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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: SciBirg on 2006 January 13, 19:36:10

Title: Possible hack? Dorm-style apartment building in hood
Post by: SciBirg on 2006 January 13, 19:36:10
Is it possible to make a mod that allows for building dorm-style apartment buildings in your regular neighborhood?

With that I mean houses where you control one or more sims and the rest are townies. Or would it possibly work downtown or on a community lot?

Title: Re: Possible hack? Dorm-style apartment building in hood
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 January 13, 19:41:08
Is it possible to make a mod that allows for building dorm-style apartment buildings in your regular neighborhood?

With that I mean houses where you control one or more sims and the rest are townies. Or would it possibly work downtown or on a community lot?

You can use Inge's security system to set-up the lot as an apartment. You can't have townies stay there but you could use her customer teleporter bush to bring townies to the lot and just act like they live in some of the apartments. Or you could have "controllable" sims in some of the apartments that you don't bother to control and just let them run around with free will on.

Title: Re: Possible hack? Dorm-style apartment building in hood
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 13, 23:19:35
Or you could move the townies in, then let them be the controllable sims you just ignore!  However, you'd have to check their needs occasionally, or they'd be dropping down dead!

Title: Re: Possible hack? Dorm-style apartment building in hood
Post by: MutantBunny on 2006 January 13, 23:36:59
On another board someone said you can set up a res lot with apartments, use the Myne doors on the apartments, have your sim claim a door, then change the zoning to a dorm and this would allow for 'apartments.' I think they said the empty apts. will fill up with townies. I have not tried this yet, but I'm goning to.

I have used Inge's system and it's excellent. Lotsa fun.

Title: Re: Possible hack? Dorm-style apartment building in hood
Post by: vcline on 2006 January 14, 00:18:30
Does anyone know where I could download some apartments, prisons, or schools using Inge's hacks?  I'd love to use them, but I'm much too lazy to create my own lots. :(

Title: Re: Possible hack? Dorm-style apartment building in hood
Post by: C.S. on 2006 January 14, 01:13:09
How about ( Lots of houses, some were absolutely gorgeous. They also have a few community lots.

Title: Re: Possible hack? Dorm-style apartment building in hood
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 January 14, 05:53:09
These don't have Inge's security system in place, but that's easy enough to add.

Here are two apartment buildings I built:

If you have a subscription to TSR, Shakeshaft, ErwinSims and Dotcombuilder have several apartment buildings. Crazy One has a lot called "Simcity Suburbs" which is the lot I modified to make the MATYville slum area (you can see pictures in the MATYville real estate thread). Uma Design has an elementary school.

Title: Re: Possible hack? Dorm-style apartment building in hood
Post by: vcline on 2006 January 14, 19:49:50
Thanks for the suggestions.  I did just get some buildings from Laverwinkle - just gorgeous.  And I go to TSR to get free stuff once in a while.  Maybe I should subscribe. 

I'd really like to find some prisons - once I put JMP in my game, I know he'd like to be the warden.  ;D

Title: Re: Possible hack? Dorm-style apartment building in hood
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 January 14, 21:38:43
Thanks for the suggestions.  I did just get some buildings from Laverwinkle - just gorgeous.  And I go to TSR to get free stuff once in a while.  Maybe I should subscribe. 

I'd really like to find some prisons - once I put JMP in my game, I know he'd like to be the warden.  ;D

Humybyrd might know where you could get a prison. You might want to PM and ask her about it.  ;)

Title: Re: Possible hack? Dorm-style apartment building in hood
Post by: gethane on 2006 January 14, 22:08:16
On another board someone said you can set up a res lot with apartments, use the Myne doors on the apartments, have your sim claim a door, then change the zoning to a dorm and this would allow for 'apartments.' I think they said the empty apts. will fill up with townies. I have not tried this yet, but I'm goning to.

I have used Inge's system and it's excellent. Lotsa fun.

This intrigued me so I had to try it. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to work for me. I changed the zoning to dorm after my sim claimed a door, then exited and saved to neighborhood (to finalize the zoning change) and then went back to the lot and waited for several sim hours. No newspaper came, Jan Tellerman walked by, but no townies came and claimed a door.

