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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: ThyGuy on 2006 January 04, 15:56:50

Title: Random Aspiration mod?
Post by: ThyGuy on 2006 January 04, 15:56:50
Just wondering, would it be possible to have the game randomly assign a aspiration when a teen becomes a teen, and add a few more wants to the lifetime wants? As far as I can tell, there's only like twenty of them all together!

Title: Re: Random Aspiration mod?
Post by: Renatus on 2006 January 04, 16:47:38
I know one can randomize a sim's aspiration with TwoJeff's college adjuster, but that does have to be done manually after the teen age transitions and you pick an aspiration. Me, I roll a die when I want random - although I use a die-rolling program on the web when I can be arsed to open my browser, because I have a knack for rolling the same thing all of the time when it would be especially annoying.

I think that LTWs haven't been added to yet by modders because it is a big, tangled mess, and EA/Maxis kind of have their heads up their collective rears about the whole thing. However, someone who actually does modding would have to give you a definitive answer on that one!

Title: Re: Random Aspiration mod?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 05, 15:20:50
There are several threads on this subject already, might be worth having a look at them.  And definitely there is a lot about the issues you raise in the thread that goes with the College Adjuster.

Title: Re: Random Aspiration mod?
Post by: katemonster on 2006 January 05, 23:30:53
Actually, if you use twojeffs's College Adjuster, you can pause the game right after the teen ages but before the box pops up. Then you can have it pick a random aspiration (although I wish Grilled Cheese wasn't in there...) so you don't have to pick one yourself manually. You still have to "pick" an aspiration when the box pops up but I just pick whichever one the College Adjuster already picked for me. I like it better this way (since I figured out you could do this), because for some reason it always bothered me to have to first pick an aspiration myself when I wanted a random one--even though it really makes no difference. Anyway, if you've got your aspiration pre-picked, then when the box pops up you can pick turn-ons that go well with it.

I'm pretty sure LTWs have been deemed too hard-coded to add new ones. The only hope, as far as I can tell, is that Maxis will someday get its collective head out of its collective ass and realize how utterly STUPID it is that you can't have an LTW for a uni career because then you'd be forced to go to uni, but you CAN have an LTW to SEND ALL YOUR KIDS TO UNI. Not to mention, you can have such an LTW when you're a childless old lady and CAN'T EVEN HAVE ANY KIDS TO SEND THERE!


Title: Re: Random Aspiration mod?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 06, 00:14:48
Really, they should have different LTW's for elders!  I tend now to get them all to become Popularity sims and generate the 20 Best Friends LTW - at least they have a good chance of realising that!

Title: Re: Random Aspiration mod?
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 January 06, 04:13:42
I just roll a dice.    I got sick of choosing myself...since I am keen on family and fortune sims myself.

The LTW variety mod is good for mixing up LTWs a bit.  I am still a bit disappointed that almost 100% of knowledge sims simply want to max all their skills and fortune sims want to earn 100k but I'm getting over it.  =P  Not much worse I suppose than all my previous fortune/knowledge sims wanting to be criminal masterminds.

Title: Re: Random Aspiration mod?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 06, 04:56:26
I stopped using the LTW variety mod since so many of my sims are first generation.  But persevere with the debugger and eventually all the careers for their aspiration do come up, even if the one that matches the job they are currently almost at the top of takes almost forever!  I recently had two romance sims change their aspirations to Popularity, mainly because they were only getting one LB for each other, now they get three!  And the bonus?  Both were in Popularity careers, Politics and the Military.  One has just become Mayor and has gained Permaplat!  Now, I could change Marcel to Family, as his two adopted children are both at Uni.............But to my mind that doesn't involve any effort on his part!

Title: Re: Random Aspiration mod?
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2006 January 06, 05:15:56
The LTW Variety Mod can be pretty unfriendly to some first generation sims.  I have a few sims that simply refuse to spin up any career related wants.  But recently I had two family sims spin up wants to become Chief of Staff and Mayor.  So the mod has its good and its bad.

If its an issue you could try taking the mod out and then putting it back in before your second generation become teens.  I'm going to have to do this as well since I have this one sim (yet another family sim) that spins Graduate 3 children, Have 6 grandchildren, Reach golden aniversery, and back again.   >:(

Title: Re: Random Aspiration mod?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 06, 05:30:50
Just have to remember to do it! ;D