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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Baa on 2006 January 15, 01:59:11

Title: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: Baa on 2006 January 15, 01:59:11
So I installed TS2 finally and just NL. I don't have much space for Uni. But something I've noticed is that NL includes many things that Uni did. Like the Influence meter and everything. The only thing missing is the actual college.

What gives? I don't think that's very fair that I had to pay that much for Uni just for those features to be slapped onto Nightlife.


Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: Ellatrue on 2006 January 15, 02:13:11
Why would you buy uni, and not install it?

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: Baa on 2006 January 15, 02:14:11
Well no, I bought it when it first came out.

I recently restored my computer and I'm down to a very limited amount of harddrive space. I know that Uni takes up less space than NL, but I get more play out of NL than I did with Uni so I decided that NL was the one to install.

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 January 15, 02:20:31
I completely agree with you!  It's like buying a chicken when you can just go buy the eggs.

You can bet that OFB will most likely have Uni+NL features to boot.  Makes you wonder why you don't just wait until the last expansion pack...

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: twojeffs on 2006 January 15, 03:29:21
The code for each EP is built upon the code base for the previous one, so yes, OFB will include all the Uni and NL code, but a lot of it will be disabled unless you actually have that EP installed.

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: Sagana on 2006 January 15, 04:00:50
Personally, I don't consider the influence meter a feature.

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 15, 04:35:14
But things like extra want slots, the extra careers etc. do add to gameplay.

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: Ellatrue on 2006 January 18, 22:31:15
but you don't get the extra want slots and careers- only the crappy influence meter

although clones of some of the uni objects seem to work with only NL installed, and you can cheat to get the extra slots, but the new careers aren't available

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: Pegasys on 2006 January 18, 22:33:13
Does NL alone include the LTW?

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: virgali on 2006 January 19, 02:42:42
wow! :o This is nice information!

Altho Maxis seem to leave a lot of "loose ends" in the game. I mean Carrigon unlocked the NL car before NL was released! :o I thought this was so awesome of her! 8) It seems there was only the code for the "pleasure ride" tho. still I think it's remarkable how many things there can be found hidden in the game... :)

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 January 19, 02:47:49
Anything purely "game mechanical" will automatically be included in the future expansion packs. In short, people who buy the next expansion pack can fully expect the attraction system will continue to exist and all of the new NL-introduced interactions to be present. Other NL-induced features may be more iffy.

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: Issy on 2006 January 19, 02:57:36
Does NL alone include the LTW?

I would like to know this too, if anyone knows?

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 January 19, 03:00:25
NL alone would probably include LTWs, yes, unless they're all disabled for some reason. The code for LTWs is all there, though, and Pleasure sims definitely have their own unique NL-specific LTWs.

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: Sagana on 2006 January 19, 03:17:14
It should be there (LTWs in NL only) as that's the excuse they keep using for not adding the Uni careers as LTWs (so NL only, and/or other EP only, folks wouldn't get stuck with 'em) :p

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 January 19, 03:18:26
Of course all the new objects and building objects coming with Uni won't be there if you don't install it.

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: Paperbladder on 2006 January 19, 03:22:32
So, we shouldn't buy OFB if we don't plan on using businesses since any new social interactions and build mode objects will be in the next expansion anyway?  They did this sort of thing in TS1 too, but it seems that half of each expansion is given in the next expansion.  If this is true, then if you don't like the subject matter you can just skip an expansion and get the next one and still get a bunch of the features.

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: Issy on 2006 January 19, 03:24:52
I could so do without that damn bubble-blower.  All my fortune and pleasure sims obsess over having one.  Since my new install I absolutely refuse to buy one for any of them.  I have a sim that just turned elder and still wants one.  So much for not giving in to obsessions :(

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: Gwill on 2006 January 19, 03:30:35
I could so do without that damn bubble-blower.  All my fortune and pleasure sims obsess over having one.  Since my new install I absolutely refuse to buy one for any of them.  I have a sim that just turned elder and still wants one.  So much for not giving in to obsessions :(

I've vaugely fantazised about making a sculpture sized bubble blower, that would fulfill that want, but be small and infunctional, so you could hide it away somewhere.

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 19, 04:03:24
Wouldn't be so bad if the bubble-blower increased energy - or if they'd stop once fun was full!  On the other hand, you want them to use the karaoke to increase their Creativity, and the minute their fun is full, they stop!

And does anyone know if there's a hacked TV somewhere which only shows the cooking channel?  I'm sick of family sims with the want to increase their cooking skills switching channels as soon as they've watched for about two sim minutes!

