More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: sara_dippity on 2006 January 13, 05:12:02

Title: So what do I need to know about?
Post by: sara_dippity on 2006 January 13, 05:12:02
Too many pages to wade through.... I haven't had internet connection (except public computers) since, oh, October or so. Before the patch came out. I'm in the process of setting my computer up again*, have the Holiday sims edition (the full one, not the object pack, got sick of waiting for internet again so I could order the pack. Good thing too, since now I see I had limited time to get it and I don't have the money for it). Blah blah, seems that the Holiday edition had a tiny patch in it, or I'm just not getting some of the same bugs I was. I could be wrong on that. So I'm looking around for the info I need, I can see where the hacks I need are, but where is a compiled list of new issues that I'm sure the patch introduced? My searching skills seem to suck.
Oh, I have both Uni and Nightlife.

*Hey a rant! I moved and was waiting to get dsl when I found out that my phone company put dial up on our bill, my husband must have done it and forgotten, so I thought "Why not?" I mean, I can just upgrade internet later and at least get my sims patch right? There was a freaking virus on my internet installation cd. Seriously. A pop up would come up saying my registry was corrupted and I needed to go to to fix it, then one about having a virus on my computer and to go to another site to fix that (Yeah there's a virus. One that tells me my computer has a virus.) and three or four more popups similar right after those. I would close them and a min later they would all be back. Virus checking revealed a trojan. One that was not there before. One that had to come from the cd because, well, I haven't been on the internet since October. I tried three ways to remove it before reformatting in anger. I can not believe I got a virus from SBC. I also kind of can't believe I'm still using their service, manually set up and not through the cd of course. I think sometime after I get home tomarrow I'm going to be chewing out some innocent customer service rep's ass though.

Title: Re: So what do I need to know about?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 13, 05:22:42
That sucks!  But Microsoft have a program you can download which should stop it happening again. 

Title: Re: So what do I need to know about?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 January 13, 05:27:42
Yes, the Microsoft Anti-Spyware program ( has been excellent for me, it even got rid of this stupid Internet Optimizer that I had for months without successfully being ready to get rid of it.

I would check the official site for the list of bugs the Uni patch fixed, and then download the Director's Cut from Pescado, and all the critical fixes from TJ and Crammyboy.

Title: Re: So what do I need to know about?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 13, 05:33:06
I have something on my PC that I just cannot get rid of, no matter what I try!  I allowed my neighbour's son to use the net and he must have been prompted to download something called Anark client as it suddenly appeared in my control Panel and Program folders.  I managed to uninstall, find loads of bits t had dropped all over the place, but the one thing that has defeated me is the darned icon in the Control Panel!  I even went to the site and posted an email  request for assistance with removing it, but no-one bothered to reply!

Title: Re: So what do I need to know about?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 January 13, 05:34:03
Have you run this program to try and remove it?  It's been really awesome for me, and found a whole lot of stuff I didn't even know I had.

Title: Re: So what do I need to know about?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 13, 05:40:54
Oh yes, I tried that too, the only reason I don't use it now is I have the McAfee equivalent installed.  But it's an Icon dammit!!!!!  Right-click, click delete, move to recycle bin, right?? Wrong!!!!  It just refuses to budge!  what I think it's done is overwrite an original Control Panel Icon.  But if I right  click, I just get two options, either open or create shortcut.  I can slide it to the desktop, and delete what's on the desktop, but the original still remains!

Title: Re: So what do I need to know about?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 January 13, 05:44:52
Yeah, Internet Optimizer was like that too.  Once I did actually manage to get rid of it, in some fluky kinda way, but it came back almost immediately.  I only finally got rid of it for good with Anti-Spyware.

I had McAfee installed before, but it could never get rid of it.  Now I have this, and a Norton program.

Title: Re: So what do I need to know about?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 13, 05:57:56
Well, McAfee since I upgraded has been so much better, no more bringing me back to the desktop with a bump because it wanted to install an update!  No more asking me What do I want to do, giving me the option of Continue what I was soing, and then leaving it to me to bring my sims back!  But I'm seriously angry about the personal firewall which I darned well paid for and won't let me prevent my address, phone number and other personal details from being circulated all over the internet because - wait for it - like so many of their customers, I don't happen to live in the US!  I emailed them and got zilch in the way of help, I emailed them and complained and got directed to McAfee Uk, which was just as useless!  And they have no plans to include this feature!  I sometimes feel like I should report them to the Trading Standards people for selling useless software, but it's a minefield just trying to find who to inform!  Oh well, rant over for today!

