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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Jysudo on 2006 January 21, 07:26:49

Title: Add 2nd Uni without increasing Character files - is this possible?
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 January 21, 07:26:49
Hi there

I am thinking of adding a 2nd uni to my neighbourhood (got so friggin sick of the first that I am gg nuts).
Is it possible to do this w/o adding in extra character files?
I got all JMP's no dormies, no townies, no ss fixes. Will all these  help the 2 unis to 'share' characters instead of creating more characters?

Thanks! :)

Title: Re: Add 2nd Uni without increasing Character files - is this possible?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 21, 08:16:41
In a word, and according to the guru himself, NO!  You would have to manually delete all the ones you don't want as soon as you add the campus, and if you have NL, you would need to be VERY careful, as a lot of dormies are programmed to have downtownie friends.

One Uni is really much like another, if you dislike the one you're playing so much, why not just re-do all the community lots, and generally shift stuff around?  Change the decorations in the Neighbourhood view etc.

Title: Re: Add 2nd Uni without increasing Character files - is this possible?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 January 21, 15:43:31
If you only want one Uni, just delete the one you've got and all the dormies/professors will go to the new one, they did in mine.  The only extra character files I got were the YA's already on lots and in the Student Bin.  I didn't get any new dormies or professors.  The game won't generate new dormies unless it runs out, regardless of whether you have nodormieregen in or not (I don't).

Title: Re: Add 2nd Uni without increasing Character files - is this possible?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 21, 15:48:15
Caution, though, if you have students belonging to families in your neighbourhood, make sure you move them into the students bin first!

Title: Re: Add 2nd Uni without increasing Character files - is this possible?
Post by: Jorenne on 2006 January 21, 16:47:04
If I am creating a completely new custom hood, I assume it would be safe to add two college hoods and then delete all characters?

Title: Re: Add 2nd Uni without increasing Character files - is this possible?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 21, 16:50:13
In those circumstances, I can't see a problem, as long as you don't decide later on to delete one of them.

Title: Re: Add 2nd Uni without increasing Character files - is this possible?
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 January 21, 16:52:21
It should be fine, that is what I did in pleasant view.

Title: Re: Add 2nd Uni without increasing Character files - is this possible?
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 January 22, 13:14:18
The game won't generate new dormies unless it runs out, regardless of whether you have nodormieregen in or not (I don't).

Are you absolutely sure about this? Because when I had 3 Unis added, my total character file was like close to 600. This was BEFORE installing NL (so no downtownies). The base game before Uni had barely 200.

In my new game, with Uni AND NL, I have amost 400 sims. So... it would seem to me that adding more than one Uni must generate several character files. I can't imagine all those extra files were just NPCs (Profs, Cheerleaders, Mascots, etc.) alone. They must have been unused dormies as well? I mean, where did all those character files come from?

I did not have any noxxxxieregen hacks in either of my games. But before NL, I probably only had one single death in my entire hood. And that was an intentional death of a CAS made sim.

From what Pescado has said, and from the character file count of my old game, I would think that adding other Unis would generate more character files. It seems they would definately generate several copies of NPCs, but I would like a definitive answer as to whether or several sets of dormies are generated as well?

I also liked the idea of having different Unis for my sims to attend, but I don't want to risk a BFBVFS situation if adding several Unis significantly increase the character file count. :P


Title: Re: Add 2nd Uni without increasing Character files - is this possible?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 January 22, 13:20:59
From what Pescado has said, and from the character file count of my old game, I would think that adding other Unis would generate more character files. It seems they would definately generate several copies of NPCs, but I would like a definitive answer as to whether or several sets of dormies are generated as well?
Adding more Uni neighborhoods causes more dormies, approximately 50 dormies per dose, +more of every Uni-specific NPC (cheerleaders/llamas/cows/professors).

It is one of the faster ways to cause a BFBVFS.

Title: Re: Add 2nd Uni without increasing Character files - is this possible?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 22, 17:30:51
I tend to go along with that, and would add that the only NPCs that possibly stay at the original 3 are the streakers, and that's because they appear in the character files before you add any campus at all.

Title: Re: Add 2nd Uni without increasing Character files - is this possible?
Post by: Jysudo on 2006 January 23, 05:11:56
Hi there,

thanks for everyone's replies. I did my own experiment and added a second uni. It added about 67 new files. In both uni, the students were 'recycled'. I saw the same folks walking around like nobody's business.

