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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Leina Raine on 2006 January 03, 19:02:14

Title: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: Leina Raine on 2006 January 03, 19:02:14
Hello there ...

I did a search and I've looked through several of the threads here and the closest one to my "problem" would be located in the "Please Help - I'm Tearing My Hair Out!!" thread ... however, it's not exactly my issue.  Please don't shoot me if I've missed the answer somewhere ...

In pure and utter lunacy ... or OCD ... with my downloads file in chaos ... I decided I would uninstall my game ... DELETE EVERYTHING and start all over again ... Decent idea in theory ... *wiggles brows*

So, I reinstalled, got the handy patches and started the search for the good stuff (again, again) ... This time my downloads folder is all kinds of shiny and dare I say organized ... I actually "know" what everything is (or suppose to be) ... Thinking I was being smart I figured I would add slowly and check "in-game" as I go to pinpoint any troubles that may arise ... Loaded up Body shop and made a few minor adjustments to the pretty things I had found ... only one pair of earrings didn't show up - no big deal (I had a better pair anyways) ... all was well or so I thought.

I loaded up the game and went to look at my lovely new sims and well ... Out of the 5 sims I put in (3 female / 2 male) ... the three females where in my sim-bin but they were missing their outfits, jewelry, hair etc ... I checked the content (in-game through the menus) and sure enough none of the things were there ... Any idea what might be going on here ?

The things I've tried ...
1.  I checked the custom content enable on the pre-neighborhood screen (and restarted the game)
2.  I checked the custom content enable on the neighborhood screen (and restarted the game)

3.  I've scrolled down the custom content lists in the pre-neighborhood screen (and only the hacks and DMA stuff was there - Not the custom "stuff")   ???

4.  I've taken out my downloads folder and loaded up bodyshop and repasted all my goodies to the new downloads folder body shop made (and restarted the game)
5.  I've thrown pillows at the wall ... (and restarted the game) (perhaps that was more for me and stress release tho'  :o )

Please help me ... I would really like to play my game again ... *le sigh*

Thank you in advance and I apologize if I've missed a discussion on this issue somewhere else.


Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 January 03, 19:14:08
The only thing that pops-up to my mind is if that new stock required special mesh that you did not add.

If you still remember where you got the stock I would go check to see if you need meshes along with your new stock.

Wait also for other reply, I am not the one with the most cc in her game.

Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 January 03, 19:25:26
Do you have subfolders under downloads? If you do, try moving one of the items that won't show out of the subfolder and see if that makes a difference. Not sure what Emma did to get her custom content to show - maybe she will read your thread and give you some ideas.

Wait also for other reply, I am not the one with the most cc in her game.
;D Miss Doh - you certainly are known for your *CC*.   ;D  ;D  ;) (or lack thereof)

Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: baratron on 2006 January 03, 19:26:05
OK. What do you have installed currently? Sims 2 only? Sims 2 + Uni? Sims 2 + NL? Or Sims 2 + Uni + NL?

First, make sure that you've unzipped any .zip or .rar archives. If you're seeing anything other than files whose names end in .package inside Downloads or Saved Sims, then you need to unzip the archives.

Secondly, I'm guessing that you have Nightlife from the fact you mentioned a custom content dialog, but I could be wrong. If you don't have Nightlife, ensure that all clothing, makeup and hair/genetics are just loose inside Downloads or Saved Sims. These items can only go into subfolders if you have NL.

Thirdly, if I'm right & you do have NL, make sure that you have no subfolders inside Saved Sims. With Nightlife, you can put anything at all into subfolders inside the Downloads folder, but you still can't have subfolders in Saved Sims.

Does this help at all?

Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: Ness on 2006 January 03, 20:59:30
I would imagine that if bodyshop created your downloads folder for you that it is named with a capital D?  This was the issue with mine, no capital on the name and no outfits, makeup, jewelry, etc would show up in game - objects did though, can't hurt to check.

Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 03, 21:21:28
As far as I'm aware, checking the in-game custom screen will only show hacks, object meshes, clothing meshes etc., recolours won't be shown, but if the mesh is in your game (or the mesh is default Maxis), then they will show up anyway.

