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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: cwieberdink on 2006 January 05, 13:50:31

Title: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: cwieberdink on 2006 January 05, 13:50:31
Okay, so my first born in game child met a tragic, um, accident with Rodney's Death Creator and "die by fright".  Grim showed up for a split second in an adjacent bathroom (?) and left no urn or anything.  Now this child is still visible in the loading screen.  I did see an error, which is attached.  Can I get an urn/tombstone so my knowledge husband can see a ghost?

Also, "art" imitated life last night when sim-me had a miscarriage.  Ouch.  That was a little too close to home thank you.  Is it the inteen that did that?

oops, edited to add error log and to add I have the director's cut and most of TJ's stuff.  Also, my hubby and I have no memory of the death.


Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: gali on 2006 January 05, 14:04:38
Download for 24 hours the Enhanser, and you will be able to delete the dead sim character.

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 January 05, 14:10:21
I've had that happen too when a child died.  the only thing I found to get the death aknowledged  by the game (get the kid out of the loading screen pic) was to teleport the child to a different Lot, a message should then pop up that the child had "died on another lot"

For a tombstone/urn, I never bothered but I think it will be possible once the game aknowledges the childs death to link it to tombstone that has been produced some other way. I'm sorry I'm not up on buyable or linkable tombstones for cases such as this but I'm pretty sure they exist  :-\

edit -

Is it the inteen that did that?


Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: cwykes on 2006 January 05, 14:17:36
The miscarriage is a feature of the hack.  Maxis didn't write it. I can't remember if its the inteen or one of the others.

I think kids can't die in The Sims - so killing one with a cheat isn't sticking because it's not allowed.   

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 January 05, 14:25:48
I think kids can't die in The Sims - so killing one with a cheat isn't sticking because it's not allowed.   

well I've had children die and get tombstones and become ghosts *laughs*  (using InSIM to kill them)

only a couple times did the game not aknowledge the death and not give me a urn/tombstone. Once the child was on a deck or the stairs when he died and another was on the driveway... there was another time that I can't quite remember the details but I'm pretty sure it was also an odd location.

In all 3 cases I did not get urns/tombstones so I wondered if the location had anything to do with it.

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: Hairfish on 2006 January 05, 15:04:40
Kids can die without the use of mods if you drown them. Not Toddlers or Babies, though.

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 05, 15:14:16
Since there are instances in game of child ghosts then it's obviously within the game limits without mods.  And naturally kids can drown - they can also burn to death if in the wrong part of the kitchen and there's no fire alarm or sprinkler.  I believe they can also be hit by pieces of satellite.  But starvation is out, the social worker would take them away.

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: Savage on 2006 January 05, 15:15:41
Maybe if you resurect him then kill him again? then your sims can have two memories  :D

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: MokeyHokey on 2006 January 05, 19:15:56
I've had that happen when I used the Flamingo of Doom to kill a simkid with "fright" and one or two other death types. I guess because it shouldn't be available to a kid and the game doesn't know how to handle it. The teleportation thing works to fix it.

If you are interested, there is a Flavor Pack for the inTeenimator that prevents miscarriage unless you force it via the biological clock.

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 January 05, 21:03:01
If you have the LotDebugger and download the No Unlinkage mod, you can respawn the tombstone.  The No Unlinkage mod is here:

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 January 05, 21:48:35
Congrats on getting a corrupted death bug =P

Although if you have the fixes from here it's odd that this would show up in your game since I haven't had it happen since having the death fixes.

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: cwieberdink on 2006 January 05, 23:32:15
If you have the LotDebugger and download the No Unlinkage mod, you can respawn the tombstone.  The No Unlinkage mod is here:

Thanks Ancient!  I do have the lot debugger.  It's the first thing I install on every lot.

I've had that happen when I used the Flamingo of Doom to kill a simkid with "fright" and one or two other death types. I guess because it shouldn't be available to a kid and the game doesn't know how to handle it. The teleportation thing works to fix it.

If you are interested, there is a Flavor Pack for the inTeenimator that prevents miscarriage unless you force it via the biological clock.

I also had the kid die from "fright".  The teleportation did fix it.  I hope I can still get the tombstone back.  And I am interested in that flavor pack.  I've had a miscarriage too recently to want to have one in my game.

C :'(

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: BeckerCheez on 2006 January 05, 23:41:36
Yeah I have two oldsters that the game still thinks are alive.  Maybe it was due to the fact that I moved the Curious bros over to my custom neighborhood (oops oh well...).  But yeah...Pascal and Vidcund's wife are still in the loading screen of the Curious house, even though their tombstones are in the Nirvanaville graveyard. 

