More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Avie on 2006 January 13, 19:58:55

Title: Hack requests revisited
Post by: Avie on 2006 January 13, 19:58:55
The most useful hack I ever had was a computer (a mac of course!) from the brilliant Around the Sims site...the only one I pay for. It let you do all skilling at the computer. But that was in S1.
Be nice if I could have something similar

Title: Re: Hack requests revisited
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 January 13, 20:11:52
You want Monique's computer at ModtheSims2

Title: Re: Hack requests revisited
Post by: Avie on 2006 January 13, 20:16:35
Awesome thanks for that

Title: Re: Hack requests revisited
Post by: sabra on 2006 January 13, 21:38:12
You know, I've been looking for that too!  I fondly remember the computer skilling in Sims 1--one stop shopping, as it were.

Thanks for the info. :)

Title: Re: Hack requests revisited
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 14, 12:39:33
I used to use the bookcases from Ikbod's!