I assume you have the latest CEP for NL?

Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: Leina Raine on 2006 January 03, 21:25:45
OoOodles of thankies and buckets of appreciation ...

MissDoh -
Yes, I've been particularly careful about meshes this round (meshes caused my first round of chaos! (wish i was savvy but savvy i am not)) ... and thank you for thinkin' for me cuz my brain has HAD it !

simmiecal -
I do have subfolders ... and I believe they are the eViL! *shakes fist*  Somewhere I stuck somethin' I shouldn't of, I'm guessin' ...  I've been piddling around with one sim trying to figure it out but those package names are not nice !!! "9423ad1bf1d003a3f.....package"  What IS THAT ???  /calm  (( Self Proclaimed Idiot - thanks!  ;) ))  So, I'm thinking third time THIS time is a charm ... *cross fingers* 

baratron -
LoL ... I tried to be so careful to put in all the useful information ... whoops ... You are correct - NL !  *passes out cookies* I have unzipped this time ... handy that ... (another lesson learned from last time ... *blush*)

I have not touched the saved sims folder ... ever ... I've had and used custom content before with no trouble so, I'm not sure if I've a problem with that folder ... there isn't any subfolders in it at the moment, so I don't think it's the problem but I could be VERY wrong about that ... and yes, it helps OOdLeS!

ness -
Yes, the capital D ... I did check for that and had bodyshop create the folder for good measure ...

ZephyrZodiac -
Thank you for the info about the custom screen.  I DO have CEP and I do believe it is the latest version ... V 3.3 ? (not really sure what to do with it but) I installed it and have the .package in my downloads ... *hopeful grin*

So, now ... I think I'm going to give it one more go ... starting over (from the empty download folder) and see if I can't make something work ... I appreciate the time and thoughts very much ... however, I am taking a lil break right now before I take a bat to the computer  :D

Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 03, 21:33:14
If the long file names (which you get with the installer) are bugging you, there's a thread somewhere here about changing file names to something you can recognise.

Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: Leina Raine on 2006 January 03, 21:46:46
The file name thing perplexes me to no end ... lol

I am in awe of all of you that have any understanding of this crazy mumbo jumbo ... I am just NOT that smart ...  ;D !!!


Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: angelyne on 2006 January 03, 23:48:15
Nothing to understand really.  I think the file name is randomly generated in order not to overwrite existing files.  They probably did that predicting a flood of custom content all being dumped into one folder. The game doesn't care about the file names anyway since each object is identified by a unique number that's imbedded in the file. 

However clean installer lets you see what is inside the file, so you can use that program to move the file to the appropriate folder.

I've had your problem quite a few times and it was always either caused by custom objects being off or my download folder not having the capital D.

One thing to remember, if your simmies are not showing their custom content in the bin (I think) or on the splash screen of the lot, that's normal.  It will not be updated until you actually load the load with the content present.

Silly question.  Do you see your content in Bodyshop?

Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: Leina Raine on 2006 January 04, 02:30:47
Angelyne -
Ah-HA so randomness wins again eh ?   :D  Thank you for breakin it down for me.  I do oh so  love my cleanpack installer !  *nodsnods*  And oh so handeh that if you mouseover it'll give you the mumbo-jumbo name too !  *cheers*  (alright ... sometimes it takes me alil longer to catch on to stuff ... =P)

That's what threw me off about the whole thing ... the sims DID show up in bodyshop ...

and alas ...

*chiors of angels sing!!*

It apparently was my foldering gone awry somehow ... I made just base folders (hair mesh, hair, clothing mesh, clothing ... etc.) and that seemed to do the trick ... so, I figure I'll just do it that way for my sims and their goodies ... I'm sure I won't even get to objects for a few days but ... in advance ... I read on Modthesims2 that objects can be all crazy-like subfoldered .... Anyone here got organization down to a science, that can confirm that, by chance ?  (I of course don't intend to get tooo crazy with it but I would like the by who / what kind of organization in there ... hopin not to push it past 3 folders/subfolders (they say they've up to 8, so I figure it's safe *shrugs*))

Again, thank you ever so kindly for all your imput and suggestions ...