Title: Re: Possible hack? Dorm-style apartment building in hood
Post by: angelyne on 2006 January 14, 22:23:10
These don't have Inge's security system in place, but that's easy enough to add.

Here are two apartment buildings I built:

If you have a subscription to TSR, Shakeshaft, ErwinSims and Dotcombuilder have several apartment buildings. Crazy One has a lot called "Simcity Suburbs" which is the lot I modified to make the MATYville slum area (you can see pictures in the MATYville real estate thread). Uma Design has an elementary school.

For a slum area, have you seen what CycloneSue has been up to lately?  She has a series called Urban Renewal. It's a set of run down appartements and houses.  I created a whole slum area near the water tower in my 'hood.

Title: Re: Possible hack? Dorm-style apartment building in hood
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 January 15, 00:11:54
These don't have Inge's security system in place, but that's easy enough to add.

Here are two apartment buildings I built:

If you have a subscription to TSR, Shakeshaft, ErwinSims and Dotcombuilder have several apartment buildings. Crazy One has a lot called "Simcity Suburbs" which is the lot I modified to make the MATYville slum area (you can see pictures in the MATYville real estate thread). Uma Design has an elementary school.

For a slum area, have you seen what CycloneSue has been up to lately?  She has a series called Urban Renewal. It's a set of run down appartements and houses.  I created a whole slum area near the water tower in my 'hood.

Yep. Love her stuff.

Title: Re: Possible hack? Dorm-style apartment building in hood
Post by: MutantBunny on 2006 January 15, 00:33:31
angelyne: please a link or site name?

Title: Re: Possible hack? Dorm-style apartment building in hood
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 January 15, 00:36:19
CycloneSue ( is at The Sims Resource.

Title: Re: Possible hack? Dorm-style apartment building in hood
Post by: MutantBunny on 2006 January 15, 00:54:23
Thank you! *off to TSR*

Title: Re: Possible hack? Dorm-style apartment building in hood
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 15, 01:02:52
I'd really like to find some prisons - once I put JMP in my game, I know he'd like to be the warden. 

Alternatively, you could put him in solitary!

Title: Re: Possible hack? Dorm-style apartment building in hood
Post by: SciBirg on 2006 January 17, 10:00:50
I know about Inge's hacks, that is kind of what prompted the question in the first place.
But I would like to be able to live on a community lot (or dorm), like you sort of could in TS1 if you had beds and fridges that were usable by visitors.

This kind of hack if it is possible is probably more up Inge's alley than JM's anyway.
I just want lots of autonomous sims running around interacting with my controllable sims but otherwise not my "problem" if you know what I mean.
I could never leave sims to fend for themselves if I moved them in, too much of a softie for that.

Title: Re: Possible hack? Dorm-style apartment building in hood
Post by: mistymage on 2006 January 17, 13:13:58
I know about Inge's hacks, that is kind of what prompted the question in the first place.
But I would like to be able to live on a community lot (or dorm), like you sort of could in TS1 if you had beds and fridges that were usable by visitors.

This kind of hack if it is possible is probably more up Inge's alley than JM's anyway.
I just want lots of autonomous sims running around interacting with my controllable sims but otherwise not my "problem" if you know what I mean.
I could never leave sims to fend for themselves if I moved them in, too much of a softie for that.

Get Inge's PY2 plant for a few controllable but ignored sims.. the plants can be set to keep their needs up so they don't die.. leaving you free to play the sims you want.

eta: it's found under her sims 2 "miscellaneous objects".

Title: Re: Possible hack? Dorm-style apartment building in hood
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 January 17, 14:28:10
Unfortunately, it didn't seem to work for me. I changed the zoning to dorm after my sim claimed a door, then exited and saved to neighborhood (to finalize the zoning change)

in my notes on changing zoning, it says you can't have a sim already living on the lot when you change it  ???

Title: Re: Possible hack? Dorm-style apartment building in hood
Post by: SciBirg on 2006 January 18, 09:10:02
Unfortunately, it didn't seem to work for me. I changed the zoning to dorm after my sim claimed a door, then exited and saved to neighborhood (to finalize the zoning change)

in my notes on changing zoning, it says you can't have a sim already living on the lot when you change it  ???

That's what I heard too. And you can't do changelotzoning to dorm in a residential neighborhood anyway. Does not work. Unless someone is able to hack it.