More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Kristalrose on 2006 January 10, 15:40:27

Title: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: Kristalrose on 2006 January 10, 15:40:27
I'm trying to give my favorite "good-guy" sim a little bit of excitement.  So, Delilah, a beautiful romance sim, kept rolling over wants to call him, to ask him on dates, etc.  The male sim, Jackson, is a happilly married family sim.  His wife is an okay kind of gal, but she's a pleasure sim and really just wants to party and soak in the hot tub.  So, I let him visit Delilah.  It didn't take long for their friendship to become romantic, and she's rolling the "marry Jackson" want.  (Which is pretty funny, because her fears slots were all about marrying other boyfriends!)  She was pregnant with his child, and having a hard time taking care of her son and paying bills and what-not, so I used Inge's teleporter to move Jackson in.  Jackson's wonderful, a really nice guy, high ranking military career, lots of skill points because I've raised him from a baby, and he's a favorite of mine.  Jackson cleans her house, trims her hedges, encourages her son to be neat and helps him do his homework.  Geesh, I'd bet Jackson would happilly rub Delilah's feet if he was programed with that action.  ;)  The baby was born (another boy, grrrr!) and since it was past my bedtime I exited the game.

Now, What if I use Inge's teleporter, move him back into his original home with his wife and other child?  And, what if I let him go back and forth, raising two families?  Like a Bigamist?  hehehehe  Because he surprised me at how well he just took up in Delilah's place and made himself the "man of the house." 

Anyone ever play this way?  I've just always had them do the honorable thing and divorce their wives, or else stay away and let the mother raise the little bastard by herself. 

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: cristalfiona on 2006 January 10, 15:44:52
Thats actually quite a good idea, if it works. Saves all the messy break-up stuff, and as you will only be playing one house at a time, it shouldnt cause problems that way. You may have to use elixir or aging off though, or he will age excessively

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: Kristalrose on 2006 January 10, 15:48:46
LMAO, well, if he's raising two families, shouldn't he age faster anyway?  Imagine the stress, the sleepless nights, the energy from running back and forth. . .

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: Kala on 2006 January 10, 17:13:38
He's Jackson the wonderman,raising two families without breaking a sweat.  I agree with cristalfiona

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: angelyne on 2006 January 10, 18:13:09
I think it would work.  I don't see why not.  You are bypassing the normal game by doing this, so that's why there are no hysterical reaction from the spouses.  Without a hack you'd have to use "move out".   I did that once, for some reason.  I think I meant it to be temporary.  But the sims left behind started crying.  I don't remember if she had a bad memory or not. 

Scenario wise, I'd think of it as your sim having two families unbeknownst to each other.  He's a military man so that would be easy to explain.  Each spouse would think he's "on assignment somewhere".

Maybe I should try that.  I have one sim that I matched with a likely 3 lighting bolt partner.  Except that they are not making pretty babies together at all.  I had to edit the resulting girl.  So I'm thinking to alter my sim's appearance and fix the genetics.  Or I could simply pick a different father for her children.  But since she's a family sim, I don't want to divorce.  Hmmm I was also considering making her romance and having babies from a whole bunch of fathers. 

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: Sandilou on 2006 January 10, 19:56:16
Posted by: Kristalrose
Now, What if I use Inge's teleporter, move him back into his original home with his wife and other child?  And, what if I let him go back and forth, raising two families?  Like a Bigamist?  hehehehe  Because he surprised me at how well he just took up in Delilah's place and made himself the "man of the house." 

Anyone ever play this way?

Yep - in Strangetown - before my neighbourhood went explodee due to overpopulation.  Circe Beaker had 2 sets of twins with her new husband Abhijeet Cho: he was spreading himself very thin around Strangetown - in fact he'd fathered 4 other children with 4 different moms - one of whom was Bella -  outside of their marriage, so everytime I visited one of the homes with his babies in it,  I got the mom to invite him over, then I'd move him in so that he could help out. He was on rotation, so to speak. Back then I wasn't using any hacks or anything more awesome.  I never moved him back in with Circe, so his older children didn't have a (bad?) memory of him moving in or out. 

I don't have that type of scenario in my current neighbourhoods, but if I did want an errant father to help out, I'd use the Insimenator to temporarily select him.  As it is, I'm Legacy oriented so I won't use cheats - unless I really have to.