And that's one harsh mod to have miscarriages happen.   :-\

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: Swiftgold on 2006 January 05, 23:49:13
I did the die of fright thing too with a child, and the tombstone didn't appear either. I used an assignable grave mod from MTS2 (no idea if it's compatible with NL, though) to give him a grave. The kid ghosts created by things that they don't usually die from are pretty creepy - they don't float, but walk a bit, freeze but their head looks around all jerkily, disappear, reappear somewhere else... one kid I killed off by electrocution was the same way, though he kept repeating his death throes all around the lot, falling down and twitching, once by someone's bed while they were sleeping - freeeaky. I sent his grave to the cemetary so I'm not sure if he still does that now...

The miscarriage thing is definitely Inteen, has something to do with their needs being low for a long time. I had a 'close call' with one of my Sims and I didn't even know she was pregnant, nor were her needs all that low, except she was at work so that might have had something to do with it. One of the others I used to see what happens and to fix a perma-pregnant bug, and the bad effects of that memory last a looong time - she's permaplat but three Sim days later she still refuses to use skillbuilding items and has nightmares even though her moods are all green. Kind of strange compared to how little Maxis has made them be affected by the deaths of other Sims...

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: seven on 2006 January 06, 05:01:35
Miscarriage - I suppose it's realistic to have that possibility, but that is sad.

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: seventhson on 2006 January 06, 07:55:47
inTeen has struck my game many a time when I haven't looked after my Sim ladies properly - if their hunger and energy is low, they may miscarry.

faemidwife, if you're still in need of the flavour pack to stop miscarriages, PM me and I'll upload it for you.  :)

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: cwieberdink on 2006 January 06, 12:46:07
Thanks Seventhson, I can get it.  I didn't RTFM well enough I guess.  The website cautions so many times not to use flavorpaks unless you know what they do, that I was just playing around trying to figure out what I might need.


Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 January 06, 14:37:29
for those that don't know, InTEEN is available here

heres a important thread concerning it

it was updated recently too

NL - 1.3i
Uni - 1.3g

Miscarriages were added because some of us that beta tested InTEEN for Jase requested it. They were not added to hurt anyone who has suffered them, frankly I dealt with 4 in 3 years so I know the pain very well but I still wanted my sims to be able to have them.

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: angelyne on 2006 January 06, 15:25:58
So what happened that he removed it from downloads?  Too many people whinning and bitching ? 

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 January 06, 16:23:35
So what happened that he removed it from downloads?  Too many people whinning and bitching ? 

I think so. I won't be surprised at all if Jase decides not to update for OFB.

Support was a headache because alot of people wouldn't RTFM or even do any conflict checking on their own, hell some would have a problem (that had nothing to do with InTEEN) in their game an blame it on InTEEN and tell everyone that InTEEN ruined their game  >:( *screams*  sorry I just get annoyed all over again when I think of all the shit Jase has had to deal with.

I don't have a problem with people that just RTFM quickly and miss a few things (I've done that myself) Its the ones that don't read any of the info and really have no clue what a hack is suppose to do, yet download it and then have the nerve to bitch about *insert random bitch here* that piss me off...

If I ever decide to become a modder and release my mods to the sims2 community, I think I would want to bitch-slap any idiot that posted "it don't work how can i fix it?" heh who am I kidding, I already want to do that  ;) 

I also hate 
how do i download this? (how can you be on the internet and not know this? How did they even get here?)
how do I install this? (specially annoying when directions are in the post right above)
where do I download this? (posted in the hacks thread)

Twojeffs may remember his trips&quads thread over at mts2 (along with a few of his other mod threads there) *laughs*  In atleast one I said "if you can't install it then maybe you don't deserve to have it"  :P 

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: angelyne on 2006 January 06, 20:43:42
I think Jase should get some lessons from Pescado.  I'm quite certain he doesn't give a crap what peasants says and he will make them know in no uncertain terms they are idiots too (and entertain the rest of us).

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: jase on 2006 January 07, 00:44:54
I think Jase should get some lessons from Pescado.
Err, umm, that's just what I'm going to do.  Thanks for the tip.

