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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: IgnorantBliss on 2006 January 29, 21:27:38

Title: Mail glitch
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2006 January 29, 21:27:38
This just happened to me in the Pleasant house I was playing today: Mail arrives, but when I tell any of the sims to go get the mail, they will walk to the mailbox, but then don't take the mail, and the action falls off their queue. I don't remember adding any new hacks recently. Any idea what could cause this? I have both expansion packs, and do not have the pay at box hack that I know to be incompatible with NL.

Title: Re: Mail glitch
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 January 29, 21:30:52
Perhaps an invisible stuck object is blocking the way. Try dropping some stuck object removers in front of the box and see what dies.

Title: Re: Mail glitch
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2006 January 29, 22:15:14
This was quite interesting. I had to drop it on top of the mailbox before it found anything, and then I got a message "*Emitter - vampire in sunlight burninated" WTF?

The problem is that the mailbox itself gets deleted in the process. I did not save the game yet after the burnination because I wasn't sure about losing the box. Is there a safe way of replacing it?

Title: Re: Mail glitch
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 January 29, 22:42:34
Carrigon at VS has a collection that includes the residential mailbox and trash can. I've used them to convert community lots to residential lots.

Title: Re: Mail glitch
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2006 January 29, 22:44:42
I also just now found a buyable mailbox replacement at Sim a Little Dream a Lot ( I think I have the courage the wipe out the mailbox now  :D.

Title: Re: Mail glitch
Post by: Karen on 2006 January 29, 22:47:01
I also just now found a buyable mailbox replacement at Sim a Little Dream a Lot ( I think I have the courage the wipe out the mailbox now  :D.

That one works fine.  Just remember that you have to use move_objects on to place it on the lot.


Title: Re: Mail glitch
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2006 January 29, 22:55:44
That one works fine.  Just remember that you have to use move_objects on to place it on the lot.


Thanks  :)

Title: Re: Mail glitch
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 January 30, 02:32:22
the message on the "Sim a Little Dream a Lot" site gave me a laugh

Support sites that own legal games & use the exchange to host some files!  Be suspicious of anyone who claims the exchange is evil or refuses to use it.  Why would anyone host a lot file on their own site? They could prove their legal game status on the exchange as well, but choose not to?  Ask yourself WHY?

I'd be more likely to ask why anyone would want to upload anything to the exchange  ::)  according to that site everyone who hates the exchange has illegal copies of the game  :o

edit - their "Lot Setup Collection" is Carrigons

Title: Re: Mail glitch
Post by: Gwill on 2006 January 30, 03:25:04
I hate the exchange because it's the ultimate way to download crap you don't want, and because it's full of copyrighted material with no credit to the actual creator.
I hate the exchange because I'm fanatical about copyright.

Title: Re: Mail glitch
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2006 January 30, 05:21:39
Well, I finally figured out I could delete the stuck "emitter" even without deleting the mailbox (by moving the mailbox away before using the stuck object remover), but the problem wasn't solved, the sims still won't take the mail out of the box.

Title: Re: Mail glitch
Post by: Gwill on 2006 January 30, 05:56:04
Burninate the mailbox and get a new one.

Title: Re: Mail glitch
Post by: twojeffs on 2006 January 30, 06:23:49
You might have the same problem I ran into, invalid mail in the box. I kept getting the error when the mailman tried to deliver the invalid mail, but it could be the same thing. I've added a fix to the college adjuster. I'll upload it now so you can try it. If you don't get the option to cleanup invalid mail, then you have a different problem.

Title: Re: Mail glitch
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2006 January 30, 06:44:29
Burninate the mailbox and get a new one.

I tried that, too, but they wouldn't get the mail out of the new mailbox, either.

You might have the same problem I ran into, invalid mail in the box. I kept getting the error when the mailman tried to deliver the invalid mail, but it could be the same thing. I've added a fix to the college adjuster. I'll upload it now so you can try it. If you don't get the option to cleanup invalid mail, then you have a different problem.

Thanks, I'll try that :)

Title: Re: Mail glitch
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2006 January 31, 09:54:12
Unfortunately, the college adjuster wouldn't fix it, either (no option to delete invalid mail).

Title: Re: Mail glitch
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 January 31, 10:21:54
Have you tried burninating everything around the mailbox as well?


Title: Re: Mail glitch
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2006 January 31, 10:35:49
I burninated the mailbox tile and every surrounding tile (so about 9 tiles total, I think). The sims can walk right up to the mailbox, and sometimes they even open it, but they take no mail, and then they just stand there and getting the mail drops out of their queue. I know there is supposed to be mail, because it's Tuesday on the lot, and I saw the mail being delivered, and the mailbox is clickable.

The only specific thing I remember is that before the mail was last delivered, there were some unpaid bills (hidden on an end table on the backyard where I finally noticed them when I got the notification about unpaid bills). One of the sims paid the bills, which were by then red.

I may have to soon burninate the whole damn lot if I can't fix this. But I think I'm just going to play a couple more sim days and see what happens when the mail gets delivered on Thursday.

Title: Re: Mail glitch
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 January 31, 10:39:35
If you had Macros installed, you'd definitely notice unpaid bills faster, seeing as the glaring line of "PAY BILLS" will appear the moment bills exist to be paid. Is that option present? Perhaps the bills in your mailbox exploded already.