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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: uaintjak on 2006 January 08, 20:29:54

Title: Choking to death during pregnancy?
Post by: uaintjak on 2006 January 08, 20:29:54
Anyone ever figured out what causes sims to sometimes choke to death during their pregnancy?  I'm playing my Bottom's Up challenge, and Dulcinea Caliente woke up at 6am, gagged, and died.  Fortunately Nestor was there to save her from the Reaper.  I played a couple more houses, and when I entered the Dreamer household, the same thing happened.  Dacia woke up at 6am, choked, and croaked.  Dalmar saved the day that time.  I'm just wondering though, if anyone ever figured out the cause, because it seemed sort of random - although Dulcinea was a real social butterfly before I played her house, and I often saw her on other sims' lots - so maybe her motives bottomed out on someone else's lot, and she waited decently until she was on her home turf before going belly up?

Title: Re: Choking to death during pregnancy?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 08, 20:57:47
I've only ever had it happen once, to Devine Broke, wife of Beau, who was able to save her!  But if he'd failed, I'd definitely have exited without saving!  She hadn't been anywhere to my knowledge, whereas I've had one pregnant sim who was invited into Cassandra's house by her daughter, and then came home from work with Cassandra (ie she was there tsice over!) but when I finally went back to her lot to let her have the baby, she was fine and the baby arrived on time with no problems!  I think it's just a random thing that happens from time to time and unless you are able to use a hack to prevent it (which I take it you aren't) then I guess just don't leave your pregnant sims alone in the house!

Title: Re: Choking to death during pregnancy?
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 January 08, 21:07:41
I thin I know what causes this.  Since the game treats morning sickness as a sickness, I think the Sickness controller occasionally goes crazy and cause people with morning sickness to die from sickness.  The gag-fall-die series of events right before death sounds like the sickness death, also.  Too bad that I can't make a hack to save the world.

Title: Re: Choking to death during pregnancy?
Post by: IgnorantBliss on 2006 January 08, 21:28:40
I thought this was supposed to have been fixed by the patch? It's listed as a fixed thing ("Fixed a rare issue that in various situations caused a pregnant Sim experiencing morning sickness to die. (aka Sudden Pregnancy Death Syndrome)").

Title: Re: Choking to death during pregnancy?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 08, 21:38:06
As I said, it's only ever happened once in my game, and that was just the base game, and it's never happened since installing Uni.  I can't remember now if I had the patch for Sims2 installed when it happened.

Title: Re: Choking to death during pregnancy?
Post by: uaintjak on 2006 January 08, 22:00:04
It could have been fixed by the patch - I'm still in the prehistoric age, though, without University or Nightlife.  I actually don't mind pregnant sims choking and croaking - it's just that the two in question (Dulcinea Caliente and Dacie Dreamer) had Things To Do Before They Die (namely, they needed to birth Tango Caliente and Davis Dreamer) in order for my challenge to finish properly.

Title: Re: Choking to death during pregnancy?
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 January 08, 22:03:32
The patch doesn't always cure what ailes ya.  There was one patch with a feature that fixed something really buggy, but it wasn't actually fixed.

Title: Re: Choking to death during pregnancy?
Post by: Gwill on 2006 January 08, 22:09:03
Ah, so that's what happened to me!
I had a fire, and then after my pregnant sim had put it out and gone to have a shower and seemed all fine again, she suddenly started coughing and died (husband managed to save her).  I thought she somehow died of smoke inhalation.

Title: Re: Choking to death during pregnancy?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 08, 22:13:45
If it is a glitch with morning sickness, I've found that fully fit sims are less likely to suffer in the first place.  So, put them on the treadmill for a few hours before getting them pregnant!

Title: Re: Choking to death during pregnancy?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 January 08, 22:49:01
Happened to me with Allegra Gorey, but she died more or less straight after giving birth.  She'd had 'flu during the pregnancy, so I think maybe the game got confused between the two.  Haven't had it happen since (this happened before NL) and in my new Pleasantview so far (touch wood) there hasn't been any illnesses.

Title: Re: Choking to death during pregnancy?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 January 08, 23:01:28
There was an issue where pre-bump pregnant Sims couldn't go to community lots (or anyone in their house for that matter) or else they would die when they returned.

Title: Re: Choking to death during pregnancy?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 09, 05:55:18
Funnily enough, I've had one or two cases of flu since NL, and unlike previously when it was mostly poor sims with cheap beds who suffered, this seems to hit the more affluent!  But they're usually better in a few hour if you make them lie down! 

Title: Re: Choking to death during pregnancy?
Post by: Kristalrose on 2006 January 09, 17:00:00
Sadly enough, I have had a few instances of it, documented here: 
and here:

Title: Re: Choking to death during pregnancy?
Post by: wishy-washy on 2006 January 09, 17:05:02
What is the bottom's up challenge?

Title: Re: Choking to death during pregnancy?
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 January 09, 17:21:40
I haven't had any more issues with it after the patch.  Then again though, when I have a sim get pregnant I usually play the house through until they give birth.