*jig o joy*

*runs off for s'more CC bliss*


Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 January 04, 03:09:26
well I did folders for

custom hair
custom clothes
custom makeup
custom recolors
Maxis objects
zz hacks
zzz default replacements

with subfolders in each by creator/site and a few of those have subfolders in them.

my subfolders in "zz hacks" are numbered (so that certain hacks load after others) with the creators name so I can easily keep all my hacks up to date (also helps if i need to check for a conflict)

When I make new clothes in Bodyshop I shift the files afterwards from Saved Sims to "my custom clothes" in "Download/custom clothes" and use SavedSims for any sims I want in the simbin.

Just organize yours in whatever way suits to best  :)

Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 04, 03:10:44
Well, I have all my objects split by site, that's all I've bothered with up till now, but my walls and floors are all in subfolders by creator or site, then again according to the name of the wall/floor or set.

If your custom clothes still don't show when you load your sims into a house, have them "change appearance" in a mirror.

Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: Jorenne on 2006 January 04, 03:18:11
I have many sub folders for objects in my downloads, sorted by function, as they are in game.

So for example I have Downloads>appliances>fridges>maxisrecolours
or Downloads>appliances>fridges>custommesh

and so on some go as far as Downloads>misc>kids>cribs>frames>maxisrecolours

So I can safely say that at least five sub folders works.

Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: anelca on 2006 January 04, 12:40:34
well, subfoldering for me turned into a complete nightmare
i have got it down to objects by function, unless there are a lot by a particular creator, then they have their own folder
hacks i can't subfolder, but hacked objects seem to do ok
 skins and genetics etc don't work if subfoldered in NL downloads,  but fine if left to their own devices in saved sims and ordered by date modified
floors and walls etc  i can subfolder to my hearts content within a main build folder

i think you just need to experiment and find what works for you

Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 04, 17:07:28
skins and genetics etc don't work if subfoldered in NL downloads,  but fine if left to their own devices in saved sims and ordered by date modified

1.  Did you try to subfolder them in Saved Sims?  If so, it's my experience that won't work, they need to be in Downloads.

2. You can't have a Skins folder, and then various subfolders like Hair, Eyes, clothing etc.  You can have each type of skin as a loose subfolder in Downloads. 

3. Don't try to do it all at once.  And start with new stuff that your sims aren't currently using.

hacks i can't subfolder, but hacked objects seem to do ok

Again, I think it's a matter of doing a few at a time.

Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: angelyne on 2006 January 04, 21:36:08
EVERYTHING is in subfolders for me.  I have nothing in my download folder.  Stuff is nested fairly deep at times.  I have a folder called genetics, and then one folder each for eyes, hair, skin, and then a folder per creator. 

Hacks are two folders deep in hacks/creator.

So I am not sure why it's not working for you Zephyr.

Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 05, 01:07:21
Hey, read back, I'm not the one with the problem - my post for some reason just didn't get the quotes in correctly, although I know I did it right!  But I probably had to try about three times to get the darn thing to post!

Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: angelyne on 2006 January 05, 01:19:58
Oops sorry Zephyr!  This site is sometimes sluggish.  Victim of it's own success !

My download folder is my achilles heel.  Even though it's barely a 2 months old and I tried to keep it organized, I already feel I have lost control somewhat.  I feel like starting  over from scratch.

How good is Maxis's packaging of lots?.  If I package a lot, will EVERY custom item be included ?  I'm thinking of maybe packaging all my lots, extracting them to a new folder, and recategorizng the items and using that as a start for a new download folder.

Sleepycat, I'm interested in your method.  I'm having some problems with mods not appearing in my game, and I'm pretty sure it's a question of load order.  However, I have NO clue how to starting debugging which can overwrite which.  I have too many mods I'm afraid.

Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 05, 04:57:40
Package your lots to a file, then reinstall them with the CleanInstaller (which you can get from ModTheSims2) and install only the LotSegment.  However, any lot which has had custom terrain paints should not be packaged at all - reinstalling them will crash your game. 

Unfortunately, just putting them in your game in the first place means your game is now infected with the darn things, and if you remove them, the lot they came with will be unusable!  And worse - just opening your terrain paints folder in the build menu will infect whatever lot you're working on.  I have several lovely houses, which to my knowledge have no terrain paints as they're ones I built myself, but when I tried to put them into a vanilla game to check them out for uploading, they crashed, which could only mean that I had inadvertently clicked on the terrain paints icon while I was building!

The Clean Installer will remove all extraneous character files, all custom content but not terrrain paints!  If you wish to keep certain items of custom content, you can scroll through and retick their check boxes before you install.  there is also an option to load the family segment which I've never tried, but might try in an empty hood just to see what Clean Installer manages to remove and whether the family is playable!

Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 January 05, 11:24:12
Sleepycat, I'm interested in your method.  I'm having some problems with mods not appearing in my game, and I'm pretty sure it's a question of load order.  However, I have NO clue how to starting debugging which can overwrite which.  I have too many mods I'm afraid.

well I can list mine the way I have them to give you an idea

1 misc (empty at the moment, mostly used for testing hacks by someone new to see if I want them/it or not)
2 carrigon (childs pizza oven)
3 cathair2005 (toddlers mirror)
7 syberspunk
8 crammyboy
9 inge jones
10 JM Pescado
11 twojeffs
13 lizzie love
15 jase439
16 eric
17 Quaxi censor blur patch

JMs and TwoJeffs are very important in my game and would normally be a higher number but I felt LizzieLoves waterbed should load after everything else except for jases InTEEN (which I would have load last if I didn't also have InSIM) and Erics InSIM (InSIM in my opinion should always load last)

I did set the no censor blur patch by Quaxi last to load but it could probably go first since nothing else affects the censor blur (as far as I know anyway)

The "missing" numbers get used when I add hacks by someone new, like crammyboy and syberspunk  (I just recently started using hacks by them)

I did have "default replacement" files in my hacks folder but shifted them to a separate folder recently named "zzz Default Replacements" so that they load absolutely last  of all custom content, they don't affect the hacks.

*laughs* my hacks folder -currently- contains "113 files, 12 folders"  ;) 

side note - I like to shift some hacks out to see if I can stand playing without them and yesterday I played almost all day without JMs "noroadpillows" and OMG what a pain, I put it back in first thing this morning!! Oddly enough InTEEN and the waterbed haven't made it back in yet...I really like them but...  :-\
as far as I'm concerned you don't start having a pillow fight while on a romantic date  ::)

Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 05, 14:47:28
Maybe I misread it, but my understanding of the Censor Blur patch was that it should be left loose in downloads. 

I just have my mods in folders by creator, no numbering, so they just go in alphabetical order.  But I'm careful not to have hacks with known conflicts both in my game at once.

Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 January 05, 14:51:44
Maybe I misread it, but my understanding of the Censor Blur patch was that it should be left loose in downloads. 

really?  I've always kept it in a subfolder and never had a problem  :o

Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 05, 15:05:25
Well, maybe it works either way.  I just keep it loose in Downloads along with CEP.  Nothing else is loose there, so it's not a problem.

Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: angelyne on 2006 January 05, 15:45:25
Thanks for that info Sleepycat.  I'll try it out.  I need to reduce the size of my hack folder.  I find that it significantly reduces load time.  But I have less hacks than you it seems.  I might have to be selective about which of Pescado's hack I keep.  Right now I have everything he listed in his NL directory.

Thanks for the info too Zephyr.  That whole terrain paint thing is weird.  Unfortunately some of the better designers at TSR insist on using terrain paints on their houses.  Hopefully Maxis will fix, but I wonder if they are aware of the problem at all.

