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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: bloodstainedkisses on 2006 January 29, 05:39:56

Title: What /is it/ with Joe Carr and twins? >>
Post by: bloodstainedkisses on 2006 January 29, 05:39:56
See, I never get twins naturally, in game. I have once or twice, but sadly, not that much. =( Anyhow, so my legacy founder Audrey Smith married Joe Carr (I once used him before as a legacy founder, and got twins. Lost the family due to reinstall.) and checked in that hacked pregnancy mirror, to see if she was pregnant.

She was, and the pop up said TWO babies.

I feel worse than a BBSer, but heavens me... they are actually kind of annoying. I was planning on letting her have two kids anyhow, so I guess now we only have to do it the once! ^^

Title: Re: What /is it/ with Joe Carr and twins? >>
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 January 29, 05:50:51
I never used Joe before, I should try and see what I get. Could you see if he has that twin gene with SimPe?

Title: Re: What /is it/ with Joe Carr and twins? >>
Post by: bloodstainedkisses on 2006 January 29, 05:52:24
He only brought five k. Psh. Nothing in his inventory, either. But to his credit, he does make some awfully nice looking kids...

Yeah, if you don't mind twins, use him. I'm wondering if I'm the only one to get twins with him. =P

Title: Re: What /is it/ with Joe Carr and twins? >>
Post by: wishy-washy on 2006 January 29, 05:55:16
I always thought that some female sims have a twin token which mean they have a ten percent chance of having twins. If they don't have the token they can't have twins. I don't think there's any token associated with the male sim. But then, I could be wrong about there being any sort of token at all. I only believe this because of a vague recollection I have of a thread I read that may or may not have said that a twin token exists. Actually, it might have even been on the bbs. *shudder*  Maybe someone who knows more about the inner workings of the game can explain the twin thing. Then once and for all we'll all know how it works.

Title: Re: What /is it/ with Joe Carr and twins? >>
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 January 29, 06:11:02
I thought the thread was here. ???

Title: Re: What /is it/ with Joe Carr and twins? >>
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 January 29, 06:38:34

Myths, Urban Legends, And Apocrypha Of TS2 Explored And Exploded

MYTH: Eating specific foods before, during, or after pregnancy increases or decreases the odds of having twins in this or subsequent pregnancies.
STATUS: FALSE. The odds of having twins is modified only by the individual sim: Certain sims are more or less likely to have twins based on the presence or lack thereof of an invisible inventory token. No food you eat will influence the outcome one way or another.

quote author=J. M. Pescado
There is a pregnancy modifier token that does affect twin chances, but it is not a factor that you can influence: Food does NOT affect the pregnancy modifier token, it simply appears on your sim for unknown reasons, possibly randomly, or in connection with being a twin. In any case, it is not an effect that you can influence through any specific known action.

Title: Re: What /is it/ with Joe Carr and twins? >>
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 January 29, 08:36:37
As for Joe Carr having nothing in his inventory, none of the pre-Nightlife townies have anything in their inventories.  Only some downtownies do.  At least I've heard they do.  I haven't had any of my sims marry any of them yet.

Title: Re: What /is it/ with Joe Carr and twins? >>
Post by: Lythdan on 2006 January 29, 09:31:30
Yeah, only Downtownies have inventory objects. And for Joe Carr having twins, in doesn't happen in everybody's game. Just depends on who gets token. One of my sims married Joe, had two kids, both singletons.

Title: Re: What /is it/ with Joe Carr and twins? >>
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2006 January 29, 09:44:55
The token is not necessary for getting twins, it just, apparently, raises your chances of getting them.

Title: Re: What /is it/ with Joe Carr and twins? >>
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 January 29, 14:22:29
The only thing about that token is that it can appear at any time, including for a female Sim at a point when she's too old to conceive, so either it has nothing to do with twins at all, or it's appeared just in case she happens to die and be resurrected and therefore able to conceive again, which seems just a tad too far-fetched for me.  In my original Pleasantview, Brandi Broke's third had two sets of twins and he had the token, but it didn't appear until after the first set was born.  I had 4 sets of twins in 40 births and I think he was the only one with the token.  One of them didn't count anyway as it was Dina Caliente and she appears to be programmed to have twins.  Now, if I could find out how they do that ...

Title: Re: What /is it/ with Joe Carr and twins? >>
Post by: Batelle on 2006 January 29, 17:06:07
Joe Carr married my Night Life test sim, Dia Cruz.  He came with a few things in his inventory (a fish tank, rug and the napkin/condiments thingee) and they did have twins.  He was also high up in one career, but his LTW career was something different, of course.


Title: Re: What /is it/ with Joe Carr and twins? >>
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2006 January 29, 17:18:32
I recently went over each and every character (over 350 of them) in Pleasantview  and found 10 sims with the token. Six of them were male (so, supposedly the token is useless with them). Of the four women, two were elders, and one the kind of NPCs you can't normally interact with in any way. The only "useful" sim with the token left was the townie Sandy Bruty, and she's so ugly there is no way I'll let her have a kid, not to mention twins  :D.

Title: Re: What /is it/ with Joe Carr and twins? >>
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 January 29, 18:25:31
The token could affect males if they get pollinated by alien abduction.

Title: Re: What /is it/ with Joe Carr and twins? >>
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 January 30, 01:54:56
using SimPE, Can you give this token to any sim you want? and if so then How?

Title: Re: What /is it/ with Joe Carr and twins? >>
Post by: BeckerCheez on 2006 January 30, 02:36:53
Hmm wonder if Goopy GilsCarbo had the token in my game...poor Paine had twins with him, the daughter being witchy b/c of the daddy genes.   :D

Title: Re: What /is it/ with Joe Carr and twins? >>
Post by: bloodstainedkisses on 2006 January 30, 04:20:49
I actually got really lucky with my Joe Carr. His lifetime want, is to become a business tycoon-- and he's in that career! He's got all the skills needed, for a promotion, too!

One thing that surprised me about my sim? Well, she met Joe and got engaged in college. Not once did she roll up the want to get married-- and she's a family sim! Still no want to have baby, but plenty of 'Flirt with Joe' 'Hug Joe' 'Talk to Joe' and she keeps getting the want to quit her job. O.o

I think not. She's making good money!

Title: Re: What /is it/ with Joe Carr and twins? >>
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 January 30, 07:14:06
Well, Sims can't get married in college unless you use a hack.  I have had sims roll up wants to be married or have a baby, and I couldn't understand why if they couldn't do anything about it until they graduated, which was some time off.

Title: Re: What /is it/ with Joe Carr and twins? >>
Post by: bloodstainedkisses on 2006 January 30, 07:16:20
She's graduated now, but still doesn't have the want... -Scratches head-  ??? I'm not quite understanding, why... she's annoying me a little right now.

I'm keeping her for the pretty genetics. >>

Title: Re: What /is it/ with Joe Carr and twins? >>
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 January 30, 07:32:37
Funny to come across this old Joe Carr had twins with my Dreamer heiress last night. I think I played him in another 'hood and he also had twins as well.  I was really surprised to see twins...Neivia had an extremely easy pregnancy.  Usually twins kill the needs of the mothers more.  When she went into labor though it took a little longer for the arrival text to pop up..I just knew lol and I was right.