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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Dark Trepie on 2006 January 18, 19:40:57

Title: Now begins a lesson in pain...
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2006 January 18, 19:40:57
Okay, so I was inspired by Windy_Moon's and other's posts about sending a whole bunch of sims through Uni all at once.  So I decided to make a second copy of Strangetown.  De-aged the Singles girls, Ajay Loner, Lazlo Curious, and Nervous Subject.  Packed them all up along with Johnny Smith and sent them off to an eight room dorm.


I've never handled a full house before.  Four sims at once is usually my limit.  Five is pushing it but doable.  Eight sims at once should be a learning experience, or as the title of this post suggests, a lesson in pain.

Did some tweaking with SimPE first though.  Lazlo recognizes Lola and Chloe as his sisters now.  He also recognizes Johnny as his nephew.  So nothing weird or "taboo" can happen autonomusly.

Gonna leave Free Will on too.  Maybe they'll half way take care of themselves then.  And they can casue their own drama.  Johnny Smith and Erin Singles keep giving each other friendly hugs.  We can see where that's going...

Title: Re: Now begins a lesson in pain...
Post by: Emma on 2006 January 18, 19:48:21
I really hope you will be writing the story about this household-I would love to see what happens with them :)

Title: Re: Now begins a lesson in pain...
Post by: seven on 2006 January 18, 20:54:26
Yeah -sounds like this is gonna be good.

Title: Re: Now begins a lesson in pain...
Post by: gali on 2006 January 18, 23:26:40
Trepie, 8 sims are indeed a pain in...:). I tried several times to control 8 sims, and failed. Why don't you divide them to 2 households (x4 each), and enjoy the game?  ;)

Title: Re: Now begins a lesson in pain...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 January 19, 00:15:54
Because the pain is the fun part?

Title: Re: Now begins a lesson in pain...
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 January 19, 00:55:23
Pain is a sign you're still alive.

Title: Re: Now begins a lesson in pain...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 19, 05:01:46
Don't I know it!

Just keep one finger hovering over the "P" key, and you'll be fine!  As long as their moods are green, they won't miss class!  Why not "ChangeLotZoning", though, and turn the dorm into a residential lot?  You'll still get the dorm cook as long as you don't sell the stove, but it means you can immediately alter anything in the Build Mode that doesn't work well!

Title: Re: Now begins a lesson in pain...
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 January 19, 05:09:56
Don't I know it!

Why not "ChangeLotZoning", though, and turn the dorm into a residential lot?  You'll still get the dorm cook as long as you don't sell the stove, but it means you can immediately alter anything in the Build Mode that doesn't work well!

heh, I just made a new dorm the night before last, thought I would need some special hack to allow me to have the cook if I left it as a residential lot  ::)  is it ok to change it back with sims living there?  2 are dormies, will they move out?

edit - silly me, I know I should wait till my sims move out, doh!

Title: Re: Now begins a lesson in pain...
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 January 19, 08:56:44
I had 8 in my dorm when you were there with Lilith.  I always play with Free Will on anyway (no drama otherwise), but obviously I had to keep directing you to do simple things like EAT, otherwise you would have expired during one of your endless pillow fights or while you were in the throes of yet again congratulating Lilith on simply being Lilith.  Sometimes I got so fed-up with you (and the other couples sharing the dorm with you) that I simply let you get to starvation point and then have to go to bed without eating.  None of you died, but without the dorm cook you probably would have.  Lilith certainly came close to death at least three times.

I much prefer having 8 in a dorm, it's far more fun.  I just go from one to the other all the time, then I check all the dormies in turn.  I like to know when one is on the verge of dropping dead, hate missing the fun.

Title: Re: Now begins a lesson in pain...
Post by: bluecatvon on 2006 January 19, 10:04:56
lots of sims in the house is fun! you only have 8 sims who are capable of taking care of themselves (sometimes barely), next time try lots of babies! that'll be a blast! just like what Brynne did with Don Lothario (i hope i haven't remembered it wrong)

Title: Re: Now begins a lesson in pain...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 19, 12:50:19
heh, I just made a new dorm the night before last, thought I would need some special hack to allow me to have the cook if I left it as a residential lot    is it ok to change it back with sims living there?  2 are dormies, will they move out?