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 07, 01:20:08
I also hate 
how do i download this? (how can you be on the internet and not know this? How did they even get here?)
how do I install this? (specially annoying when directions are in the post right above)
where do I download this? (posted in the hacks thread)

1. Well we all had to learn once upon a time!
2. From the BBS?
3. Perhaps they need new glasses?
4. As above.

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 January 07, 02:26:30
ZZ, I really have no problem with people that really do need help (I know I get confused about stuff) it's the ones that don't try to help themseleves first that drive me nuts, they want all the answers handed to them  ::)

I've given someone a link to a help thread and had them turn around and ask me to post the answers "here" because they couldn't be bothered to read that whole thread  >:(

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 07, 02:34:25
Well, that's just laziness, and I would agree with you (I was actually being facetious.......) as I know I just muddled along and found stuff out for myself.  I only started to ask questions when I couldn't find the answers I needed by searching through several websites!  Or if it was beyond me then to understand the explanations, I might ask for clarification.

Many of these questions about basics are, I think, posted by kids who just can't be bothered to think for themselves, they've gone through life with everything handed to them on a plate, never had to clean up after themselves, save up for something they wanted and just expect all adults to be as big a fool as their parents!

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: Kyna on 2006 January 07, 02:42:51
ZZ, I really have no problem with people that really do need help (I know I get confused about stuff) it's the ones that don't try to help themseleves first that drive me nuts, they want all the answers handed to them  ::)

I've given someone a link to a help thread and had them turn around and ask me to post the answers "here" because they couldn't be bothered to read that whole thread  >:(

I'd be one of the first to jump on people who can't be bothered to scroll up one post to read a how-to, or check out the RTFM that is in the downloaded zip file.  I definitely agree that that's just plain laziness.

However, I'm not going to go and read a 50 page long thread on MTS2 (that covers all updates of a particular mod) to find an answer if I know that people here use that same mod and can probably give me a quicker, more sensible, and most importantly CORRECT answer.  Waiting for my browser to load it's way through a ton of pages that mostly say 'great mod, keep it up', on the off chance the answer I need is going to be on that page just doesn't cut it for me.

EDIT: changed 1 letter to fix a typo.

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 07, 02:51:44
I think that's a bit different from expecting someone to basically go and find all the information you need and then paste it all into a thread here in order to answer your question!  In your case, you are really asking for people to give you an informed opinion, which they can do without chasing all over MTS2 on your behalf!

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 January 07, 05:17:55
that whole thread I mentioned above was a help thread and had only 2 or 3 posts  :P

I'd skip a hack rather then read a 50 page thread *laughs*  If I was really interested enough I would read a few pages to see if I could find out what I wanted to know and if I didn't find the answers then I would post with my questions.

The community I was involved in before getting addicted to TS2 was mostly kids and most of the questions asked daily had to do with how to hack the files for such and such result, not how to download something so we can't say all kids don't think for themselves.

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: Kyna on 2006 January 07, 05:34:07
I'd skip a hack rather then read a 50 page thread *laughs*  If I was really interested enough I would read a few pages to see if I could find out what I wanted to know and if I didn't find the answers then I would post with my questions.

To be honest, I haven't downloaded that mod yet.  I'm still debating whether I want the All in One NPC enough to read a thread that is now 54 pages long.  In spite of what I posted above, I'm the conscientious type who does tend to read the entire thread when I download something as I want to know what I'm getting into before I put something in my game.

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 07, 05:36:18
I didn't mean to imply that was true of ALL kids - just some!  (I was a teacher for 20 years, and I'm well aware that some kids are very independent thinkers, but there are some who I remember would come out after every sum they did to get it marked!  - and not necessarily kids who had difficulty, just kids who were either constant attention-seekers or who had no self-confidence, and that is often the result of parents who do all their thinking for them!)

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: jase on 2006 January 07, 17:33:10
Forget about reading 20 pages.  People won't read 20 posts (or even the opening post!).  One just has to spend 5 minutes at MTS2 before you find yourself in a sea of "How do I install this?" refuse and people asking the same question over and over and over, even when the answer is one or two posts back!  Typical MTS2 dialogue:

Author: ...Nightlife Only!  This mod is not compatible with University or TS2!...Just install to your downloads folder.


Moron 1: If I install this to University will it screw up my game?  Where does he go?

Sleepycat: Did you read the opening post?

Moron 1 (5 minutes later): Well?  NE1?  Is anyone going to answer me?!!111

Jase439: This mod is compatible with Nightlife only.

Moron 1: OK, Thanks!  I'm going to try it right now!

Moron 2: Hey, I installed this and my YA won't go to class.  Please fix this mod!!!  I have Uni.

