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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: kytyngurl on 2006 January 17, 21:40:18

Title: A few annoying problems
Post by: kytyngurl on 2006 January 17, 21:40:18
Hello, long time lurker and fan here!

Recently, a few annoying problems have started plaguing me and my sims:

My newspapers and pillows are never the correct color. The newspapers are multicolored, and the pillows flash bright blue. That's sort of annoying but not as bad as...

Whenever I try and use a cheat with ctrl-shift-c, I get the following message:

TS Audio: Duplicate resource instance found ffeca99f with existing 026960b:ac9e009a ffeca99f.\source\TSAudioResourceManager.cpp (1073)

The first set of numbers is variable, but the rest aren't. Some cheats still work, but others don't. I've had the most difficultly getting anything out of boolProp. I just get lines and lines of the error message.

Figuring that a downloaded object was to blame, I went on a fairly huge deletion spree on all sorts of downloaded objects, in game. I haven't deleted all my objects though or all my new ones. I also do have CEP.

I also don't download any non-awesome hacks, with the exception of a few Inge made.

So what can/should I do?

Thank you!

Title: Re: A few annoying problems
Post by: angelyne on 2006 January 17, 22:03:35
The flashing blue is probably a problem recolor.  Try to look for any bed recolor you have.  I know that all the pre-uni stuff that wasn't updated flash blue.

I get the TS Audio duplicate resource instance too.  I'm not sure if it's something everyone gets, or just people with specific hardware.  I did a bit of a search on the net but found nothing.  It's very annoying.

It's not a problem with the ctrl-shift-c per se, I think.  Just that whenever you enter a cheat incorrectly, it lists all the current errors.  I get those errors whenever I open up my cheat window, and I have to scroll down to the last line in order to see the result of my cheat.

Remember that some cheats are case sensitive and some are not.   It's inconsistant.  But what is consistant is that you will get all those frigging error lines everytime you enter a cheat.  The last line should tell you if you entered a cheat code incorrectly

Title: Re: A few annoying problems
Post by: Jorenne on 2006 January 17, 22:29:47
Actually if it's just the pillows flashing, and the fact you mentioned the newspaper, I amazingly deduce you are using an NVidia card and drivers newer than 81.00

This is a known problem with some NVidia cards and the newer drivers and most reccommend the 77.77 drivers as working best.

As for the other, Sorry, no idea

Title: Re: A few annoying problems
Post by: Renatus on 2006 January 17, 22:36:38
The cheat you are using may be working, but the audio errors pile up quite a lot and the cheat box doesn't scroll properly and defaults to the top of the list. If you entered one cheat in wrong, the box will refuse to close, you'll see all of those audio errors, and they'll prevent you seeing the error message. Grab the bar-thingy and drag it down, and be prepared to do so again after entering a cheat because it goes right back up to the top.

Um. Hope I'm coherent enough, brain seems to have gone fuzzy when I wasn't looking.

Title: Re: A few annoying problems
Post by: MokeyHokey on 2006 January 17, 22:52:18
If you entered one cheat in wrong, the box will refuse to close, you'll see all of those audio errors, and they'll prevent you seeing the error message.

The tilde key will shrink the cheat window to the original single line box. Click insde the box to get a cursor and then hit Escape for the box to close. :)

I've had the most difficultly getting anything out of boolProp.

Assuming you are talking about "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true", more correctly known as "debug mode" or "testing mode" are you sure you are typing it correctly? You could also try aliasing it to make it easier to key in.  MikeInside has a basic tutorial on creating startup cheats.

Title: Re: A few annoying problems
Post by: Sagana on 2006 January 18, 00:13:31
Typing "expand" (without quotes) in the cheat window will also close it down to a single line (it's a toggle switch, the same command ("expand") makes it big and small) and then just hitting return will close it altogether. The next time you open it, it'll be a single line unless it doesn't like whatever you're typing again :)

Title: Re: A few annoying problems
Post by: Kristalrose on 2006 January 18, 00:46:56
Mokey, thank you so much for the link.  :)  I had been wondering how to do that. 

Title: Re: A few annoying problems
Post by: Gwill on 2006 January 18, 01:01:23
I also don't download any non-awesome hacks, with the exception of a few Inge made.

Are you implying that Inge is not awesome?  :o

Title: Re: A few annoying problems
Post by: kytyngurl on 2006 January 18, 02:15:09
I also don't download any non-awesome hacks, with the exception of a few Inge made.

Are you implying that Inge is not awesome?  :o

Oh no, not at all! :o

Title: Re: A few annoying problems
Post by: kytyngurl on 2006 January 18, 02:16:30
Thanks for all the info, everyone!

I'll see if I'm commiting a typo, look into the driver thing, delete a few older  bedspreads, and see if I can figure out what the audio error is.

Title: Re: A few annoying problems
Post by: twojeffs on 2006 January 18, 03:17:08
The audio error is nothing to worry about, it's normal. You'll normally get several dupliate audio resource errors and duplicate or not found texture errors as well as a few others. They've been in the game forever and don't hurt anything.

Also, in addition to 'expand' you can just type 'exit' to close the cheat window.

Title: Re: A few annoying problems
Post by: Keltobin on 2006 January 18, 09:19:49
The flashing colors sound like the NVidia problem.  If some beards (especially the santa) blink also then I can guarantee it.  It is risky to roll back a video driver, so I would get expert advice if you decide to try it (you have to get a program like Driver Cleaner Pro).  I chickened out before trying to fix mine so I keep hoping a newer driver will come out to fix the problem.
