More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Dark Trepie on 2006 January 14, 02:23:36

Title: Anyone else missing some "Play" interactions?
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2006 January 14, 02:23:36
Every since I downloaded and installed the latest NL compatible More Awesome Than You Director's Cut I've noticed a few options under "Play" are missing.  Namely Red Hands and Punch you Punch me.  Pillow Fight is missing too, but that's because I have No Road Pillows and have no desire to herd everyone into a bed room to make them do it.

Not that its annoying or all that hindering to gameplay.  But sometimes I like making grouchy sims play punch you punch me.  Its funny when they knock the crap out of the sim they're playing with.

As far as hacks I have other than the MATY DR.  They're mostly TJ's and Crammyboy's hacks.  With the exception of Almecho's Abduction Pregnancy for Males and Females and some vampire mod that lets you kill sims with Bite Neck (I forget the creator's name).

Title: Re: Anyone else missing some "Play" interactions?
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 January 14, 02:30:17
Yup... I've been trying to figure out which one does it, but I'm kind of lazy about it since I don't actually want those interractions. So I half-heartedly removed a bunch of hacks, and when the interactions were still missing I just shrugged and dumped all the hacks back and haven't really thought about it since.

I know that isn't exactly helpful, but hey, at least now you know it isn't your game heading toward a BFBVFS.

Title: Re: Anyone else missing some "Play" interactions?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 January 14, 02:35:34
Actually, now you come to mention it, I don't have them either and none of my Sims ever play them anymore.  Might make a change from stupid pillow fights if they did.  I did see "Red Hands" once recently, but only the once, and as I recall the instruction dropped from the queue anyway.  I wonder what's causing it?  Do you have all the mods in the Director's Cut?  Would be difficult to compare notes if you have loads, because I certainly do.  Might be worth a try, though, although quite what could affect it I have no idea, I can't think of anything I have that involves the play interactions.

BTW, how are things going with Lilith?  Last time I left your lot, you had practically starved to death, fallen asleep on the floor, wet yourself and stunk the place out, all because you couldn't tear yourself away from her long enough to take care of the basic necessities.  You even had to follow her when she went to the toilet and try to clean it before she'd even finished using it.  Then again, every other Sim pair with 3-bolts is exactly the same, it's just rather amusing to see it with Lilith.  She practically attacks every other male she fancies, so I've no idea why she let you off the hook.  

Title: Re: Anyone else missing some "Play" interactions?
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 January 14, 02:38:04
Actually, now you come to mention it, I don't have them either and none of my Sims ever play them anymore.  Might make a change from stupid pillow fights if they did.  I did see "Red Hands" once recently, but only the once, and as I recall the instruction dropped from the queue anyway.  I wonder what's causing it?  Do you have all the mods in the Director's Cut?  Would be difficult to compare notes if you have loads, because I certainly do.  Might be worth a try, though, although quite what could affect it I have no idea, I can't think of anything I have that involves the play interactions.

Well, I've got some time to kill, so I might as well test the hacks I've got.... I'll let you guys know if I manage to find the one that's doing it.

Title: Re: Anyone else missing some "Play" interactions?
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2006 January 14, 02:46:35
*tries to remember what hacks from the Director's Cut are NOT in his game*

NoUniInvulnerability (got tired of mopping up pee puddles)
No20KHandouts (not a masochist)
FasterBuyClothes (not needed)
LoboNanny (because I'm too lazy to go into SimPE and change stuff)

Everything but those four are in my game.  So there's no telling what's causing it.

Me and Lilith huh?  I do kinda have a strange fasination with goth girls...

Title: Re: Anyone else missing some "Play" interactions?
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 January 14, 02:52:17
Hang on... I've got it narrowed down to four hacks, so in a sec I'll tell you what it is.

Title: Re: Anyone else missing some "Play" interactions?
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 January 14, 02:59:52
And the winner is....



Title: Re: Anyone else missing some "Play" interactions?
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2006 January 14, 03:05:36
Well then...

I'm not sure about anyone else.  But I don't have too big of an epidemic with kids playing cops and robbers with complete strangers.

Thanks for finding the culpret.

Title: Re: Anyone else missing some "Play" interactions?
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 January 14, 03:07:03
Well then...

I'm not sure about anyone else.  But I don't have too big of an epidemic with kids playing cops and robbers with complete strangers.

Thanks for finding the culpret.

I just saw that the hack (which is by TwoJeffs, by the way) is NOT marked as compatible with NL. So I guess that explains it.

I've never had a problem with cops and robbers either, really. It's just one of those hacks I've always kept in because they "sounded like a good idea." LOL

Title: Re: Anyone else missing some "Play" interactions?
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2006 January 14, 03:15:32
Just took that hack out and started the game.  Red Hand and Punch you Punch me are back.

It's always the one you least suspect, ain't it?

Title: Re: Anyone else missing some "Play" interactions?
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 January 14, 03:19:46
Just took that hack out and started the game.  Red Hand and Punch you Punch me are back.

It seems like in TS2 and Uni, the interactions would have been missing only if the relationship score was low, but in NL they are missing regardless of the relationship score. Odd.

Title: Re: Anyone else missing some "Play" interactions?
Post by: twojeffs on 2006 January 14, 03:27:15
That happens because all of the social interaction tests are different in NL from previous versions. I never updated the hack because it doesn't seem to be a big problem with the new interaction tests. As you found it is very incompatible with NL.

Title: Re: Anyone else missing some "Play" interactions?
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 January 14, 03:29:43
I was right.  ;D

Title: Re: Anyone else missing some "Play" interactions?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 January 14, 03:55:56
*tries to remember what hacks from the Director's Cut are NOT in his game*

NoUniInvulnerability (got tired of mopping up pee puddles)
No20KHandouts (not a masochist)
All Trepies suck.

FasterBuyClothes (not needed)
If that's in there again, it no longer affects "buy" (not needed), but it gets rid of the lengthy browse for "try on" (because your woohooee will have fled in the 3 hours it takes to finish) the pointless browsing.

Title: Re: Anyone else missing some "Play" interactions?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 January 15, 00:45:15
I have NoCopsandRobbers too, although I thought it was OK with NL because it was modified in November.  Anyway, I've taken it out.  Maybe my 3-bolters will play something other than fish fights now for once.