Moron 3: I have that problem 2!  This is a stoooopid mod.

Sleepycat: :banghead:

Author: Again, please do not install this into University or TS2.

Moron 1: This don't work in Uni.  Just thought ushould no, like k?  He doesn't show up in my game like u said.  So bye!

Jase439: :banghead:


Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 07, 17:51:31
Ever thought of writing a Sitcom?

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 January 08, 21:42:11
"The Idiots Who Couldn't Listen"

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: flowerchile on 2006 January 09, 08:32:58
Niiice one, I hope I don't end up in your sitcom, even though I am guilty of thoroughly reading posts, which is why I wanna know, what is a Lot Debugger???  ;D

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 January 09, 08:35:31
Pescado made the Lot Debugger (

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: flowerchile on 2006 January 09, 08:45:44
Thanks, but what does it do?  I'm not that PC friendly so I need guidance ;)

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: C.S. on 2006 January 09, 12:39:39
Click on the underlined words in BlueSoup's post right above yours, it's a link to the thread where you can read about what the mod does ;).

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: flowerchile on 2006 January 10, 03:07:03
Thanks again, you guys are a great help. ;)

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: flowerchile on 2006 January 10, 03:20:16
Lovely.  Just been to have a look at the Debugger, don't think I need anything that it offers just yet, time will tell.

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 10, 04:11:45
Actually, the Clear AWOL Headmaster fixes a known bug which is present on every lot!

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: Hairfish on 2006 January 10, 12:02:31
I just wanna know who Draklixa is, and what s/he is being congratulated for.

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: C.S. on 2006 January 10, 13:31:57
Actually, the Clear AWOL Headmaster fixes a known bug which is present on every lot!

Not exactly ZZ. The controller for the headmaster scenario is present on every lot, but it's not always damaged. In the words of JMP, "The AWOL headmaster option appearing is not the sign of a problem, merely that the scenario controller will always respawn itself, and the object fixes a damaged controller by destroying it and causing it to respawn. Thus, it will always destroy one object."

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 10, 17:18:17
Well, I always FixAwolHeadmaster as soon as I load a new lot, and it tells me that 1 object is fixed, so I naturally assumed that the error was there until it was fixed.

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: agcons on 2006 January 10, 21:46:12
Game play in all my houses, from the one-room tips to the 20-room symbols of wretched excess, is smoother and faster once I fix the AWOL Headmaster.  Even if he wasn't broken to start with.   ;)

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 10, 23:41:06
True!  Also broken mood boosts, if they appear in the menu, slow everything down until they're fixed!

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: cheriem on 2006 January 10, 23:46:16
You know, I agree with Hairfish.  I want to know who Draklixa is too and why Pescado includes her in every RFTM.

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 10, 23:53:23
Well, you could ask him!

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 January 10, 23:55:53
I think I've asked this before in the chat, when I get home I'll check through the transcripts and see if it's there (Trillian records everything ever said when I'm in there).

Also, just from doing a google search, the only hits that come up on Draklixa are from and this site.

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 11, 00:01:18
Maybe she's a sim he uses to test out his mods?

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 January 11, 00:04:09
From what I recall, it is a real "person."  :-\

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: nectere on 2006 January 11, 00:05:35
I had asked him about it long time ago on VS and he said it was something to do with gaming, and Draklixa is a male. I assume that this character and JMP have played war games before. I also either assume the congrats in all his rtfm is either the result of a bet or a long standing pun.

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: cheriem on 2006 January 11, 00:36:14
A long standing "inside joke"  would be just like Pescado and thanks for clearing that up.  I appreciate it very much! ;D

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: flowerchile on 2006 January 11, 03:29:28
ZZ, you should be a guidance counsellor.  While others (and I won't mention any names) bitch and carry on about those not as PC friendly, you seem to be the only one that remembers what is is like not to know everything and I really appreciate that, being one of those who does need help still from time to time.  A message for those others, didn't you ever need any help? :-\

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 11, 03:38:42
Thanks, flowerchile - I think it's just the teacher (ex-teacher at any rate) in me, I got used to kids not knowing everything, and you soon realise it's not just the kids, sometimes they know things you don't!

And I'm sure most people posting here do realise that not everyone knows what they've come to think of as universal sim-knowledge, and that we all have to start somewhere!

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 January 11, 04:33:05
A message for those others, didn't you ever need any help? :-\

well I know I'm one that gets bitchy when people don't read the directions posted, I don't bitch about people that have read them and are honestly confused about something. These days I try not to reply to the ones that don't bother to read.

