More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Avie on 2006 January 13, 19:42:19

Title: Be afraid..Be VERY afraid
Post by: Avie on 2006 January 13, 19:42:19
God help us. Apple have released an OS update. To quote Apple themselves this includes "Core Graphics, Core Audio, Core Imaging, RAW Camera Support, AND (this is the scary part) updated ATI and NNVIDIA graphics drivers"
Given the total S2 disaster of OSX 10.4.3 which caused S2 to fail totally DARE I download 10.4.4? I think NOT.

Title: Re: Be afraid..Be VERY afraid
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 January 13, 21:11:15
It works fine! Seems a bit faster on my laptop. If your realy anal about this you can check the framerate with control,shift,s.

Title: Re: Be afraid..Be VERY afraid
Post by: seven on 2006 January 14, 05:24:32
Simsbaby -that's a great signature!

Title: Re: Be afraid..Be VERY afraid
Post by: sudaki on 2006 January 14, 08:07:37
I didn't have a problem with 10.4.3... I think. Was that just the upgrade that required the new patch for S2 to run?

Title: Re: Be afraid..Be VERY afraid
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 January 14, 08:11:53
Simsbaby -that's a great signature!
Thanks! I found it in a story on maxises site.

Title: Re: Be afraid..Be VERY afraid
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 January 14, 21:42:13
You use Apple?

What the hell fuck?

You use one of the stupidest OS on the planet?

Wow, my elementary school had apples which never worked.  That god for my home computer.

Title: Re: Be afraid..Be VERY afraid
Post by: Oddysey on 2006 January 14, 21:45:23
Uh oh.

Mr. MSD, please back up inflammatory statements, so those of us with sense will have more time to hide.

Title: Re: Be afraid..Be VERY afraid
Post by: kewian on 2006 January 14, 22:28:12
I have a home computer also but I have heard that Apples are virtually resistant to any and all viruses. So I think they might have a leg up on windows. 

Title: Re: Be afraid..Be VERY afraid
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 January 14, 23:23:30
You are saying that apple computers suck? That my iBook that i have had for five years with out ever having to reinstall or send into the shop sucks? That the windows that I use at school is better because it gets loaded with viruses and has to reinstall every six months is better? Someone has a really twisted view on computers.

Title: Re: Be afraid..Be VERY afraid
Post by: Renatus on 2006 January 15, 14:00:19
Wow, my elementary school had apples which never worked.  That god for my home computer.

That's because they were in an elementary school. Unless that school was lucky enough to have a teacher that had troubleshooting and repair training, they were likely poorly maintained and definitely abused by hordes of kids, and depending on when you were in elementary school (which *cough* doesn't sound like it was all too long ago) were probably woefully out of date, at that. Any computer that is poorly maintained, abused, and possibly out of date is of course going to suck... and it's going to seem to suck even more if the user has no idea how to use the OS the computer runs.

But hey, feel free to get into a debate with me about it! I don't have all of the technological knowledge in the world, but I have used the many flavours of Windows, DOS, and Mac OS extensively and worked in computer repair for a piddling three years...

Title: Re: Be afraid..Be VERY afraid
Post by: Avie on 2006 January 15, 19:50:50
I think the 10.4.3 glitch only affected NVIDIA GeForce  FX5200 series cards which tend to be the ones that come with G5 iMacs and PowerMacs. I have a dual-processor PowerMac  G5 bought especially for Sims 2 and I couldn't beleive it when I installed 10.4.3 and the game went tits-up, losing all it's load-screen menus and going totally loco in CAS.
Speedy as ever Aspyr took a full month before releasing a patch and by then I'd rolled the OS back.
I must say though 10.4.4 seems to have improved matters greatly. I'm getting a smoother, faster game which isn't even lagging in the dreaded slower-than-frozen-treacle Legacy house.
Pity I have been promised a Radeon 9600 Pro card for my birthday!