I think I will change the deco at the existing university instead. It seems the only sensible way now.

Title: Re: Add 2nd Uni without increasing Character files - is this possible?
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 January 23, 23:38:08
thanks for everyone's replies. I did my own experiment and added a second uni. It added about 67 new files. In both uni, the students were 'recycled'. I saw the same folks walking around like nobody's business.

Yeah, I think that it does add dormies to the "dormie pool" but it does recycle them as you say. Probably because not all of the dormies have been assigned to dorms yet. You would probably have to go into several dorms, wait for them to All fill up, before you even see other dormies. In my experience, whenever I moved in new, playable sims, the dormie(s) that got evicted ended up "transferring" to other dorms. In other words, when I went to start/play a new/other dorm, it draws from the same dormie pool, with any previous evicted dormies being assigned to the new/other dorm. Almost as if they got popped back onto the stack and then popped off again in a LIFO kinda way. :P

I think I will change the deco at the existing university instead. It seems the only sensible way now.

Yeah... after much internal debate and struggling, I've come to terms with the fact that it probably is better to only have One Uni that is the Uni. :P As much as it pains me to let go of the RP idea to have separate Unis to attend, it pains me even more to think that it would contribute to turning my game into a BFBVFS. Especially what with the new EP coming around the bend, which is bound to add more character files as well. ::) So with that in mind, I'm going the same route as you. I'll just have to recolour, remodel, and redecorate some of the base dorms. Or maybe I'll actually have to download some new dorms/lots, although I'm not very found of that. In the past, I've had problems with downloaded lots. Even though they look very nice, some of them were just too large and took forever to load. On the other hand, I get really lazy when it comes to building.  ;D


Title: Re: Add 2nd Uni without increasing Character files - is this possible?
Post by: resin on 2006 January 25, 17:19:22
Pardon my stupidity, but what is "BFBVFS"?

I have the three Uni system and NL going in my neighborhood, but I have the "Critical Mass" fix or whatever it's called installed too? Is my game going to explode in a fiery ball visible from space? I tend not to create many CASs now that my 'hood is going.

Oh...HA! "BFBVFS" is "Big Fiery Ball Visible From Space", isn't it? I forgot to drink the smart milk this morning...

Title: Re: Add 2nd Uni without increasing Character files - is this possible?
Post by: angelyne on 2006 January 25, 21:50:27
<hands Resin a cookie>

Title: Re: Add 2nd Uni without increasing Character files - is this possible?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 05, 08:48:37
thanks for everyone's replies. I did my own experiment and added a second uni. It added about 67 new files. In both uni, the students were 'recycled'. I saw the same folks walking around like nobody's business.

Yeah, I think that it does add dormies to the "dormie pool" but it does recycle them as you say. Probably because not all of the dormies have been assigned to dorms yet. You would probably have to go into several dorms, wait for them to All fill up, before you even see other dormies. In my experience, whenever I moved in new, playable sims, the dormie(s) that got evicted ended up "transferring" to other dorms. In other words, when I went to start/play a new/other dorm, it draws from the same dormie pool, with the any previous evicted dormies being assigned to the new/other dorm. Almost as if they got popped back onto the stack and then popped off again in a LIFO kinda way. :P


It seems to me that the game always picks the same dormies - I've had identical ones living in two or more dorms at once!  If you move those into game, or delete them, the game then moves on to another group!  Random my aunt fanny!

Title: Re: Add 2nd Uni without increasing Character files - is this possible?
Post by: Doc Doofus on 2006 February 08, 09:00:55
I have multiple Uni's in my Pleasantville.  I've been playing the same Pleasantville (with a couple backup recoveries) since the original Sims 2 came out.  My character files are up to the 900's.

My experience with multiple Uni's is that when you start a dorm in a brand new uni, all the dormies from the other universities move in.  The professors are the same, too.  That's kind of disappointing, in a way.

Another observation: It seems that secret society members that graduated from different uni's can't shake hands.

Title: Re: Add 2nd Uni without increasing Character files - is this possible?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 08, 09:47:47
Another observation: It seems that secret society members that graduated from different uni's can't shake hands.

Well, that makes sense!  After all, they'd be different Secret Societies!  (Just like Masons are a different Secret Society from, say, the Mafia.  - and different again, of course, from Secret Societies that are really secret!)