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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Suni on 2006 January 25, 13:17:23

Title: Musical instruments hack inquiry/request
Post by: Suni on 2006 January 25, 13:17:23
I searched this website to see if hack requests were deemed acceptable or not and since i couldn't find an answer in either case, here goes.... :-*
Basically, this inquiry/request is to gain some control of the sims usage or overusage of musical instruments. I'm tired of my sims playing musical instruments until they're ready to drop dead, or until delegated to stop, even then just stand at the instrument and cry because most of their motives are red.
And then there's the guests who come to visit and head straight for an available instrument and end up playing the instrument for the entire duration of their stay. I know there's many objects besides musical instruments where sims seem stuck to the object till near death, but the whole being stuck to musical objects scenario has been so annoying for so long, i don't even buy musical objects anymore, none of my houses have pianos or etc anymore and that is really a drag because i want to buy them so my sims can use them for skilling and fun and also for asthetic purposes.

I was wondering about the possibilities of hacks such as....a hack that allows you to control who plays an instrument and who doesn't....including both residents and guests. Or maybe a hack that gives you the ability to turn an instrument on and if its on it can be used and if off, not. Or a hack that tweaks the instruments so that for skill building they'll play until they've leveled up a skill point...and for performing or fun they will play until their motives reach a reasonable level and they'll quit playing. Or a hack where sims won't be so attracted to instruments like magnets and cling to them to death.

If any of these hacks already exist, could someone please point me in the right direction....or if not, maybe someone might consider taking on this mission of mercy and making a hack for these objects, it would be so appreciated, more than you know.

Title: Re: Musical instruments hack inquiry/request
Post by: mistymage on 2006 January 25, 13:37:23
These might work for you:

Get the whole collection zip.. it has paintings that fulfill the wants of: expensive car, dj b ooth, all the instruments, bubble blower and more!

Gwillewyn just made them... you can see the pix of the paintings by following the links she posted in Peasantry.


Title: Re: Musical instruments hack inquiry/request
Post by: cheriem on 2006 January 25, 15:49:27
Check either Pescado's forum or Two Jeffs.  I belive one of the has something related to how much advertizing the instruments do.  Maybe someone who know's how to link can send you to Pescado's list of his hacks?

Title: Re: Musical instruments hack inquiry/request
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 January 25, 16:44:24
I find that you can get them off if you call them to a meal, although sometimes it takes several tries.  Otherwise I make them selectable and get them off that way.  At least the instruments aren't as bad as the swingset.  I don't want to stop adults using the swing, but I'd love a hack that made it more logical.  It makes no sense that Knowledge Sims, for instance, would gravitate towards it in exactly the same way as a Pleasure Sim.  I would have thought that Knowledge Sims wouldn't be remotely interested in it.  What I can't abide is the noises they make when they're on the damn thing.  There's one particular female voice that makes noises so hideous I want to vomit (seriously).  I always take control of them and get them off, then delete the swing.  I just refuse to listen to that absolutely revolting voice.  There have even been times when I've wanted to murder the Sim for making such a nauseating noise, but the fact that I can't tell them why I am killing them stops me.  There should be an option to "Kill Sim for having a nauseating voice".

Title: Re: Musical instruments hack inquiry/request
Post by: buddha pest on 2006 January 25, 19:54:16
I've been using the no autonomy instruments from here: for awhile now.

It works for both residents and guests.

Now I can put pianos in the houses again for the kids.

Title: Re: Musical instruments hack inquiry/request
Post by: Pegasys on 2006 January 25, 21:08:22
This is most decidedly unawesome, but when a Sim is getting on my nerves with any item, I just stick the item in inventory for awhile.

Also I don't know if the nobuskers hack reduces advertising, but since I've installed it my Sims annoy me much less with the instruments. On the other hand, IRL I'm pretty musical so I actually like hearing my Sims play the instruments.

