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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: cwieberdink on 2006 January 06, 23:25:39

Title: I vant you to bite my neck! Bleh!
Post by: cwieberdink on 2006 January 06, 23:25:39
So, what is the best way to meet and befriend the count and countess?

I send my sims every night to downtown lots.  They hang out, date, dance, eat, bowl, etc.  ALL NIGHT.  Only twice have I seen a grand vamp.  Each time, they entered a lot with a restaurant, were immediately seated, and practically ran out the door the minute they finished eating.  Meaning they were unable to be interacted with the entire time they were there.

Is there a particular place they hang out?  A particular time?  All I get is the same boring townies every stinkin' time and I want to play a vamp!  Wah!

And that brings me to another pet peeve -- the uninterruptible townie dining.  Pisses me off totally.  It would be nice if the controllable sim could at least sit down by them and talk, but NO, as soon as they go to the podium to be seated, they can not be interacted with until they are done dining.  Is anyone working on a possible fix for that?


Title: Re: I vant you to bite my neck! Bleh!
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 January 06, 23:31:23
What worked for me, believe it or not was the gypsy. Set your preferences to vampire and formal clothes. Call the gypsy and ask for a match - I paid top dollar but don't know if it would work with lower amounts. Make sure you call at night because the vampires won't come during daylight. The first time I tried this, I got the count. When I was trying to get the countess, she showed up on the third matchmaker's blind date. YMMV

Edited because I typed diva instead of countess.  Damn brain cramps!

Title: Re: I vant you to bite my neck! Bleh!
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 January 07, 01:58:00
I usually see the grand vamps at the Crypt O'night club (or whatever it's called)

I saw 3 of them at a park (at the same time) one night, wish I could remember the name of had swimming pool right in the middle...something with "maze" in it...

Title: Re: I vant you to bite my neck! Bleh!
Post by: gali on 2006 January 07, 03:45:44
Before going to Downtown, change the turn-off's sim to "vampirism". Then go to the Crypt.

After a hour or so, you will see a Count/ess...:).

The simulator acts "on the contrary" - when you need a vamp, you don't get it; when you are turned off vamps - you get it...:).

Title: Re: I vant you to bite my neck! Bleh!
Post by: BeckerCheez on 2006 January 07, 04:03:36
My encounter was pretty random.  I sent a college Sim to Rodney's Hideout and lo and behold there was her future vampire husband.   :D

Title: Re: I vant you to bite my neck! Bleh!
Post by: seventhson on 2006 January 07, 04:05:45
The Crypt o' Night Club would be my best suggestion - a fair few people encounter vamps there regularly. Good luck!

Title: Re: I vant you to bite my neck! Bleh!
Post by: rohina on 2006 January 07, 07:05:46
I had a vamp constantly turning up at the family restaurant and one of the other restaurants (the one with all the karaoke upstairs). He spent all his time poking and annoying this one sim, and now he keeps coming to her house. She hates his guts.

Title: Re: I vant you to bite my neck! Bleh!
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 January 07, 07:21:10
Try getting your Sim to play chess with one of the Grand Vamps on a downtown lot.  One of my Sims did that (when I wasn't controlling them) and made it to 48 daily in a couple of hours or so.  The LTR was minimal (single figure), but after a couple of days it increased by itself to 38.  I got my Sim to call the vamp, but it was at 28 at that point and there had been no other contact since the chess game.  I deleted the neighbourhood soon after, but had I continued with it they would no doubt have made it to best friends pretty quickly.  This was a male Sim and the Count, so there was no romantic attraction (both were hetero).  I find that chess is by far the easiest way to get a new acquaintance to friendship level in the shortest time (100 with just the one game is easily obtainable).

Title: Re: I vant you to bite my neck! Bleh!
Post by: Kristalrose on 2006 January 07, 13:56:25
Personally, I have better luck seeing them at "Mightnight Flows" than at "Crypt of the Night Club."

But, I cheat.   ;)  Sims PE, create relationships.  Then call them over and kiss them, take them to bed.  Then instead of kissing your sim goodbye at the end of the date, they bite them.  :)

Title: Re: I vant you to bite my neck! Bleh!
Post by: Lythdan on 2006 January 07, 14:08:42
I never seem to have problems with finding vampires, even when I really don't want them. I guess it's just one of those things that when you want it, you can't get it.  :-\ I've only had one vampire.

Title: Re: I vant you to bite my neck! Bleh!
Post by: PlaidSquirrel on 2006 January 07, 17:29:39
I used CAS and the InSim to make a count and countess for my regular NH. I don't go downtown unless some other sim invites mine or the want pops up since I put all the cool stuff on a regular community lot. Even so though I don't see my vampires out and about much.