If it's residential, the dormies will move out. 

Title: Re: Now begins a lesson in pain...
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 January 19, 13:33:46
thanks ZZ  :)

Title: Re: Now begins a lesson in pain...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 19, 16:48:53
It's also a useful trick if you want them to rent an expensive house!  Move them out once the dorm is residential, and they get the full value of the dorm!

Title: Re: Now begins a lesson in pain...
Post by: Batelle on 2006 January 19, 17:19:28
I cheat so much when I have a sim in the dorms.  Not only to I scavenge the other rooms to make sure that my sim has the best of everything, I sell objects that come with the dorm (usually noisy objects- arcade games, tv's, stereos) and use the pocketed cash for clothes or rent for their next abode.

The last time I played Uni I had three houses, two with three people and one with two, and I played them in rotation by semester.  It took forever (and I run sims at uni ragged and use the adjuster to end the semester ASAP) because I got sidetracked by all the drama.  It was also the only stint at uni I actually enjoyed playing out. 

Title: Re: Now begins a lesson in pain...
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2006 January 20, 00:06:37
I certainly won't fault you for selling the arcade machine and using the money.  That's one of the most annoying contraptions in the game.  And all of the dormies keep flocking to it like moths to a flame.

Title: Re: Now begins a lesson in pain...
Post by: agcons on 2006 January 20, 01:28:57
It's about the only thing the dormies in my game will play (they'll use the dartboard occasionally, but not often).  However, since I don't care if my dormies are having fun, and I do care about my sanity, I sell the arcade machines first thing.

I've yet to see a dormie play a computer game, despite the availability and good repair of the one I usually place in a public area.  My controllable sim, when not rampaging, will play on the computer.  Mind you, dormies are not the sharpest pencils in the box, which might explain it.  And I admit that when their fun score is really low (and they neglect their other needs), I find the results very entertaining.   ;D

Title: Re: Now begins a lesson in pain...
Post by: Batelle on 2006 January 20, 01:58:51
I've yet to see a dormie play a computer game, despite the availability and good repair of the one I usually place in a public area.  My controllable sim, when not rampaging, will play on the computer.

I aged Marsha Bruenig to teen and sent her to my custom university.  She lived in a dorm and was hell bent on breaking into everyone else's rooms and playing on their computers (or, when she came back from class, turning them off*).

*Which reminds me, is that a new thing?  I get so annoyed when my sims want to turn off a computer that is currently in use.  Even if you cancel the action, they throw the fit.  It happens all the freaking time since I got Nightlife.

Title: Re: Now begins a lesson in pain...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 January 20, 02:21:24
I certainly won't fault you for selling the arcade machine and using the money.  That's one of the most annoying contraptions in the game.  And all of the dormies keep flocking to it like moths to a flame.
I like to place it someplace hazardous. Someplace haunted. The results are very entertaining.

Title: Re: Now begins a lesson in pain...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 20, 02:24:28
I think there's a lot of "new" stuff with NL - like neat sims throwing tantrums because they can't clean the bath that their partner is currently using!

I'm sure when I first had Sims2, that visitors who were friends would play on the computer and likewise when I first installed Uni that dormies would do the same!

Also bugs me that tired visitors won't use the espresso machine like they did in sims1!  Means you need to keep the cheap coffee pot as well as the espresso and remember to fill it!

I always sell fireplaces!

Title: Re: Now begins a lesson in pain...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 January 20, 02:33:36
Also bugs me that tired visitors won't use the espresso machine like they did in sims1!  Means you need to keep the cheap coffee pot as well as the espresso and remember to fill it!
The Cheap Coffee Pot is completely ineffectual at replenishing energy, and tired visitors can go piss off and get their free instant energy refreshes at their own place. Just tell them to go away if they want to whine about being tired.

Title: Re: Now begins a lesson in pain...
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 20, 02:53:14
I usually do, but there are times you want the visitor to stick around a bit longer.......