-and my sim went to sit down. Before she got there-her favourite meal popped up! When she sat in the booth (all the other sims in the outing were already sitting and eating) she started to eat her food. When she had finished, I tried to click on the booth to pay, but no options were available. Anyway-when the outing was finished and she got in her car to go home-the bill was 'paid'-and it cost §0! I thought this was pretty neat, but I don't know how it happened! Just a glitch I suppose. It hasn't happened again.

Title: Re: My Shout???
Post by: sara_dippity on 2006 January 30, 13:28:40
Aww someone bought her dinner.
As for the logic of being invited to an outing and always being footed for the bill, they might be freloaders but the city could decide to reimburse you and send you a blank check for any type of food, any number of sims. Man I've never seen a gift certificate with that kind of power.

Title: Re: My Shout???
Post by: aussieone on 2006 January 30, 22:35:18
 And speaking of bills, where's the one for the cellphone? 

I would have thought the bill for the cellphone would be amongst the bills that get put in the mailbox. Seeing as there's only a bill amount and not itemised bills, I think it would be lumped in with the rest of them.