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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Trubble on 2005 August 03, 15:59:00

Title: Reaction Tester
Post by: Trubble on 2005 August 03, 15:59:00
Time to rip my lips off.

Question: testingcheats -  Paul's reaction tester (Paul's, Steve's whoever's)
1. Is that "safe" to use (i.e. no firey balls of doom)
2. If not, is there something similar out there for download which is "safe" and if not, well... it's not that important, so nevermind.

This would be mainly to use for storytelling purposes.

Title: Re: Reaction Tester
Post by: LK on 2005 August 03, 16:10:54
There's a reaction tester kind of thing at MTS2, but I think it IS Paul's/Steve's Tester Thingamabob, so there's no difference.  I've used it a few times, and haven't had anything bad happen, but I haven't used it extensively.  Except my floppy disks were demagnetized.

Title: Re: Reaction Tester
Post by: Trubble on 2005 August 03, 16:12:20
Yeah well that's what you get for still using floppy disks :P

And ta, I guess I'll just use the boolpropavailable one then.

Title: Re: Reaction Tester
Post by: LK on 2005 August 03, 16:22:30
Actually, I don't use floppies.  My computer doesn't even have a drive.  I have them strewn around for decoration and sometimes use them as coasters.

Title: Re: Reaction Tester
Post by: Trubble on 2005 August 03, 16:26:58
That's a good use for them actually, I'll have to remember that for when I clear out the space around my computer, which is long overdue.

Title: Re: Reaction Tester
Post by: Brynne on 2005 August 03, 19:28:07
Actually, I don't use floppies.  My computer doesn't even have a drive.  I have them strewn around for decoration and sometimes use them as coasters.

I have a nice set of "Try aol free!" coasters...

Title: Re: Reaction Tester
Post by: LK on 2005 August 03, 20:58:32
That's what my dad uses.  I'm still retro.

Title: Re: Reaction Tester
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 August 03, 21:34:08
I've got a friend who makes mobiles out of AOL coasters. And other art. That involves a microwave.

Title: Re: Reaction Tester
Post by: Trubble on 2005 August 03, 21:38:47
Ha! Wish I'd thought of that for one of my art projects... my art teacher did similar things with LPs.

Title: Re: Reaction Tester
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 August 04, 02:00:18
I've got a friend who makes mobiles out of AOL coasters. And other art. That involves a microwave.
Heh. AOL CDs. I, too, make things out of AOL CDs, or rather, things that use AOL CDs. You ask, what possible use could an AOL CD be?

Spinfusor ammo! I have my very own Spinfusor, that takes AOL CDs as ammo, launching spinning disks of death (that unfortunately have a pronounced tendency to curve to the left or right, depending on which way I connected the battery) capable of severing a man at the spine.

Title: Re: Reaction Tester
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 August 04, 02:12:49
Do you sharpen them? AOL CDs come to a decent point, with the right tools.

Title: Re: Reaction Tester
Post by: veilchen on 2005 August 04, 02:23:02
Heh. AOL CDs. I, too, make things out of AOL CDs, or rather, things that use AOL CDs. You ask, what possible use could an AOL CD be?

Spinfusor ammo! I have my very own Spinfusor, that takes AOL CDs as ammo, launching spinning disks of death (that unfortunately have a pronounced tendency to curve to the left or right, depending on which way I connected the battery) capable of severing a man at the spine.

Do you use them in your tank gun too? Or is that just for potatoes, or what... ack..I think I'm getting tired. I know, I know, sleep is for wusses, but for some odd reason, coffee doesn't work for me :D


Title: Re: Reaction Tester
Post by: Liss on 2005 August 04, 21:37:59
I give the AOL disks to my 5-year-old daughter.  She knows it's the one thing she can have fun breaking without getting in trouble.  She gets really excited when they come in the mail LOL

Title: Re: Reaction Tester
Post by: yetyak on 2005 August 04, 21:40:58
Hung with fish line in fruit trees, those cds make pretty good bird deterrents...

Title: Re: Reaction Tester
Post by: LK on 2005 August 04, 22:20:40
I swear that I've seen people use them as rear-view mirrors in their cars.

Title: Re: Reaction Tester
Post by: Trubble on 2005 August 04, 22:25:28
Well one has to find a use for them I suppose.

Title: Re: Reaction Tester
Post by: SimsHost on 2005 August 05, 00:41:20
Skeet targets.  12-guage open-bore shotgun.  Ooooh, they go so good!

Title: Re: Reaction Tester
Post by: LK on 2005 August 05, 01:06:23
That sounds like fun.  I like to sharpen the ends with a blade and use them as modernized shuriken.

Title: Re: Reaction Tester
Post by: SJActress on 2005 August 05, 02:47:18
I work in a music store, and we have a bin for a free newspaper.  They CONSTANTLY put those dumb discs in there.  I work in the back (I'm a buyer) in a VERY small office with two very disgusting, vulgar men.  I've started taping the discs together to make a partition wall so that I can have my own cubicle.  Only problem is that damn hole in the middle!  :D  Sad situation when one actually SEEKS OUT getting a cubicle! :-\

Oh, well.  They're fun to work with sometimes.  And being the dainty lady I am, I can still out-belch them both!

Title: Re: Reaction Tester
Post by: LK on 2005 August 05, 02:58:22
Well, I for one am impressed!

Title: Re: Reaction Tester
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 August 05, 08:46:12
Do you sharpen them? AOL CDs come to a decent point, with the right tools.
Sharpen? Do you have any idea how much effort that would require for a disk that is going to EXPLODE ON IMPACT into jagged bits of plastic shrapnel anyway?

Title: Re: Reaction Tester
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 August 06, 15:50:32
Well, sharpening CDs is really more useful if you're going to use them as cheap concealable shuriken, rather than ammo. And they are fairly good for that purpose, as discussed above.