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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: draranha on 2005 August 06, 13:40:52

Title: Sims can't get married - again
Post by: draranha on 2005 August 06, 13:40:52
I know there's a topic with this same subject. I've read it but I believe there are some differences between both. The problem is the same: sims can't get married (with or without the arch). Again the "jump-bug".  But the other guy had deleted some memory tokens with SimPe. I didn't. I never deleted anything with SimPe but the townies (hate them!). I believe my problem is that of "too many files".
I began a neighborhood from scratch last october. Made all the characters. I'm playing with my 6th generation of sims! I love my villa and I love my sims! I don't want to lose them! My character folder has actually 957 files but only 210 aren't NPCs!!!

Title: Re: Sims can't get married - again
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 August 07, 00:49:54
If you have an actual jumping occurring during the marriage ceremony, get the error log and attach it here.

Title: Re: Sims can't get married - again
Post by: draranha on 2005 August 07, 12:38:37
The error log file is too large (138 K). I had to zip it.
Thank you for your attention!

Title: Re: Sims can't get married - again
Post by: draranha on 2005 August 08, 23:34:52
Well, I made a test and newly made sims can get married. So, this must be a memory related problem...

Title: Re: Sims can't get married - again
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 August 08, 23:36:33
Yes, this is indeed a memory problem. One of your sims has a corrupted marriage memory pointing at invalid NIDs. Have you inappropriately deleted any sims, such as a stub-wife?

Title: Re: Sims can't get married - again
Post by: draranha on 2005 August 08, 23:43:59
No, I didn't delete anybody.  But I noticed that when I try to marry them, they jump and next one of them gets the memory o marriage and the other doesn't.  But the wish of getting married is not fullfiled, as if it never happened.

Title: Re: Sims can't get married - again
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 August 09, 00:04:30
Yes, because it's erroring while scanning somebody's memories for a marriage, and apparently, one of the marriage memories is corrupted on either that sim, or a relative of that sim.

Title: Re: Sims can't get married - again
Post by: draranha on 2005 August 09, 00:12:22
That's strange because it's happening actually with 4 couples. They all have just graduated and back to the nhood. Parents and the rest of the village are allright. And the error is the same with all of them. This may be related to downloaded houses? 3 couples are in downloaded houses (the very first time I used it) and the 4th is in an old house I builded.

Title: Re: Sims can't get married - again
Post by: draranha on 2005 August 09, 13:25:06
Now that I come to think of it, the 4 couples are related (3 siblings and a cousin) The 8 of them know each other and are best friends. When the first marriage went wrong, everybody got that corrupted memory. Can it be so?
I'll attach here the first marrieage error log.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: Sims can't get married - again
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 August 09, 22:08:09
Yeah, this looks like the same problem as before. They were already corrupted then, and it's part of the test for the Fambly Sim "marry off 6 children" want. Have any of these sims ever had memories manually created, or a $subject memory?

Title: Re: Sims can't get married - again
Post by: draranha on 2005 August 09, 22:48:36
Well, as you can see, I'm an Asinine Airhead. I don't even know how to create or erase a memory.
So these guys will live in sin for I won't marry them. LOL! That's not a big deal, isn't it? I mean, if they go on with their lives that's fine by me. Hope that memory problem doesn't screw the rest of the game...