BTW, that's how I always install a lot, remove everything but the segment, install the lot segment, and then extract the rest of the files to a subfolder in my download folder.  I hate those random file names and won't stand to have them in my folder.  This allows me to quickly get rid of a house custom content if I decide I don't want it.  I've occasionally loaded up lots with the custom paint missing.  They load up fine, but all the area where custom paint was, shows as blue, and you can't really remove custom paint, as you well know, so you have no choice but to use it in the lot if you want to keep that house.  I've never tried to package them however, so I'll take your word that they crash if you do so.  Here's hoping that Maxis is aware of the bug.

But I have no intention of reinstalling my lots in this case. My neighbourhood is fine, it's only my download folder that's bloated.  My plan is to package all my lots, remove the download folder and create a new one and then extract the content of the lot files, minus the lot itself and use those files as a basis for a new download folder.  I'm hoping that this give me ONLY the files that I am currently using in the game.  I'll have to hunt down the meshes manually though, there is no help for that I think.  Anyway, I'll try it and report.

There is one thing I never tried and am wondering about.  What if you load a house with custom content but with the content missing and then save the lot.  Does it keep pointers to the missing content or does it now points to the substituted content. 

Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 05, 17:18:24
Well, I've just been cleaning up some of my houses in a vanilla building hood, and while some objects revert to the original they sometimes "forget" what they are, so you get the default name if you click on it, but the custom picture!  some things seem to disappear entirely.  I think it all depends on how they were made.  I'm afraid that, with all the trouble with custom terrains, I just won't download any lot which has them.  I'd like to get rid of all custom terrains permanently from my game, and the only way I can do that is to gradually replace all houses that have them!

An example of the problems - I have houses that I built in game which work perfectly for the family living there.  I have never to my knowledge put any terrain paints into the lot, custom or default.  But if I try to move the house into my vanilla hood to check it out, it won't load, but crashes the game immediately to the desktop.  I have others that are fine, so I can only assume that while building the house I may have needed to use the terrain levelling tool and accidentally opened the terrains for a moment.

Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: angelyne on 2006 January 05, 17:43:54
Could it be that it's something else that's causing the crashing? Maybe we are barking up the wrong tree.  I never use custom terrains myself, and do not recall ever clicking on it accidentally.  And why would opening the terrain catalog cause something to happen to the lot.  That doesn't make sense.  Maybe some modder with a good understanding of the game mechanics could explain that one.

But I've had your problem plenty of time.  Lots not willing to open after being transfered to a new neighbourdhood.  But then I had that happen to a lot for no particular reason that I could see.  Opened fine one day and not the next.  No changes were made apart from adding some mods.  I removed the entire download folder and the problem was still there, so it wasn't related to a custom object.  And then there were the university lots that just refused to load.  They were in a brand new game.  Pescado said you couldn't just move sims into a university lot, you had to open the lot first (or something like that).  But still it wouldn't load.

So lots of things seem to cause a lot not to load.  I wish my log file would be of more help, but it's so full of crap, that it's impossible to find the actual error.  Another reason why I should clean out my download folders.  All those errors bug me.  Although some of those errors are present in a brand new game with an empty custom folder, so  <shrug>.

Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: Leina Raine on 2006 January 05, 20:14:24
Thank you all for the assistance ... things are working much better now ... stopped in yesterday but my connection didn't wanna let me reply just then ... lol

I'm pretty much down to finding that system that will work for me ... I am apparently a pain in the tookus with the order-thing in those folders ... Hopefully sometime before new years, I'll be playing again! *nudgewinK*


Title: Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 05, 23:33:08
Could it be that it's something else that's causing the crashing? Maybe we are barking up the wrong tree.  I never use custom terrains myself, and do not recall ever clicking on it accidentally.  And why would opening the terrain catalog cause something to happen to the lot.  That doesn't make sense.  Maybe some modder with a good understanding of the game mechanics could explain that one.

Once you open the terrain file, every paint in it becomes part of your lot.  Move the lot to a vanilla hood with no custom terrain paints and BOOM!  It's well-documented that this happens!  As I said, I've lots made around the same time in the same hood which load with no problems whatsoever, while others crash.  The only possible difference that I can think of is the addition of a custom terrain paint!