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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: sabra on 2006 January 03, 19:22:13

Title: Why is my sim crying?
Post by: sabra on 2006 January 03, 19:22:13
I don't understand this guy (Samuel Strauss, a knowledge sim).  He hasn't had a fight, hasn't been slapped, is on great terms with his wife and kids, isn't overtired, all bars in the green, but he stands around and weeps. Can the sims become clinically depressed? ???

Title: Re: Why is my sim crying?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 January 03, 19:29:04
Was this Sim burglarized recently?  Or, more likely, are there any roaches around?  If there's a roach infestation, Sims can become very distressed and start crying.  Take a look at his thought bubbles.

Title: Re: Why is my sim crying?
Post by: sabra on 2006 January 03, 19:34:59
Roaches! That's the ticket!  I've made most of my sims uberneat because I can't stand the belching (and because it's too much like my RL family, bless their slobby little souls).

Thank you, there were roaches outside the house.

A rational response, if you ask me. :-\

Title: Re: Why is my sim crying?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 January 04, 00:11:31
*laughs* sounds like you need some Raid

Title: Re: Why is my sim crying?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 04, 18:29:34
If you use TJ's no belching or farting, then you can have slobs without the most annoying part of their behaviour!  And often I find them far more fun to play then the superneat ones!

Title: Re: Why is my sim crying?
Post by: sabra on 2006 January 04, 19:03:21
Thanks for the suggestions, but I can't stand it when the sims don't clean up after themselves, either.  And I get a vicarious sense of fulfillment watching the kiddies scrubbing the countertops.   ;D

Great song lyrics, BTW:

You Never Wash Up After Yourself

I must get out once in a while
everything is starting to die
the dust settles the worms dig
the spiders crawl over the bed.
Yesterday's meal is hugging the plate
you never wash up after yourself.

Title: Re: Why is my sim crying?
Post by: Hook on 2006 January 04, 19:05:15
Hey, I *like* belching and farting!  Especially when Papa Sim does it, his wife freaks out, and his twin daughters giggle!  Hehe.

And I'm one of those superneat Virgos, too!

Hook (who giggles and congratulates his son on a particularly good crepitation)

Title: Re: Why is my sim crying?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 05, 00:57:47
I've never been able to get kids to clean countertops or cookers, only sinks, toilets and baths!

Title: Re: Why is my sim crying?
Post by: Zeljka on 2006 January 05, 06:12:11
I much prefer the sloppy Sims, even without hacks they don't waste time making beds, scrubbing toilets when someone's bursting and can eat in no time at all.
I find it annoying that even my sloppy sims eventually start picking up after themselves.

Title: Re: Why is my sim crying?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 05, 09:07:01
I've also noticed that when you have a very neat sim in a house, more plumbing seems to break!  Me too, I love the sloppy sims!  And with TJ's hack, they eat even faster as they don't stop to belch!  (And no green gas is sent over everyone who's still eating - that used to make me puke!)

Title: Re: Why is my sim crying?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 January 05, 09:35:56
I've also noticed that when you have a very neat sim in a house, more plumbing seems to break!
Neat sims compulsively flush. Flushing (rather than lack of flushing) causes breakage.

Title: Re: Why is my sim crying?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 05, 10:30:22
Cleaning too much seems to have the same effect!

Title: Re: Why is my sim crying?
Post by: sabra on 2006 January 05, 11:53:17
I like flushing. It makes me tingle all over. ;D

I admire people who can play this game for fun. Me, I do it as a type of wish fulfillment. (If only I could teach my 9 year old not to pee on the floor every frigging single time). ::)

Title: Re: Why is my sim crying?
Post by: Oddysey on 2006 January 07, 01:29:50
I've also noticed that when you have a very neat sim in a house, more plumbing seems to break!
Neat sims compulsively flush. Flushing (rather than lack of flushing) causes breakage.

Well that's stupid. Maxis seems to have failed quite a few Int checks . . .

Title: Re: Why is my sim crying?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 07, 01:48:00
I can understand that the more you clean taps, the more they wear out, but the loo breakage isn't with the flushing system, it's because the loo gets clogged!  so you'd think regular flushing would prevent this!  In RL clogged loos tend to happen when kids decide to stuff half the loo roll down the toilet!