My first sim death was the death by pregnancy bug like 3 days after I got the game.  I was traumatized heh

Title: Re: Choking to death during pregnancy?
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 January 09, 17:33:36
Used to happen in my game often, I was among the 1st to point that out on the Sims 2 site.  I lost around 8 Sims that way that did not even go to work or community lots so that was not the issue.  I made it a habit to play them and only them until they gave birth then only I fell confortable quitting the game.  There was one of them that got me very angry, the Sim got pregnant with a townie, I saved while her lover was still in bed (spending the night over) with her and quit the game.  When I reload the lot (no matter how many times) she died on me and since she was living alone I could not plead for her life.  She did not go to work or communitly lot, it was the 1st lot I went to play the next day when I restarted the game.

Since Nightlife (and the patch for Nightlife) it did not happen again.

Unfortunately, since you don't have either University or Nightlife this was not fix in Sims 2 basic game patch but if ever you install one of them make sure to get the patch for it so it will be fix.

There is no real way to prevent it except not to quit or go play another lot until the pregnant Sim reach the 1st bump and their needs (hunger and energy mostly) are high.

Title: Re: Choking to death during pregnancy?
Post by: uaintjak on 2006 January 09, 17:43:46
Thanks for all the info.  I guess I'll just keep a sharper eye on my pregger sims.

Wishy, the Bottom's Up challenge was one I came up with for myself because I need a goal when I play the Sims, or else I tend to get kinda bored.  So I went through Pleasantview's family trees, and created (or extracted) all of the ancestors of the modern-day Pleasantview inhabitants.  I wanted to see how close (or how far) I could get my neighborhood to the original Pleasantview.  So I started off with Prudence and Simon Crumplebottom, who had to have two daughters (Cornelia and Agnes) and Victor and Gretle Goth, who had to have a son and a daughter (Gunther and Frida).  Then I would add in other families as they appeared in the timeline.  The fun part (for me) is seeing how many accidental kids get born along the way, and what happens to them...for instance, Simon and Prudence produced 4 sons before having the required two daughters.

At the generation I'm currently playing, I'm having a problem with stupid Diane Danders (who is SUPPOSED to fall in love with Jeff Pleasant), who is insisting on flirting with Bob Newbie, who in turn keeps rolling wants for one of my accidental extra Simovitch's...stupid sims.

Title: Re: Choking to death during pregnancy?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 09, 21:56:02
Do you have all the Victorian clothing from AllAboutStyle?  Must look really cool to have all your sims in those outfits (although very odd when the car or school bus arrives!)

I've just revived Skip Broke in an old game, and despite changing Brandi's turn-ons, she hates him and he hates her!  (I teleported him to her lot (I'd tried to regenerate him by calling GR, but none of my sims were able to do it, dunno why!) after unchecking all the ghost boxes in SimPE.  Changed both their turn-on/offs to suit each other, Brandi asked him to move in, he rejected her, so they're down to a minus, and she starts arguing with him and pushing him around, so, since they are so unsuited, and I'd checked the married box, I told her to break up!  But of course, the mirror is no good for getting him to move out at this point, so I teleport a duplicate of him to the lot, and then he can.  Save, Exit, get him from the bin and move him in with Dustin - in next to no time Dustin and his wife are both friends with him (although their child beat them to it) and unfortunately now he has the hots for Davinia!

Title: Re: Choking to death during pregnancy?
Post by: Sagana on 2006 January 09, 22:28:35
Do you have all the Victorian clothing from AllAboutStyle?  Must look really cool to have all your sims in those outfits (although very odd when the car or school bus arrives!)

You could use the horse and cart vehicle from MTS2 - that's the same one Bangel used for MsDoh's sim (she has a link to it on that thread) and I *think* Inge has a hack that will let you completely homeschool (tho maybe the bus would still show up? I dunno as I haven't tried it :) - anyway that'd help some with the anachronisms, if someone wanted. <thinks Victorian neighborhoods are just plain cool, and the Civil War idea Bangelnuts is doing is also>

Title: Re: Choking to death during pregnancy?
Post by: wishy-washy on 2006 January 10, 01:30:28
Wishy, the Bottom's Up challenge was one I came up with for myself because I need a goal when I play the Sims, or else I tend to get kinda bored.  So I went through Pleasantview's family trees, and created (or extracted) all of the ancestors of the modern-day Pleasantview inhabitants.  I wanted to see how close (or how far) I could get my neighborhood to the original Pleasantview.  So I started off with Prudence and Simon Crumplebottom, who had to have two daughters (Cornelia and Agnes) and Victor and Gretle Goth, who had to have a son and a daughter (Gunther and Frida).  Then I would add in other families as they appeared in the timeline.  The fun part (for me) is seeing how many accidental kids get born along the way, and what happens to them...for instance, Simon and Prudence produced 4 sons before having the required two daughters.

At the generation I'm currently playing, I'm having a problem with stupid Diane Danders (who is SUPPOSED to fall in love with Jeff Pleasant), who is insisting on flirting with Bob Newbie, who in turn keeps rolling wants for one of my accidental extra Simovitch's...stupid sims.

Cool, sounds interesting. I'll keep it in mind and maybe I'll try it one day. Probably not, though since I never seem to have time to play the game. *sigh*