More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: SciBirg on 2006 January 02, 14:30:59

Title: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: SciBirg on 2006 January 02, 14:30:59
He started playing Ts2 last week after getting sick of Starwars galaxies (he played it for over 2 years...) and thought it a lot of fun.
Then he borrowed my legal copies of the base game and Uni and now he has decided to buy it himself. He found it hilarious and he loved the cowplant of course.  ::)

Finally I have someone IRL to talk about my simmies with!

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: bluecatvon on 2006 January 02, 17:22:26
haha! i'm dreaming of converting my boyfriend into a TS2 freak too! but it'll take a very long the meantime i can only talk to the guys here about sims2 haha!

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 January 02, 17:37:53
You're lucky...I still have no one in real life to talk to about it.  Everyone I know thinks I spend far too much time playing "that damn game!"

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: FatedCircle on 2006 January 02, 18:38:22
I have no one either, really.  Or at least, no one who plays obsessively, as I do.  I have a friend who plays a TS1, but hasn't bought TS2, and doesn't plan to (because of computer issues).  My mom plays, but I'm lucky if I get to talk to her at all, so when we do, it's not usually about sims. ::)

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: Kristalrose on 2006 January 02, 18:42:11
I wish I could get someone in RL addicted to TS2 so I would quit looking/feeling like a freak.  LOL  The boys at my local Game Stop see me coming.  I went in to buy video games for my husband and son for Christmas and they said, "Call of Duty 2?  Knights of the Old Republic 2?  That's not your usual.  Have you reserved your copy of Open For Buisness Yet?  We just opened up the pre-orders, and you know that if you don't pre-order, it won't come to town."  Yeah, I know.  LMAO  So I gave them my $5.  What the hell.  :(

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 January 02, 23:01:20
Haha :D

You freaks. Anyways, me and my sister are the Sims freaks in our family. Aside from maybe one friend who played the original sims, I don't think I know anyone else IRL really. Well, there is my sister's best friend who also plays. Actually, it was because of her best friend that I found out about MTS2, which lead me eventually all these other sites and of course MATY. Before then, I never even really knew about or trusted game mods. :P Now here I am, actually making a few. Hehe.

Anyhew, my sister's still been playing her Legacy Challenge. I dumped my old game(s) and restarted. And for the first time, we started to notice some wacky bugs in her game just the other day. One time, her game just crashed to the desktop, with no warning or error message. This was while she was on a group outing. When she went back into the game, her sim was back home, but the Group Outing meter was still up. :P She then went to a Downtown comm lot and her group magically reappeared and exited the taxi with her. ::) Suffice it to say, her Outing was only So-So.

She also had been downloading and installing lots from MTS2. Despite using the Clean Installer, some hacks managed to sneak their way in, including an older version of the phone hack, as well as what I think was Wintermuteai's (sp?) old mailbox hack. :P She clicked on the mailbox to pay her bills, and she freaked out when she got like all these other options. At first, I thought she might have turned on the boolprop debug mode/cheat, but then I realized it had to be a hack. I was afraid that these were all signs of her game turning into a BFBVFS.  :-\ There was also this freaky moment where she cancelled out an action on her sim's queue, and the sim's body turned around but his head did not. That was just plain ugly! I was like great, an excorcist hack?  :o

Well, I cleaned out her hacks, and sure enough, she did have the mailbox hack and some other objects that snuck in, like some of christianlov's npc object stoves and whatever. Stupid people packaging junk with their lots! Oh well, I guess I should review how to properly use the Clean Installer with my sister though. :P

Oh yeah, and one more thing. Hehe. I did something kinda evil in her game, but she hasn't even played it yet. She started to make a custom neighborhood with a copy of our family that I made (my teen selfsim, along with our parents and a selfsim of her). She had also made some of her college friends as YAs for her to use in Uni. Well, while I was toying with her setup, I actually made a sim of her exbf, and then I used SimPE's Sim Surgery to change one of the dormies into him. I also used the InSimenator to change the dormies name. That way, he would be an unselectable dormie in her game! Muhahahahahah!!! I'm waiting for her to actually play long enough to send her selfsim to college and then see what her reaction is, if she even notices. Lol.  ;D


Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: vecki on 2006 January 02, 23:14:16
You're lucky...I still have no one in real life to talk to about it.  Everyone I know thinks I spend far too much time playing "that damn game!"

Ditto :D

I wish I could convert my boyfriend but he's solely curious about what the woo-hoo looks like in game.  I think he'd be disappointed. ;D

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 03, 00:14:43
My sister thinks I'm mad, and if I mention it, she goes all "I'm bored of this", but I'm not allowed to be bored with her doll-making activities, her gardening or her water-colour painting!  And when I mentioned that I'd removed the censor blur, she decided I was a pervert!  LUckily for me my neighbour's 12 year-old son enjoys the game, so I do have SOMEONE to talk to about it!

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: speedreader on 2006 January 03, 04:57:33
My 12 yo daughter will listen, but she doesn't really enjoy playing.  I, too, am the only Sims obsessed person I know.  My husband thinks I'm nuts, yet he will sit in front of Country Music Vids for hours, or worse - an entire evening of network TV!