I do remember needing help and I clearly remember about 7 years ago a kid told me how to attach a file to an email so I could send it to her. I hadn't gotten to that section of the help files yet *laughs*   (and yes she did laugh at me for not knowing how to do it already)

I've needed help with different things since then and the first thing I usually do is try and find the answers myself, sometimes I just ask those that already know, depends what I need help with.

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 11, 08:08:58
Very often though, if you've been playing a few years, then any question you have is also bugging others, and if you ask for info, then a lot of people benefit from the response.

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: C.S. on 2006 January 11, 12:41:11
Game play in all my houses, from the one-room tips to the 20-room symbols of wretched excess, is smoother and faster once I fix the AWOL Headmaster.  Even if he wasn't broken to start with.   ;)

Lucky you. I've had bad things happen twice when I fat-fingered that option if nothing needed fixing. School kids couldn't get on the bus and 'Go to school' kept dropping out of the queue faster than I could put it there. Some don't even have any options when I moused over the school bus. I don't know why that could have happened, moving the family into a new lot didn't fix the problem, eventually, I had to go back to an earlier backup. Guess it's just one of those things where one person gets it but no one esle did :-\.

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 11, 14:15:30
Seems odd that it would continue to affect them on a new lot without a debugger!

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: aussieone on 2006 February 05, 22:27:07
I have a lot where there is one remaining sim living and I'm getting a little sick of playing her until she reaches old age and dies, so I killed her off with Rodney's Death (Creator?). (Died by disease if that's of any relevance).

I got the message about the Sims is supposed to be a 'life' simulation game etc and you can move another family into this house blah blah, however when the Grim Reaper came and took her, Grimmy hung around the house (actually sat down to watch tv!!) and I couldn't exit out to the neighbourhood screen because all of the options, (save, neighbourhood,quit etc) were unavailable (not 'greyed' out...more like blue outlines rather than the solid blue they usually are!) I had to end the game manually and as a consequence, the sim is still on the lot, alive and well!!

Does anyone have any insight as to why this is? In the(distant) past I've killed off the last remaining sim and I don't recall having this problem then!

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: vilia on 2006 February 05, 22:48:38
It is a random message from Maxis.  Sometimes you'll get one saying that Grimmy is a Taurus and likes long walks on the beach or if the point of playing Sims2 was to kill off all your sims you'd be a world champion etc.

Check this thread about the messages help

No idea about the inability to save though.  Did Grimmy ever leave? Maybe as long as he was on the lot you couldn't exit???

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 06, 00:00:55
I'm pretty sure that until he leaves you can't do anything.  Since your sim is dead, you can't even ban him from the lot to get rid of him.  But I think if he stayed and stayed like that, it's because your game has locked up, in the same way as it occasionally locks up when a sim is in the process of giving birth to twins.  You just have to go through the whole thing again after exiting via the Task manager.

You could, of course, just move the old dear into the Family bin, but you'd lose the furniture - but why not move a couple of graduates into the house, let her live out her final days and they can inherit everything!

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: aussieone on 2006 February 06, 02:29:38
Thanks Vilia and ZZ.

I had a feeling that I might have to wait for Grimmy to get off the lot, but he's taking his sweet time about doing so. I'll try again in that lot when I get home and see if Grimmy leaves eventually. Of course if he decides to raid the fridge and grab a snack while he's watching TV then I may have to move the old dear in with someone else and kill her off that way  :)

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: vilia on 2006 February 06, 04:39:24
I had a feeling that I might have to wait for Grimmy to get off the lot, but he's taking his sweet time about doing so. I'll try again in that lot when I get home and see if Grimmy leaves eventually. Of course if he decides to raid the fridge and grab a snack while he's watching TV then I may have to move the old dear in with someone else and kill her off that way  :)

Um, I hate to be the one to tell you aussieone, but this time he might not just watch tv.  Quite a few people have reported can I put this delicately?...using the bathroom before leaving.  What is most unfortunate is that he choses not to wash his hands afterwards  :o

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 February 06, 05:24:06
Hope you have the NoBuskers hack, or he'll be complaining that nobody's given him a tip!

Title: Re: Why. won't. he. just. die?
Post by: aussieone on 2006 February 06, 05:26:05
Yes ZZ I have the nobuskers hack so that won't be a problem and Vilia, if Grimmy leaves a little 'present' in the bowl for the next family that moves in....well, so be it.  :D