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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Lythdan on 2006 January 16, 23:23:51

Title: VPU Recover
Post by: Lythdan on 2006 January 16, 23:23:51
Lately, for no apparent reason, my sim game keeps kind of resetting/refreshing. It puts me back to a different window while it flashes a few time. Then I get a message about VPU Recover. It says: VPU Recover has reset your graphics accelerator as it was no longer responding to graphic driver commands.

Usually I just ignore it, but it's done it ELEVEN TIMES IN A ROW now and it's annoying the heck out of me. What is this message referring to, exactly? How do I go about fixing it?

Title: Re: VPU Recover
Post by: Renatus on 2006 January 16, 23:31:47
What it means is something about the graphics driver went tits up and the VPU recover reset it, rather than things locking up or crashing. How to fix it, I am pretty sure you can set it through graphics properties (right click the desktop, properties, settings, advanced, VPU recover tab - at least, it's there for ATI). I'm not entirely certain if this will then mean you'll start getting crashes instead or if everything will run along smoothly... May want someone with more exact advice to come along.

It wouldn't hurt to know what graphics card and what driver version you're running, though.

Title: Re: VPU Recover
Post by: Lythdan on 2006 January 16, 23:57:10
I'm running a Radeon 9250, version 6.14.0010.6476.

Title: Re: VPU Recover
Post by: C.S. on 2006 January 17, 00:17:21
I'm using the 9200 and have the same problem on and off. Had some difficulty getting the damn card to work (some issue with the driver installation cd) in the first place. I thought getting the message was better than looking at a blank screen that won't recover then having to alt-tab/use windows key to get back to the desktop so that I can force quit and re-start the game to continue playing :-\.