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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Persephone on 2006 January 27, 23:03:45

Title: Is there a limit to the amount of offspring the game can handle?
Post by: Persephone on 2006 January 27, 23:03:45
It's my goal to get 100 babies off of Don Lothario.  I don't play him so he lives forever. Would this destroy the neighborhood? Not that I really care, but before I get too excited I'd like to know if the game will blow up before I get to 100 babies.

By the way this is a fresh install of pleasantview with no downtown or university.

Title: Re: Is there a limit to the amount of offspring the game can handle?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 January 27, 23:33:45
I don't think there's a hard and fast limit, but uncontrolled spawning as such eventually leads to a BFBVFS.

Title: Re: Is there a limit to the amount of offspring the game can handle?
Post by: angelyne on 2006 January 28, 00:54:58
Wouldn't that fill your neighbourhood with half brothers and sisters that can't be married?

Title: Re: Is there a limit to the amount of offspring the game can handle?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 January 28, 01:14:30
Just make sure that as many of the males as possible grow-up to sport floppy hairdos, especially in their teens.

Title: Re: Is there a limit to the amount of offspring the game can handle?
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 January 28, 01:44:54
And make them all romance sims. :)

Title: Re: Is there a limit to the amount of offspring the game can handle?
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2006 January 28, 01:49:54
Wouldn't that fill your neighbourhood with half brothers and sisters that can't be married?

That's what I was wondering too.  The townie poll is only so big (if you use notownieregen).  A few generations from now your Pleasantview will be turning into a haven of rampant incest.

Title: Re: Is there a limit to the amount of offspring the game can handle?
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 January 28, 01:57:54
Unless, of course, that is what you want.

Title: Re: Is there a limit to the amount of offspring the game can handle?
Post by: Persephone on 2006 January 28, 01:59:55
Wouldn't that fill your neighbourhood with half brothers and sisters that can't be married?

That's what I was wondering too.  The townie poll is only so big (if you use notownieregen).  A few generations from now your Pleasantview will be turning into a haven of rampant incest.

According to one of my teachers at school, incest is not as uncommon as you think and its not so bad either. :P  LOL, but anyway I don't really care about the effects on my neighborhood because I love to make new neighborhoods and delete the old ones without looking back.  Pleasantview is really my torture arena, where I experiment on my sims with all manner of cruelty.  When I play the premades I usually leave without saving after a session of tormenting them.  I don't really care if Pleasantview blows up as long as it waits until after I meet my challenge.  I was mostly curious about what would happen when you go to the family tree... how would it handle looking at Don with 100 branches?

Oh and by the way, I actually do not use notownieregen, or any of the critical fixes... really the only hacks I actually use are noemptyfridge, and noemptypotties, and nofriends for careers.  This is mainly because I usually blow up my neighborhoods before the game has a chance too.  Since I don't usually add uni or downtown to my game, and now that I know not to lotbin... my neighborhoods don't blow up.

Title: Re: Is there a limit to the amount of offspring the game can handle?
Post by: angelyne on 2006 January 28, 02:50:23
Well this wasn't a value judgement really.  I was wondering if the game would let you mary half brothers and sisters. 

Title: Re: Is there a limit to the amount of offspring the game can handle?
Post by: Persephone on 2006 January 28, 03:13:54
Well this wasn't a value judgement really.  I was wondering if the game would let you mary half brothers and sisters. 

I don't think so.  Cousins yes, sharing a parent... nope.

Title: Re: Is there a limit to the amount of offspring the game can handle?
Post by: Gwill on 2006 January 28, 03:45:28
I don't think so.  Cousins yes, sharing a parent... nope.

Marrying a great grandchild is also no problem.  ::)

Title: Re: Is there a limit to the amount of offspring the game can handle?
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 January 30, 08:03:13
100?!  I'd have to see it to believe it lol

That would be quite the family tree to behold lol

Title: Re: Is there a limit to the amount of offspring the game can handle?
Post by: rohina on 2006 January 30, 08:11:37
Marrying a great grandchild is also no problem.  ::)


I am playing a pseudo historical neighbourhood based on the 5 sons of Edward III, and I am hanging out to see how soon it is before the game thinks the intermarrying is incestuous. Then I get to be the Pope and grant a dispensation.

Title: Re: Is there a limit to the amount of offspring the game can handle?
Post by: Persephone on 2006 January 30, 10:15:28
Marrying a great grandchild is also no problem.  ::)


I am playing a pseudo historical neighbourhood based on the 5 sons of Edward III, and I am hanging out to see how soon it is before the game thinks the intermarrying is incestuous. Then I get to be the Pope and grant a dispensation.

Hehehe... twisted... its so hot! 

Title: Re: Is there a limit to the amount of offspring the game can handle?
Post by: flowerchile on 2006 January 30, 10:38:14

Marrying a great grandchild is also no problem.  ::)

It makes me wonder where those wonderful Maxis people were thinking. 

Or maybe that's a normal everyday thing for them????? :-\

Title: Re: Is there a limit to the amount of offspring the game can handle?
Post by: Renatus on 2006 January 30, 12:17:29
Or perhaps it was a programming decision - making extended family trees work may have been ditched in favour of something else, or it simply didn't occur to them that people would play in such a way that a great grandparent would even still be alive by the time a child was of marriagable age (as it is impossible to account for every single style of possible gameplay). Both are considerably more likely than the usual meme of "they're all stupid/immature/perverted".

Title: Re: Is there a limit to the amount of offspring the game can handle?
Post by: flowerchile on 2006 January 30, 12:30:19
I think I prefer your way of thinking; it doesn't make me feel dirty when I am playing.  LOL

Title: Re: Is there a limit to the amount of offspring the game can handle?
Post by: Zeljka on 2006 January 30, 12:55:48
I have one neighbourhood of uncontrolled spawning... 1 RomanceFamily pairing with around 30 kids, their breeding (Family) sons who have 4-12... A Family Sim with 16 kids who are doing their best to continue the tradition... Another Family Sim with 3 Romance sons... It's to the point where I had to introduce small families to intermingle them with.

With triplets and quads, it wouldn't be very difficult to get 100 kids off one Sim, particularly a male.

Good luck and keep us posted :D

Title: Re: Is there a limit to the amount of offspring the game can handle?
Post by: Jorenne on 2006 January 30, 12:57:42
Anyone who followed my trials of Jason-making will know it is perfectly safe to have over 100 offspring from the same sim (or even the same couple) without the hood blowing up on you.  However the 126 of Joe and Bella's offsrping I had were the only sims I had apart from Joe and the original maxis characters.

Title: Re: Is there a limit to the amount of offspring the game can handle?
Post by: Brynne on 2006 January 30, 21:58:01
Then we discovered that Joe's parents were where Jason really got much of his looks from. My apologies, again, Jorenne!  ;D

Title: Re: Is there a limit to the amount of offspring the game can handle?
Post by: Jorenne on 2006 January 30, 22:01:13
Yeah, stupid recessive genetics lol  :-*

Title: Re: Is there a limit to the amount of offspring the game can handle?
Post by: Brynne on 2006 January 30, 22:02:34
Funny how I never thought of that until I aged them back down to adults to show you pics. And when we saw them we both went "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh". LOL