Title: Re: So what do I need to know about?
Post by: sara_dippity on 2006 January 14, 04:14:03
Yes, the Microsoft Anti-Spyware program ( has been excellent for me, it even got rid of this stupid Internet Optimizer that I had for months without successfully being ready to get rid of it.

I would check the official site for the list of bugs the Uni patch fixed, and then download the Director's Cut from Pescado, and all the critical fixes from TJ and Crammyboy.
Thanks, I was using AdAware, but since it didn't help me, maybe this one will be better.

By the way, I didn't notice it in the patch notes... are cemetaries fixed? I remember that moving the tombstones would make them show up in live mode, then your sim could place them where you wanted them, but after your sim left the positions wern't saved.
And bonfires never going out, has that been fixed?
Maybe I've been reading too much stuff on the updates and I missed the info, I'll go back and look again.
Not that I can play. My holiday one anyway. The second disk seems to have stopped working, even though it's (obviously) brand new. It makes sense that it doesn't work though, my life does that. Any simple task will be complicated, like my connecting to the internet here. And when I moved into this appartment, there were dogs in it. Not my dogs. We just bought a new car. An hour later, my door stopped working and my rear view mirror fell off.  I'm a shit happens magnet.

Title: Re: So what do I need to know about?
Post by: cwieberdink on 2006 January 14, 04:45:23
Welcome Back Sarah!


Title: Re: So what do I need to know about?
Post by: sara_dippity on 2006 January 14, 06:23:38
Yeah, I can really tell you missed me. What with not spelling my name right ;). I am though, very glad to be here. You have no idea how much I've missed the internet, much less updated hacks for the sims.

Title: Re: So what do I need to know about?
Post by: Katze on 2006 January 14, 06:36:50
Bluesoup I use it too and always have it run in the background never had trouble since.

Title: Re: So what do I need to know about?
Post by: cwieberdink on 2006 January 14, 13:20:41
SARA I apologize!  I didn't even look that carefully.  I DO remember you and I am glad to see you again.  I think you were a nice member to have around.   :-[


Title: Re: So what do I need to know about?
Post by: sara_dippity on 2006 January 17, 17:57:42
:) I remember you too. Was just picking on you, no feelings hurt.
I saw where the cemetaries were fixed, but were bonfires?
And I read this:
Book cleanup has been improved to prevent the potential deletion of unintentional objects, such as vehicle portals.
What the hell does that mean, "prevent" portal deletion?!? Does this mean I still need crammyboy's fix? I thought they were using his code in the patch!

Edit to add ~
Oh, and I'm lost with the new hack sorting system on the list of hacks (on the index page). does the new system mean that I only neeed to download the Nightlife section, or do I need to find and go through Dr. Borris' list?
There are things in the /alpha directory that are not in /ffs/nl/hacks, do I need those? I see the no20k hack but not moneyorder, I know that now you can enter in the funds for a family through a cheat, but the way I play, sims "borrow" and "repay" from their families and friends, the best way to do this is moneyorder. Can I use the old one, or is it there and I'm blind?

Title: Re: So what do I need to know about?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 January 17, 22:12:13
Well, Pescado has never been known for his organizational skills, so it's a bit of a crapshoot as to what is compatible and what has been discontinued.  I've been going by the rule of thumb that if it's listed in his More Awesome Than You Director's Cut, then it's safe to use in NL.  There's a text list of the mods included in that package in the /ffs/nl/hacks.

Title: Re: So what do I need to know about?
Post by: Sagana on 2006 January 18, 00:09:27
eep, I sorta thought the money order thing came with the no20k handout - or at least it had some way for them to keep whatever they earn at Uni (really hopes so as I installed no20k, but not a seperate money order one).

Title: Re: So what do I need to know about?
Post by: sara_dippity on 2006 January 18, 01:11:29
M'k thankye.

Title: Re: So what do I need to know about?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 18, 20:21:13
Well, I'm still using the money order without problems.