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 January 11, 01:08:34
You could actually have him living in both houses if you add him to the other one in SimPE.  I keep meaning to try that, have someone live a double-life as it were, but I haven't got around to it yet.  It's certainly possible, though.  All you'd need to do is make sure he was the right age in both houses by altering his age every so often with whatever mod you use, or in SimPE.  You can also move him out of one and into the other via SimPE and totally bypass any moving out/in memories. 

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 11, 01:47:26
If you just teleport him to the girl-friend's house, but don't use the mirror, I can't see that he would age at all!  Otherwise popularity sims on constant visits to other sims houses would be elders before their twin family sim was out of her teens!  And if you want him to cook/clean,garden etc., there's always the Influence option.

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: speedreader on 2006 January 11, 12:56:39
I have done this just using the Propose: Move In option on the Sims menu.  Emilio had a LTW to graduate six children (I generally ignore this kind of want) and I thought it would be fun to accomplish in two different families.  So in college he picked up with Bianca and her sister Alicia.  They live within sight of each other but, stupid Simmies, don't know about each other!  The kids are all friends.  Emilio lives in whichever house I am playing.  I only had trouble once getting him moved back in to a house.  I had to exit the game and return because the option was just not coming up.

I did go into PE and change the last name of the Sim he didn't marry so the children would all have his last name.  Since he is aging faster than the ladies I will fix that by using some elixer.

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 11, 14:24:08
I've never seen graduate 6 children - only 3, and 2 will actually get your sim in platinum (unless they've corrected this with NL.  But it doesn't matter whether he lives on the lot with the kids or not, he just has to attend the graduation parties.  If he doesn't, or they don't have one for him to attend, he won't fulfil the LTW.  But in my pre-NL Pleasantview, Brandi went Perma-plat when Beau graduated, Keanu was still at Uni.

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: Kristalrose on 2006 January 11, 16:36:29
So far so good.  I've moved him back and forth from house to house with no problem.  Had him Woo Hoo both women to test for any negative consequences, there are none.  His wife has no memory of him being gone.  :)

I started a story thread at World Sims with some pictures, for anyone who's bored and wants some soap-opera style reading.  If you like story threads there are seveal going on there, all very good and very different.

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: speedreader on 2006 January 11, 18:41:31
I've never seen graduate 6 children - only 3, and 2 will actually get your sim in platinum (unless they've corrected this with NL. 

Oops, you're right.  It was Marry off 6 children.  My mistake. 

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 11, 18:44:18
The graduate LTW is about the easiest to get!  (That and Captain Hero, and I get so sick of all the Captain Heroes that litter ones hood!)

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 January 12, 00:21:29
The Graduate LTW is not "hard", since you likely plan to graduate anyway.

It is, however, destructive. A 50% population increase at every generation will quickly render your neighborhood unmanageably overpopulated. It is also immensely slow. There is no really practical way to rush this, unlike with career, friend, or skill-based wants. In fact, the earliest you can likely see this want will probably be early-to-mid elder, by which time it's mostly too late to do anything with the results except die with it.

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 12, 02:12:40
Well, the other LTW's for Family sims, apart from Captain Hero and Reach Golden Anniversary, are just as bad for population explosion, maybe worse. 

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: speedreader on 2006 January 12, 03:46:30
I agree!  I have been playing the Chinese method in my game and only allowing one child per couple.  And then along comes Emilio and all on his own he screws up all my efforts for population reduction in my neighborhood.  Ah well, that's Sim life, right?

The LTW's are so repetitious.  How can everyone be the Mayor at once?  I may start keeping track and only let one person be Mayor at a time.  I have yet to spin one of the new career wants - no one wants to be an ecological leader, cult leader, visionary or icon.  Has anyone else spun them?

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 January 12, 04:37:52
I have yet to spin one of the new career wants - no one wants to be an ecological leader, cult leader, visionary or icon.  Has anyone else spun them?

won't happen, Maxis didn't put them in  ::)  can't have anyone forced to go to Uni just to fullfill a LTW  :o

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 January 12, 04:41:43
The LTW's are so repetitious.  How can everyone be the Mayor at once?  I may start keeping track and only let one person be Mayor at a time.
That is currently the subject of a hack currently in the works. It will, of course, make your game HARDER....and if you don't get it, I will make fun of you!

