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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: ElviraGoth on 2005 August 04, 00:32:35

Title: Haunted computer
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2005 August 04, 00:32:35
Ok, this just started in one house (and so far, one only) that I'm currently playing.  Only thing new is the "get new LTWs" hack.

The computer this family has will suddenly start playing SSX without anyone even being close to it.  Freaked me out the first time, I thought someone went to the computer to play, but no.

Happened again today, no one at the computer, SSX starts playing by itself.  No ghosts in this neighborhood, let alone on  lot.

Also, at 4 pm when the obligatory My Friendship Is Waning phone calls start, this same house had calls from three friends.  Then had the same three friends call again, right away.  Six calls, one after the other, friend #1, #2, #3, #1, #2, #3.  Haven't had that happen before.  I don't have any phone hacks.

Any ideas?

Title: Re: Haunted computer
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2005 August 04, 01:36:13
Just a thought and I might be way off the mark, but with JMP's lot degugger, if you have it, do you get a menu option to "clear off world Loiters" or something to that affect?

Title: Re: Haunted computer
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 August 04, 01:38:16
Having a haunted computer is not as bad as having haunted pants.

Title: Re: Haunted computer
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 August 04, 01:43:09
Because you can light the computer on fire, but sims can't take off their pants even to go to the bathroom, so lighting them on fire would be a bad idea.

Title: Re: Haunted computer
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2005 August 04, 20:17:36
Having a haunted computer is not as bad as having haunted pants.

Wouldn't know about haunted pants, never had that problem! LOL!

Are your pants haunted, JM?

Title: Re: Haunted computer
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2005 August 05, 17:09:11
I just realized that the only time the computer came on was when one of the sims in the house called out on the house phone.  Not a cell phone, the HOUSE phone!  So I got rid of that computer and got the better one, and so far it hasn't started playing the game by itself when a sim makes a call.

Just thought you might like to know that.

It's not a bug, it's a feature!