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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Gwill on 2006 January 18, 16:32:52

Title: Is it possible to enable build mode on community lots, or another easy way...
Post by: Gwill on 2006 January 18, 16:32:52 do this?

My little family graveyard has gone too crowded to fit in the garden, so I thought it would be a good idea to make a small family graveyard on a community lot right next to the house.
I like to make little mausolleums for each sim.  A small building, with a nice little endtable for the urn, some candles, maybe some flowers, and most importantly; a portrait of the sim.
So, I'm wondering, what's the easiest way to get the portrait from the home, to the graveyard?
The easiest way would be if I could just put it in the inventory of one of my sims, send them to the lot, and hang the picture on the wall.
I know I could change the lotzoning of the graveyard, put the picture in the inventory of a sim and move them into the graveyard, then change lotzoning back, but then I'm not sure what the safest way to get the sim out of the lot again would be, without selling everything that's already there (for some reason I'm not entirely sure I can trust Inge's stay things shrub), and anyway, it sounds a lot more complicated than it should be.

Any suggestions?

Title: Re: Is it possible to enable build mode on community lots, or another easy way...
Post by: Emma on 2006 January 18, 16:37:27
have you tried boolprop dormspecifictoolsdisabled false? I don't know if it would work with the inventory though.

It is a lovely idea of putting the portraits in the crypt though-let me know if it works so I can steal your idea! :D

Title: Re: Is it possible to enable build mode on community lots, or another easy way...
Post by: Gwill on 2006 January 18, 16:55:02
I haven't tried it lately, but I seem to remember trying it before and not getting it to work.
I guess I should try before asking.  brb

Edit:  Nope, sorry.  Does not work.  :'(

Title: Re: Is it possible to enable build mode on community lots, or another easy way...
Post by: IcemanTO on 2006 January 18, 17:17:36
Maybe there is a way, a little hard but...

1. Clone a paint with SimPE (various tutorials availables).
2. Place inside the paint of the sim (extracted from his thumbnail - tuorial at MTS2).
3. Always with SimPE, categorize the cloned paint to have it available in community lot (again, tutorial at MTS2).
4. Simply place the new paint into your graveyard lot (build lot mode).

I think it should work.

Title: Re: Is it possible to enable build mode on community lots, or another easy way...
Post by: Gwill on 2006 January 18, 17:22:28
It would work, but it wouldn't be simple.

I think I'm going to have to take my sims to the graveyard, have their mugshot taken there, and place it in a pre-recerved tomb before they snuff it.
A bit morbid, but functional.

Title: Re: Is it possible to enable build mode on community lots, or another easy way...
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 January 18, 18:56:14
Use Inge's "make things stay" shrub and change it to a residential lot.  You can move out of residential lots and not have to sell anything. Then change it back to a community lot. You will also need Carrigon's wierdo collection to put a residential trash can and mailbox on the lot. Just changing from community to residential will not allow a sim to move in if they are missing the mailbox and trash can.

Title: Re: Is it possible to enable build mode on community lots, or another easy way...
Post by: Gwill on 2006 January 18, 19:11:15
I've set up a photo studio at the graveyard.  I think that's the simplest way.

Title: Re: Is it possible to enable build mode on community lots, or another easy way...
Post by: Emma on 2006 January 18, 19:31:41
Aww what a shame it doesn't work :-\ It was a lovely idea.

Title: Re: Is it possible to enable build mode on community lots, or another easy way...
Post by: Gwill on 2006 January 18, 19:36:14
What happened to my post?  ???