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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: KiwiPriss on 2006 January 13, 20:56:06

Title: Blank Job Icons!! Thesims2 site is down!
Post by: KiwiPriss on 2006 January 13, 20:56:06
Hey sorry about this but thesims2 site is down and i didnt know where else to post, All my job icons have gone blank including wants and school icons, ive had this before and fixed it but i cant remember how. Any help would be aprecciated. Thanks

Title: Re: Blank Job Icons!! Thesims2 site is down!
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2006 January 13, 21:17:57
It sounds like you need to replace your objects.package file in C:\My Programs\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 (appropriate EP)\TSData\Res\Objects with the clean one from the game CD.  If you have University, it's on CD1, I think it's on CD 2 for Nightlife.

I usually keep a clean copy in another folder on my hard drive and copy it over the old one so I don't have to hunt it up on the CD!

Title: Re: Blank Job Icons!! Thesims2 site is down!
Post by: Twain on 2006 January 13, 21:22:51
Once you do that you should also make your objects.package file READ ONLY.

Title: Re: Blank Job Icons!! Thesims2 site is down!
Post by: KiwiPriss on 2006 January 13, 21:46:36
Okay, would someobdy beable to walk me through it i have a habit of screwing up.....I get how to copy it and all but the read only thing i dont get

Title: Re: Blank Job Icons!! Thesims2 site is down!
Post by: MokeyHokey on 2006 January 13, 22:06:32
A problem with this is that once you copy over the objects.package (in NL at least), you erase the patching on said objects.package and you cannot reapply the patch. I've no idea how to get around that, short of a reinstall.  I was a guinea pig for this experiment shortly after the patch came out and wound up reinstalling in order to fix a corrupted objects.package.  :-\

Title: Re: Blank Job Icons!! Thesims2 site is down!
Post by: KiwiPriss on 2006 January 13, 22:07:50
I dont think i have any of the patches, so i should be good right?

Title: Re: Blank Job Icons!! Thesims2 site is down!
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 January 13, 23:03:30
I think so.  Brynne had this problem awhile back and had to reinstall.  That's what TwoJeffs said to do, because the patch won't install again even if you replace the original objects package from the CD, it still thinks the patch is already in place.  But I think you may be able to just uninstall NL and not the whole Sims 2 game.  I haven't tried it but I know others said this worked with just reinsalling Uni.  If you do have to reinstall the whole game, just copy your Sims 2 folder in My Documents to another location on your hard drive, such as the desktop, before uninstalling.  Then after you've finished with reinstalling, delete the Sims 2 folder that the installation created, and replace it with the original one you backed up.  This should keep all your downloads, neighborhoods, saved sims, etc. in place.

Title: Re: Blank Job Icons!! Thesims2 site is down!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 13, 23:06:50
I suppose the answer to the objects.package is to make a copy as soon as the patch is installed, then make it read only as well as the original.

to make something read only, you right click the file, select properties,  where it says Attributes, you simply check the Read only box, Apply and exit.

Title: Re: Blank Job Icons!! Thesims2 site is down!
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 January 14, 00:30:46
As to how to make a read-only file.  Go in the folder in which you copied the objects.package (should be in tsdata folder) and right-clic on that objects.package file, select properties, a window will appear.  At the bottom of that window you will see the option to make the file read-only by checking the box, once you check it clic on apply and then ok.

If you have Uni or NL I suggest you install the patch.  After you install the patch you will need to make the objects.package file a read-only one again.

Title: Re: Blank Job Icons!! Thesims2 site is down!
Post by: kewian on 2006 January 14, 00:35:41
uhm  the easiest to use the nl patch provided at the sims2 site  or the university if you dont have NL

Title: Re: Blank Job Icons!! Thesims2 site is down!
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 January 14, 00:40:42
Kewian I am not sure if we can install the patch if the objects.package file has been modified.

Title: Re: Blank Job Icons!! Thesims2 site is down!
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 January 14, 00:44:03
The patch appears to copy the objects.package file from your CD2, which is why it requires that disk to be in the drive, and then it patches it.  This is why you can't simply copy the objects package from the CD after the patch has been installed, because it will no longer be patched.  So the only thing left to do is reinstall NL and the NL patch.  I would suggest not only making the objects file read-only after the patch, but backing it up to another location on your hard drive or to a CD if you want to be really sure. ;)

Title: Re: Blank Job Icons!! Thesims2 site is down!
Post by: simposiast on 2006 January 14, 02:03:44
Is it possible to use someone else's objects.package file rather than reinstall?

Title: Re: Blank Job Icons!! Thesims2 site is down!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 14, 02:32:54
Presumably if the someone else has done all the right things that you don't want to do, then I'd say yes.

Title: Re: Blank Job Icons!! Thesims2 site is down!
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 January 14, 02:59:43
It's a large file though, but maybe it could be put on  The NL one is about 40 MB.