Title: Re: Musical instruments hack inquiry/request
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 January 25, 21:48:52
The No buskers at home hack makes it so they can't Perform unless you tell them to, unless it's a party or they are on a community lot.  Then at least if they sit down at the piano you can pull them off rather quickly without waiting for them to go through the whole animation of getting their tip jar, complaining nothing is in it, and all that.  So for me it does help with the annoyance somewhat.  JM also recommends using his APO to ban autonomous Sims from the room with musical instruments in it.

Title: Re: Musical instruments hack inquiry/request
Post by: seventhson on 2006 January 25, 22:02:09
Ancient Sim, I know there's a 'no bogarting swings' hack somewhere around here...ah, here (

Title: Re: Musical instruments hack inquiry/request
Post by: nectere on 2006 January 25, 22:27:56
I have learned to love the ADD behavior associated with instruments. I have Inges business teleport shrub, I set it to teleport sims on to lot between certain times and they head straight to the instruments and play all day long. Additional sims are teleported on the lot throughout the day due to the shrub and they tip the sims on the instruments over and over. My playable sims just go about their business raking in the money from the "sim" stereos.

Title: Re: Musical instruments hack inquiry/request
Post by: Swiftgold on 2006 January 25, 23:30:00
I've been using the no-autonomy instruments too and they've been fine, since they're still around to use if I want them to, but the visitors won't be all over them...

What I can't abide is the noises they make when they're on the damn thing.  There's one particular female voice that makes noises so hideous I want to vomit (seriously).  I always take control of them and get them off, then delete the swing.  I just refuse to listen to that absolutely revolting voice.  There have even been times when I've wanted to murder the Sim for making such a nauseating noise, but the fact that I can't tell them why I am killing them stops me.  There should be an option to "Kill Sim for having a nauseating voice".

I haven't noticed that with the swings, but there's one teen female voice that says something all excited when they're into a conversation, and once I decided it sounded like 'birthday-poo', I can't hear anything else and I can't stand it :P At least they grow up and get a new voice, maaan.

Title: Re: Musical instruments hack inquiry/request
Post by: myskaal on 2006 January 26, 03:13:07
a hack that allows you to control who plays an instrument and who doesn't

I have to say I wouldn't mind something like that myself. Reservable instruments. I imagine if it's possible to do with beds it would be possible to do with instruments - I have no idea really though. Out of my league.

Meanwhile, someone else suggested already and I'll just repeat it. You can pretend you have your own on/off hack by dropping the instrument in an inventory when you don't want it used. Sucks that you have to remove the object from the scene (decor and all) but  :-\

Title: Re: Musical instruments hack inquiry/request
Post by: Gwill on 2006 January 26, 03:39:19
The No buskers at home hack makes it so they can't Perform unless you tell them to, unless it's a party or they are on a community lot.
Where is that from?
I'm using the no autonomy instruments mentioned above, but I would like something with a bit more neuance to it.
I usually buy my sims one instrument, whichever one I think fits their home and parsonality best, and use my paintings to keep them from begging for more.

Title: Re: Musical instruments hack inquiry/request
Post by: myskaal on 2006 January 26, 03:56:12

In the FFS Director's cut too

Title: Re: Musical instruments hack inquiry/request
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 January 26, 03:56:28
It's here, from Pescado.  You have NL, don't you?

Title: Re: Musical instruments hack inquiry/request
Post by: Gwill on 2006 January 26, 10:26:11
Odd, I can't believe I never heard of it.  :-X
Must be because I don't use the Director's cut, and the name wasn't easily recognizable as something I needed.

Title: Re: Musical instruments hack inquiry/request
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 January 26, 10:31:01
It's been around since Uni, but if you have Uni only, you need to get that version because this one is updated for NL.

Title: Re: Musical instruments hack inquiry/request
Post by: Gwill on 2006 January 26, 10:32:55
I've got nightlife, and Uni, and Christmas, and pre-ordered OFB even though I won't be anywhere near my computer until the game has been out for a while.  ;D

Title: Re: Musical instruments hack inquiry/request
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 January 26, 10:58:56
I know what you mean.  Of course, it will be 6-8 weeks or longer after it comes out before JM can get his hands on it.  :P