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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: simmiecal on 2006 January 07, 00:03:52

Title: Any one have problems placing lots?
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 January 07, 00:03:52
The last couple of neighborhoods that I've worked on, I've been trying to get that crowded, urban look to them. I'm going for a Manhatten NY look. I want to place the lots right next to each other. I have no problem placing undeveloped lots right next to each other, but if the lot has been built on, it won't place right next to (no space in between) the next lot. I like to have several "template" lots so I don't have to keep rebuilding the same type of lot - especially when there are great builders out there creating the exact lots I'm looking for  ;D  but the templates aren't much use if I can't place them.

Has anyone else had this problem?

Title: Re: Any one have problems placing lots?
Post by: Renatus on 2006 January 07, 00:08:54
Yes, I have, and it drives me up the wall. Because of the strange graphic problems I have in n'hood view whenever I have lots with any elevation change on them, all of my lots are perfectly flat, so it can't be incompatible elevations, especially as most of my terrain is perfectly flat as well.

Title: Re: Any one have problems placing lots?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 January 07, 02:06:38

it's a pain in the ass when you want pre-built lots right next to each other >:(

I noticed that that when I couldn't place a pre-built right next to another, I also couldn't place any neighborhood decoration trees in that empty spot between them, even though there is enough space  ???

Title: Re: Any one have problems placing lots?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 07, 02:08:55
Have you tried to exit that hood, then go back and try again?  I think it's a memory problem sometimes.  I knowe that pre-patch, I was able to do in in Downtown, and after the patch it became more of a problem.

Title: Re: Any one have problems placing lots?
Post by: cwykes on 2006 January 08, 13:42:10
Yup I had endless problems making my big Willow Walk neighbourhood.  They all have a river at the back of them, so gaps look really stupid!  I did find the terrain wasn't level a lot of the time.  It looked level, but it wasn't.  You need your lots to be completely level as well.  I tackled it by flattening a big area with one of the maxis community megalots and moving the lot along the road one square at a time flattening hills as I went.  I also agree that something isn't updating properly.  Lots that wouldn't place at all one evening would place fine the next day.

Title: Re: Any one have problems placing lots?
Post by: dewshine on 2006 January 08, 18:14:18
I found that often if I moved a lot after I placed a family into it I could get the lots right next to each other where I had gaps before.

Title: Re: Any one have problems placing lots?
Post by: Emma on 2006 January 08, 18:17:00
You can load your downtown then the neighbourhood again.(or vice versa)  :) Sometimes the land clears so you can put houses right next to each other.

Title: Re: Any one have problems placing lots?
Post by: Inge on 2006 January 08, 18:21:49
I think it's because there is a funny sharp incline between one lot and the next after bulldozing, sometimes.

Title: Re: Any one have problems placing lots?
Post by: cwykes on 2006 January 09, 19:49:45
I found that often if I moved a lot after I placed a family into it I could get the lots right next to each other where I had gaps before.
thanks - have to try that one

Title: Re: Any one have problems placing lots?
Post by: witch on 2006 January 09, 20:59:17
I've been having the same problem simmiecal. You know the terrace variations I uploaded to laverwinklesims? Those terrace houses were all supposed to be in a row, but I get a gap between them and can't place trees etc. I'll try again now I know that sometimes lots can be placed closer together. I'm obviously holding my tongue wrong.

Title: Re: Any one have problems placing lots?
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 January 09, 23:28:52
I've been having the same problem simmiecal. You know the terrace variations I uploaded to laverwinklesims? Those terrace houses were all supposed to be in a row, but I get a gap between them and can't place trees etc. I'll try again now I know that sometimes lots can be placed closer together. I'm obviously holding my tongue wrong.

Trying to place your lots and Reg's urban ones was what prompted this thread. I really wanted that row house look and didn't want the spaces. No matter what I did, I couldn't get them to place. I made an alley in the neighborhood screen but unfortunately when you go into the lots, the alley doesn't show and you see green grass.

Title: Re: Any one have problems placing lots?
Post by: Emma on 2006 January 09, 23:37:59
Simmie, you need to place a lot with a house on, then move it along one space at a time. It flattens the land. Either that or use a fairly flat template to start with! ;D I tend to just use my own home-made neighbourhoods now cos they are all flat where I have put the roads.

Title: Re: Any one have problems placing lots?
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 January 09, 23:47:45
Simmie, you need to place a lot with a house on, then move it along one space at a time. It flattens the land. Either that or use a fairly flat template to start with! ;D I tend to just use my own home-made neighbourhoods now cos they are all flat where I have put the roads.

Thanks Emma. 

MATYville certainly isn't flat so that must be where my problem is.

Title: Re: Any one have problems placing lots?
Post by: Emma on 2006 January 09, 23:55:02
It only matters about being flat if you want a housing estate-like neighbourhood. I have a neighbourhood which has houses, trailers and caravans scattered all over, and that one is quite hilly.  ;)