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 03, 07:19:41
I think we all have our little obsessions, and we should therefore learn to be tolerant of other peoples' obsessions!  And I detest the way in some marriages the husband has a particular fixation, (football, cross country running or whatever) and the wife, who had no interest in that kind of thing at all before meeting him, appears to become obsessed too! I mean, she may be a genuine convert, but mostly I think it's because he expects it, or she thinks it's what a good wife is supposed to do!)

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: Lythdan on 2006 January 03, 07:21:39
Hmm...the only other Sims 2 addict in my family is my cousin. I converted her! At least I have someone to talk to...

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: SciBirg on 2006 January 03, 07:31:25
LOL! I am glad I am not the only lone simnut out there. My hubby just complains about my obsession with it and refuses to talk about sims with me.
But now my brother is hooked I might be able to talk to him about it, although I think he has an unhealthy obsession with the cowplant... :P

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: Savage on 2006 January 03, 09:58:39
Unless you have two computers this is no good thing...  :P

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: LynnMar on 2006 January 03, 12:23:22
that is so cool.   I converted my daughter about three months ago.  I had the sims2 dvd version and the cd version,  so I gave her the dvd version and she loved it,  she bought all the ex-packs for Christmas.    ;D

 I have a old friend who used to live here and he just moved back home from Las Vegas and he is thinking about converting to the sims, he asked me if I would get him started.   I said "sure" but now I feel kinda guilty, the poor guy does not even know what he is in for.   ;)

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: angelyne on 2006 January 03, 14:10:47
My 12 yo daughter will listen, but she doesn't really enjoy playing.  I, too, am the only Sims obsessed person I know.  My husband thinks I'm nuts, yet he will sit in front of Country Music Vids for hours, or worse - an entire evening of network TV!

That's my pet peeve!.  My boyfriend complains about me "wasting my life playing that damn game" but he spends his free time surfing or watching TV.  How is that any worse?  And realistically, if I wasn't playing TS2, I'd probably would be watching TV or reading Sci-Fi.  Not especially worthwhile.  Our Comedy network here has a motto "Time well wasted" That's a good one to apply to TS2.

The only thing I feel a little sorry about is that I put aside my feeble art efforts.  But I can only have one obsession at a time, and as I said, my talent is pretty limited.

Another thing that bugs me is that he says only teenagers play this game.  I got news for him (not that he would listen lol)

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: bluecatvon on 2006 January 03, 15:04:15
hehe. i bet most of our boyfriends or husbands would act just like the sims when we try to convert them into TS2 freaks. you know, stuffing their fat fingers into their ears and yelling 'la-la-la'. by the way, i noticed most of the opposing members are male. are there any exceptions?

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: SciBirg on 2006 January 04, 08:47:28
Unless you have two computers this is no good thing...  :P

We are both all grown-up and have moved out from home some time ago, so no problem there.

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: Renatus on 2006 January 04, 09:22:33
hehe. i bet most of our boyfriends or husbands would act just like the sims when we try to convert them into TS2 freaks. you know, stuffing their fat fingers into their ears and yelling 'la-la-la'. by the way, i noticed most of the opposing members are male. are there any exceptions?

My spousal unit is male and enjoys playing with pixel people. :) He mostly enjoys making them and creating backstories, and playing them a bit, but doesn't like building houses because he has as much design sense as our cat. He's got some amusing families started - my favourite is the time traveller who brought back Freud and Tesla, and is now living with them in a house in Pleasantview. Tesla is a grouchy old man and looks frowny whenever he catches Freud romancing some young woman. :D

He plays less often than I do, since for me my neighborhoods are elaborate projects and I tend to get a bit obsessed and focused on my projects, where for him it's something he can play for a day and then put down for a month.

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: cwieberdink on 2006 January 04, 13:43:31
I love what you did Syber.  HAHA! 

My hubby thinks Sims is the biggest waste of time.  But, yeah, sitting in front of the TV for six hours straight is justifiable.  Hmph.

I did convert someone though!  A 50 year old lady from our church.  Her daughter played Sims too.  When I started talking to her about making my whole family, etc. she went and got the game.  She recreated her whole family and neighborhood, etc.  Built all the houses.  Now we talk about it every Sunday morning! 

My kids just love the game.  Now, if I could get my born in game children to not look like they came from Edvard Munch's nighmares, I would be golden.  LOL


Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: bluecatvon on 2006 January 05, 15:40:06
yes, i love what syberspunk did too! be sure to update us when she does find out bout the sim ex-boyfriend!

haha, i'm still in the process of converting ANYONE into a sims2 freak..i swear, it's either these guys are immune or i have 0 in charisma points :D

haha, Edvard Munch..

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: Myth on 2006 January 05, 16:52:18
I converted my son to the game when he was 7 with TS1.  I had lost interest in the game and he ended up with all the EPs.  When Sims 2 came out I was brought back to "the cult". 

