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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: bubbs on 2006 January 30, 03:27:30

Title: Help with Uploading Stories
Post by: bubbs on 2006 January 30, 03:27:30
I need your help.  I tried uploading a story to the exchange.  It would not even try to upload it.  When I looked in my app log, this is the last item.  What is it talking about?  Is it saying I have a bad bed or some wierd crap?  Any ideas?  I have the whole log saved on my PC if you want to see that.  Thanks in advance.   >:(

Error code:  6026
Transaction ID:  1023461550
ERROR TSWeb: cTSWebService::HandleMessageJobResult(kMsgCheckIfFilesExist) failed
ERROR TSWeb: HandleMessageJobResult = FAILED
ERROR StoryUpload: Unexpected message contents in cAlbumManager::HandleCheckIfFilesExist()
ERROR envscore: TSEnvironmentScoreManager - object found with negative niceness multiplier (Bed - Double - Expensive - E - Head)
ERROR TSWeb: cTSWebService::SetLastError(): Required parameter missing.

Error code:  6026
Transaction ID:  4094108558
ERROR TSWeb: cTSWebService::HandleMessageJobResult(kMsgCheckIfFilesExist) failed
ERROR TSWeb: HandleMessageJobResult = FAILED
ERROR StoryUpload: Unexpected message contents in cAlbumManager::HandleCheckIfFilesExist()
ERROR TSWeb: cTSWebService::SetLastError(): Required parameter missing.

Error code:  6026
Transaction ID:  3749709819
ERROR TSWeb: cTSWebService::HandleMessageJobResult(kMsgCheckIfFilesExist) failed
ERROR TSWeb: HandleMessageJobResult = FAILED
ERROR StoryUpload: Unexpected message contents in cAlbumManager::HandleCheckIfFilesExist()

Title: Re: Help with Uploading Stories
Post by: gali on 2006 January 30, 04:16:08
I don't understand at all your error log, but I had an experience with uploading to the exchange.

I had to drag the WHOLE Downloads folder out of the game, take care that the lot from which I want to upload the story is with DEFAULT stuff, and only then the story was uploaded.

Title: Re: Help with Uploading Stories
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 January 30, 08:05:11
I've never tried the exchange.  I'm rather fond of blogger..for well because they let you store your pics  as well and there's no errors and rather simple to use.

Title: Re: Help with Uploading Stories
Post by: rohina on 2006 January 30, 08:05:28
In my experience, if it won't even try to upload the story, it's because it's too long. You often get error messages that the upload "timed out", but then you can retry and it will eventually upload the remaining bits. Or something. I have no idea. It works in mysterious ways.
Anyway, if you are trying to upload a really long story - in my case, what became the last 3 chapters of my email saga - it just won't even try. How long is the story? Is it more than 100 pix?

Edited to add: Skandelouslala, your avatar freaks me out.

Title: Re: Help with Uploading Stories
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 January 30, 08:57:18

Edited to add: Skandelouslala, your avatar freaks me out.

LOL!  Then my goal is fulfilled  ;D

Title: Re: Help with Uploading Stories
Post by: vilia on 2006 January 30, 11:41:21

Edited to add: Skandelouslala, your avatar freaks me out.

LOL!  Then my goal is fulfilled  ;D

Your avatar looks a little like my grandma especially with the tic in one eye - scary.  I'll probably end up looking like that in about 100 years or so...

On topic, I'd try what gali suggested and move your whole download folder out temporarily and give it another go.  Have you had problems uploading before?

Title: Re: Help with Uploading Stories
Post by: radiophonic on 2006 January 30, 14:42:27
I don't think that log has anything to do with your upload. I've noticed that the EA web site is down or in some state of constipated flux very often so it's possible that the site was having problems at the time.

Title: Re: Help with Uploading Stories
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 January 30, 16:08:23
I've uploaded a lot of stories to the exchange, and I've never noticed that the Downloads folder has anything to do with it.  Just try the story again.  The exchange is wonky at best.  :-\

How many entries do you have in the story anyway? If it's an excessive amount of entries (like 150 or more), that may be why.

Title: Re: Help with Uploading Stories
Post by: bubbs on 2006 January 31, 01:10:15
It has about 100 ~ will have to check.  Tried moving my downloads and it help the game launch, but it still did not work.   ???  It wasn't a time out error, those I am used to.  My game did not contact the internet at all.  I checked my firewall and TS2 is free to do whatever it wants.  Maybe I should blog this one.  Thanks.