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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: cwieberdink on 2006 January 12, 21:17:06

Title: NOW what did I do wrong?
Post by: cwieberdink on 2006 January 12, 21:17:06
I have the weirdest problems in my game.  Now when I go into CAS, not all the pictures of "use an already existing sim" are of the sim that will show up.  For example, when I click on an image of a faemidwife incarnation when I was working on getting myself "perfect", Reg pops up.  There is no image of reg in the sim bin anymore.  And one of the pictures is a male sim in the bin, but when clicked is a female I don't recognize.  ??  EH???  I have deleted a bunch of hair I didn't want, so lots of the sims in the bin are now bald, which should be interesting when I load the game  :D

But what is up with that?

I did delete some sims in bodyshop (incarnations of me and my family only).  Did I mess up some numbering system somewhere?  Oh, me.  I did it again.


Title: Re: NOW what did I do wrong?
Post by: Swiftgold on 2006 January 12, 21:25:49
Might want to try deleting the thumbnails? Then the game ought to regnerate them properly. When I was having my 'hair textures replacing the scalp skin' problem, I'd regnerated thumbnails and it was showing the 'bald' skin in the preview with the hair texture screwup. So, it regnerates it from what exists...

Title: Re: NOW what did I do wrong?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 January 12, 21:34:45
I've gotten the wrong Sims showing sometimes in the SimBin too...I had Brynne showing up in the male bin, but when I clicked on her, it was actually Crammyboy.   ???
It's happened a couple of times, and there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it either.

Title: Re: NOW what did I do wrong?
Post by: Brynne on 2006 January 12, 21:37:51
I've gotten the wrong Sims showing sometimes in the SimBin too...I had Brynne showing up in the male bin, but when I clicked on her, it was actually Crammyboy.   ???

Make no mistake, though. Brynne is a girl, dammit. *sigh*

Title: Re: NOW what did I do wrong?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 January 12, 22:01:15
LOL I know you're a girl, hun.  I didn't even think about that when I said it.  I also had Pescado show up in the girl bin, but really be Rainbow, I think.  And I've never been able to get Rainbow's recoloured clothes to show up.  ???

It's all very bizarre.

Title: Re: NOW what did I do wrong?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 January 13, 01:54:09
I can't find quite a lot of the MATY Sims I downloaded, so maybe mine are in the wrong bins as well.  I'll have to go into BodyShop and see.

Title: Re: NOW what did I do wrong?
Post by: seven on 2006 January 13, 05:05:58
This is happening to me too. I can't find Gali. She's not in the male bin though. I'll have to look again.

Title: Re: NOW what did I do wrong?
Post by: Dea on 2006 January 13, 05:36:07
You should see when an adults preview is a toddler...

Title: Re: NOW what did I do wrong?
Post by: radiophonic on 2006 January 13, 05:54:45
I've had that happen since I purchased this game back in June. All I know is that if I delete some of the sims that have already been used, it seems to partially or completely fix the issue. And then, days later it goes right back to doing the same thing again. :P

Title: Re: NOW what did I do wrong?
Post by: Sandilou on 2006 January 13, 08:36:15
This is happening to me too. I can't find Gali. She's not in the male bin though. I'll have to look again.

Gali's a Young Adult.  She's in the Uni CAS bin. 

I cannot begin to describe the state of my CAS custom bin.  I wondered whether the simbin mix ups were due to me clicking on Yes to overwriting files.

Title: Re: NOW what did I do wrong?
Post by: Lythdan on 2006 January 13, 14:15:30
I have sims in the wrong gender in my custom sims bins in CAS as well. Skip Broke was in the female's bin, but when I clicked on him, turned out to be Jennifer Burb. He didn't appear in the male bin, but Jennifer did, and when I clicked on her, who did I get, but Skip?

Title: Re: NOW what did I do wrong?
Post by: cwieberdink on 2006 January 13, 14:21:43
Whew, I am glad so many others are having this problem, but also wondering how I never heard of it before!  Anyway, when I quit the game to go download more MATY sims, when I went back in to put them in the neighborhood, the sim bin was ok.  Weird!!!  Well, I'm glad I didn't do anything that will 'splode my game.


Title: Re: NOW what did I do wrong?
Post by: Lythdan on 2006 January 13, 14:23:34
Whew, I am glad so many others are having this problem, but also wondering how I never heard of it before!  Anyway, when I quit the game to go download more MATY sims, when I went back in to put them in the neighborhood, the sim bin was ok.  Weird!!!  Well, I'm glad I didn't do anything that will 'splode my game.


:) Glad it all worked out. I still have some gender confused sims in my CAS bins :-p

Title: Re: NOW what did I do wrong?
Post by: kewian on 2006 January 13, 14:29:47 my cas bin  for hook.... there is simkewian on the template picture  and when  i click on it Hook shows up..... Kewian is not a male and shouldnt be there.

Title: Re: NOW what did I do wrong?
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 January 13, 15:17:56
When I was adding sims to the hood, I did it in groups of 4-8. After adding the sim to the hood, before I started the next group, I would delete the templates from body shop and then start the next group. I still wound up with one sim stick in body shop (the delete button is grayed out) and a few that showed up with the wrong thumbnail for the sim. 

And here I was thinking it was just me. Glad you asked the I feel a little less dumb.

Title: Re: NOW what did I do wrong?
Post by: myskaal on 2006 January 13, 15:24:32
I've had the wrong thumbnail in the bin many times. Deleting the thumbnails.cache always fixes it for me.

I have no idea what would cause sims not to show up at all though.  :-\

Title: Re: NOW what did I do wrong?
Post by: cwieberdink on 2006 January 13, 15:55:14
I had trouble with Trepie and Missdoh not showing up in CAS for some reason.  Finally yesterday I saved their .package file to my saved sims folder, THEN went in and double-clicked to install with clean installer, it said (like always)  that the files were installed ok.  Then I deleted the .package file.  Now they appear in CAS.  AND my thumbnails are all correct again.  WEIRD!


Title: Re: NOW what did I do wrong?
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 January 13, 17:46:14
I had the exact same problem with the MATY sims before I had to reinstall windows and I installed them all. 

So to avoid it happened again I decided to add them 4 at a time, once they were place I deleted them in the CAS bin quit the game and install another batch of 4.  I also got rid of all the cc coming with each Sims but I made sure to do it correctly.

Just remember that some of those Sims can also be teens, YA and some are already on a lot so you have to look for them in the lot&housebin.

Title: Re: NOW what did I do wrong?
Post by: Sandilou on 2006 January 13, 19:45:35
Miss Doh, do you lose the meshes and custom content that come with your custom sims when you delete them from the custom simbin?  Or will the custom content eg. hair, tops remain in their sections?  I'm thinking of deleting all the custom sims, but I don't want to lose their outfits or crash my game.

Title: Re: NOW what did I do wrong?
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 January 13, 20:28:18
The way I did it is when creating the Sims I deleted the cc stuff and replace it with Maxis created that was close to the original.

I think when you delete a Sim in CAS all the cc coming with it will get deleted too but I am not a 100% sure, I could test that for you tonight when I come back from work and let you know.

Title: Re: NOW what did I do wrong?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 January 13, 21:40:51
you can delete the sims in the bin, you won't lose their custom outfits or makeup or hair, those are all separate files.

I've done it many times and never lost any of the custom content.

Title: Re: NOW what did I do wrong?
Post by: Sandilou on 2006 January 14, 00:01:45
Thanks :)