I have yet to spin one of the new career wants - no one wants to be an ecological leader, cult leader, visionary or icon.  Has anyone else spun them?
The University career wants are simply not implemented in the game. There's no want table entry for them at all, even though the check trees exist. It is thus impossible to enable them.

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 12, 06:43:25
The whole thing about careers lacks cohesion.  sims 1 did it better!  I liked the way they could only remain at the top of a career for a while before the game would find an excuse to move them into somthing else - so no Captain Hero/ Mayor spam!  Generals, Mad Scientists, Chief of Staffs, Pro Party Guests, Celeb Chefs, OK, you could have more than one living in a neighbourhood, but how many superheroes would you have?

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: rohina on 2006 January 12, 08:00:18
I think if you have more than one they have to have rivalries and fights when they meet.  :D

Can Batman kick Superman's ass?

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 12, 11:06:33
Or Wonderwoman catch the 6 Million Dollar Man?

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 January 13, 00:59:34
The whole thing about careers lacks cohesion.  sims 1 did it better!  I liked the way they could only remain at the top of a career for a while before the game would find an excuse to move them into somthing else - so no Captain Hero/ Mayor spam!
Well, in TS1, your sims lived forever, and if not moved (not that you necessarily wanted them to), they'd be in their ruts forever.

In TS2, sims can only remain at the top of a career for a limited time, also. Because eventually, they DIE. Plus in TS2, the sim's career is more closely tied to both the sim's identity and his actual survival, since some families NEED to maintain certain career sets or else nobody will be home, and other sims are limited to certain specific jobs because their lifestyles mean that certain other jobs at the wrong times will be fatal. Despite the greater importance of job elements, the career as an important part of a sim's life grows increasingly trivialized with each expansion. In TS1, promotions were more infrequent (but you worked every day). In TS2, promotions are essentially a trick. Go to work in platinum, get a promotion. Next best option, Noodlesoother. Otherwise, forget about it, it probably won't happen.

A hack will shortly be out to address the trivialization of the career thing, especially post-Uni.

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 13, 01:38:58
As long as mine are in green, they get promoted, just not always the next day after the last one.  But I agree, platinum makes it faster!  The glasses can help too!

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: speedreader on 2006 January 13, 01:49:44
I am anxious to see exactly what you are cooking up, Mr. Pescado.  It certainly has to make the career aspect of the game more interesting, cause it's pretty dull at this point.

Here's my problem, I printed a page from Snooty Sims last March (when Uni came out) that lists all the lifetime aspirations and it includes all the careers that came with Uni.  I have been waiting to spin one all this time?  Boy, you'd think I'dve noticed it wasn't happening, wouldn't ya?

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 13, 01:53:41
I think it just sucks!  Also that they can't have wants related to those careers!  And why can't a graduate get a job lined up before they go back home?  That's what people normally do, if they can, after all!

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: speedreader on 2006 January 13, 04:09:07
I have been making up some of my own LTWs and then toggling platinum when I accomplish it.  If my Sim wants to be chief of staff I'll make him/her be a business tycoon first.  Or I will assign a business tycoon to make friends with a set number of other CEO's or business tycoons and have a successful dinner party with them.  I like making criminals go into politics (and vice versa) also - for my own perverse pleasure!

Another is for a family Sim to send children/grandchildren to college with a set number of scholarships or specific ones.  Usually this involves giving lessons on career reward objects so that they have actually done something to earn the PP, and perhaps some career hopping to get the rewards.  Or for a grandparent to achieve best friend status with all their grandchildren. 

The other thing is that sometimes I don't want my science oriented Sim to become a Mad Scientist.  I just want them to be a teacher and since there is no teaching career (yet) I give them the scholar award and give them PP when they reach elder because I held them back! 

You get the idea.  But I have to write on my little family card what goal I have assigned them so that I can keep working at it when I play that family.  (I would be lost without my card system.)  I suppose I would do the same thing even with more LTWs from Maxis, but maybe not.  That list I had from Snooty Sims had more variety and might not have been so tiresome.

Title: Re: Wondering How This Would Work
Post by: baratron on 2006 January 14, 20:52:19
I think if you have more than one they have to have rivalries and fights when they meet.  :D

Can Batman kick Superman's ass?

Possibly. But he's more likely to kiss it: Superman and Batman Spend the Night Together ( Otherwise known as the gayest comic ever.