The only time my beau is interested is when I get a new sexy outfit for a Sim.  I've always said I was a mouse potato and he was a couch potato.  My beau was never a gamer, but I converted him to a gaming with games like Battlefield and Call of Duty.  Since I hold no interest in those types of games I now understand more the gaming gap when he tries to "tell me something funny" that happened in his game and just save my funny stories for my son.

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: eaglezero on 2006 January 06, 20:46:33
I converted one of my good friends to Sims2 the other day. He had heard me talk about all the funny things that happened to my sims, and decided the game looked like fun, so one night when he was over here and we were bored of just sitting around, I started up the game and let him have a go. He made a male sim who he gave lots of makeup, and then proceeded to take this sim out on many dates, and have him fight with all the grand vampires, and so on. It was rather amusing, but after two hours of watching him play I fell asleep on the couch. In true proof of how addictive the game is -- he played for another six hours before waking me up and leaving. I told him that next time he comes over to play the sims, he'd better bring like half his record collection so I can have something to do while he plays.

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: angelyne on 2006 January 07, 02:57:03
-- he played for another six hours before waking me up and leaving. I told him that next time he comes over to play the sims,

Haha he sounds like one of those visitors sims that spends most of the night playing chess on your lot and then leave in the wee hours of the morning, while you are sleeping

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: Regina on 2006 January 08, 04:25:44
I have one sis-in-law who plays--sometimes--I think.  I haven't talked to her in a while and last I did (months ago) she was pretty busy with other things.  Other than that both my daughters play occasionally (although one much prefers to create and the other doesn't manage to get as much time on that PC), one niece who plays TS1 (mainly downloads furniture and builds houses), two nieces and two sisters who play console versions of one or another.  I think at least one of my sisters will get TS2 for PC after we manage to get her a new PC later this month or next.  I've told her a lot about mine and she goes into drool fits! LOL  Of course, it's all my other sister's fault that I ever got into playing games to begin with.  SHE bought the Nintendo systems way back when and got me addicted!  ;D

My hubby spends his spare time in his 'secret laboratory' working on projects like windmills and Bedini motors and he really doesn't mind that I play games on my computer.  We spend quite a bit of time together, too, but we really don't share many interests.  Our main common interests are sci-fi and food.

I have in-laws who constantly say they don't have time for this kind of nonsense.  I say people have time for what they want to do.  If they want to play TS2, they make some time.  If they want to watch movies they make some time.  If they go fishing, go to a health club or whatever, they make the time.  I've watched several of them for years spin their wheels doing things that look like they just do them to stay busy.  Well, I don't pretend to be busy.  I do what needs done and when I have spare time and/or health problem flare-ups I sometimes spend quite a bit of time playing computer games.  I do have some other interests, too, like jigsaw puzzles, gardening and embroidery.

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: cristalfiona on 2006 January 09, 09:58:48
I have no real life friends either  ;) ( That play Sims 2, I mean- obviously). My boyfriend made me and him in a house back when i only had the sims 2, but tried to play again after i installed my expansion packs, and complained for 10 mins how slow it was before shutting down the computer. I forgot that last time i played that lot, it was 10 to 7.

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: Kristalrose on 2006 January 09, 16:42:15
I share my Simmie stories with my RL friends.  I have one who asks me occasionally what they are up to and the latest storyline.  I was discussing the game a little the other day with a dear co-worker, and she surprised me by saying her 16 year old daughter is not only a Simmer, but make custom clothes!   :o ;D  I told her to have the girl e-mail me a link to where her clothes are so I could see them.  My friend says she has a website but didn't know where. 

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: baratron on 2006 January 09, 22:47:04
Heh. I showed this thread to my partner Richard (because I wondered whether Misty's husband is the same sort of geek that he is), and he said "This person's pleased that her brother's become a Sims 2 freak? Shouldn't we all be sending her black-edged cards saying 'Condolences on the loss of your brother'." ;D

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: SciBirg on 2006 January 11, 14:29:48
Heh. I showed this thread to my partner Richard (because I wondered whether Misty's husband is the same sort of geek that he is), and he said "This person's pleased that her brother's become a Sims 2 freak? Shouldn't we all be sending her black-edged cards saying 'Condolences on the loss of your brother'." ;D

 :D :D :D :D

Well, I sort of gained him back with this new obsession after losing him for 2.5 years to Star Wars Galaxies! He actually comes around to our house now to talk about the game. Which is fun for me since noone else will listen to it...

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: flowerchile on 2006 January 12, 04:07:19
You're lucky...I still have no one in real life to talk to about it.  Everyone I know thinks I spend far too much time playing "that damn game!"
I can talk to my kids about it, but as with you, my husband thinks I spend to much time on "that stooooopid game", he fails to see the point. 

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: SciBirg on 2006 January 12, 12:07:32
Seems 99% of hubbies see it that way, including mine.

He likes building houses but as there is no way to specify wall-thickness etc, it is not detailed enough for him.
But I haven't given up getting him to see the light yet.

Title: Re: Yey!!! My brother is now a newly-converted TS2 freak!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 January 12, 12:20:09
Well, wall thickness is really unimportant given that there's no structural integrity and building thicker walls does not improve the ability of your building to withstand siege.