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 January 19, 04:05:40
And does anyone know if there's a hacked TV somewhere which only shows the cooking channel?  I'm sick of family sims with the want to increase their cooking skills switching channels as soon as they've watched for about two sim minutes!

I've never heard of that, but I would love it.  Let me ask Pescado.  ;D

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 19, 04:16:20
Hope he's in a good mood!

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 January 19, 04:22:03
I think the narcolepsy has got him reply, but he will.  ;D  (Or I'll harass him until he does)

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 19, 04:55:05
Might give him a reason to let his poor sims have a TV! 

What I'd really like, as mentioned in another thread, is the old Sims1 bottling station!  (I'm having a go at Veronaville, and decided to make it all-victorian (ar thereabouts) and I could have houses without TVs then!  And it's much nicer than that awful Charlie and the chocolate factory machine - plus it's buyable!  And I used to like how the sims1 sims could keep the jars in their inventory and give them as gifts!

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 January 19, 05:36:46
Okay, I asked him and he said he thinks Numenor or someone made an anti-change channel mod.  He doesn't want to add any more unnecessary hacks that he has to potentially maintain with new EP's (that is, if he gets the next EP, what with the current SimPE issues and all).

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: Baa on 2006 January 19, 06:33:31
About the LTW in NL, I think I saw them. I normally don't pay attention to them much but I'll check since I'm going to go play in a few minutes.

Hopefully I get a second harddrive for my b-day so I can install Uni and have room for OFB.

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: cristalfiona on 2006 January 19, 09:16:20
Numenor made the no turn off tv mod. It was xptl297 at variousimmers that made the no change channel one. Hope that helps  :)

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: Baa on 2006 January 19, 09:39:08
Mkay so I managed to get no actual gameplay done. I was really busy 'decking out' my new neighborhood. It's really starting to shape up and look nice. I got an awesome scrolling shot of the eastside that I'm really proud of pulling off. It looks fabulous.

Anyhoo, I see about the LTWs tomorrow but JM said they should be there so I'd take his word for it.

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 January 19, 10:52:14
And does anyone know if there's a hacked TV somewhere which only shows the cooking channel?  I'm sick of family sims with the want to increase their cooking skills switching channels as soon as they've watched for about two sim minutes!
The Skillinator works great for this.  It makes them keep watching the Yummy channel for a long time, and if their fun is maxed out, they will study from a book instead.  They will even automatically put on the thinking cap if it's available.  I love it. :)

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 19, 12:40:36
I prefer to queue my sims myself, which is why I don't use that kind of mod.  But thanks, Cristalfiona, I'll see if I can find the nochangechannel mod.

Bluesoup, thanks for asking!  By the way, what are the current simPE issues?  Anything we mere mortals need to know about?

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: Ellatrue on 2006 January 19, 23:38:37
I have NL only, and there are lifetime wants. Although in my opinion they suck, because it is impossible to fill any of them for my already created adult sims- except the family sims, because they already had a gazillion kids- only then the LTW didn't take, because the game didn't count the marriages of the kids that were already married when I installed NL

I want the uni careers, dammit! And the reward objects! I should at least be able to cheat to get them!

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 January 20, 02:38:41
I have NL only, and there are lifetime wants. Although in my opinion they suck, because it is impossible to fill any of them for my already created adult sims- except the family sims, because they already had a gazillion kids- only then the LTW didn't take, because the game didn't count the marriages of the kids that were already married when I installed NL
It's not that they didn't count, it's that indirect want satisfaction is probably still broken, and many of those LTWs thus cannot be satisfied unless the sim is actually there when it happens.

I want the uni careers, dammit! And the reward objects! I should at least be able to cheat to get them!
May not be possible if the relevant object and uniform models don't exist. If you don't HAVE the cowplant mesh, there's no way to get a cowplant because it would be meshless.

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 20, 02:49:28
Why not just get Uni and install it - you don't have to play it if you don't want to!  I don't think your sims will even get the go to college want unless you actually choose a university.

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: Issy on 2006 January 20, 16:04:34

Oh they do get the want regardless of whether you have chosen a uni or not.  Almost all of my teens have the want to go college as soon as they have aged.  if I recall correctly though, the only few sims that didn't have a go to college want was a few pleasure sims.  I cant say for sure though cos I don't play the teens full duration of the life stage to be completely sure.

Title: Re: Nightlife = Uni?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 20, 16:19:00
Oh, well, it was just a thought, I remembered it wrong - must be my age!