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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Jorenne on 2006 January 02, 02:10:52

Title: Buy-Off?
Post by: Jorenne on 2006 January 02, 02:10:52
I'll admit to not playing "dates" much with nightlife since most of my sims are already in relationship, so maybe I've just never seen it before, but it was kinda-cute.

I was downtown on a date with a sim today and another one of my sims started tagging along with them, and when I clicked on her I had the option to "buy-off for §50", which I did and got the pop-up "fine, I'll leave you alone....for now"

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 January 02, 02:15:56
I haven't actually seen that come up yet, but I know Sims can buy off their rivals for some §.

I think it's hilarious, but I still want to see that and the flaming bags of poo.  ;D

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 January 02, 02:37:51
I prefer the beatdown approach.

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: florican on 2006 January 02, 02:54:28
Unless I've misunderstood it, it's not so much rivals you buy off but anyone that is furious with you and keeps stealing your newspaper or kicking over your bin. It stops them for a while but not completely.

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: Jorenne on 2006 January 02, 03:02:16
But these two sims had never met before, they weren't furious at all.

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: florican on 2006 January 02, 03:20:18
There must be more to it than I thought then. The only time I've ever seen it was when a sim was furious. And even then it wasn't always available.

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: rohina on 2006 January 02, 08:45:04
I had an annoying mascot who was messing with one of my uni sim's dates come up with that option. The cow kept interrupting them and poking them, and then I saw the "buy off" option, but before I used it, my sim beat up the cow.

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 January 02, 15:33:56
The Sim who was 'tagging-along' probably fancied one of the Sims on the date.  This happens a lot in my game.  Once I had two Sims on a date and another Sim (one of my playable ones, a Romance female) sat at the next table and kept interrupting their conversation through the entire meal.  Turned-out she had two lightning bolts for the male.

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: virgali on 2006 January 02, 18:28:47
Rivalry Explained

*If sim C is furious at sim A, he or she will hit on sim B if he/she is at least meutrally attracted to sim B.
*If sim C is not furious at sim A but is not a friend of sim A, sim C will hit on sim B if he/she is very strongly attracted to sim sim B
*Is sim C is a freind of sim A and isn't furious at sim A, sim C will never hit on sim B
*If sim c is married/joined/steadied, sim C may still hit on sim B but the attraction must be very great
*if sim C is married/joined/stedied AND is a family sim, sim C will never hit on sim B
*if sim C is a romance sim, all required attraction are lowered meaning it takes less attraction for them to become rivals

Dealing with rivals

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: Process Denied on 2006 January 02, 19:01:43
On one of my romance sim's dates, this other sims was highly attracted to her and would stand in front of the photo booth and take pictures over and over but my sim didn't have the buy off option so I had to take control of her date to buy him off.  But even after buying him off,he still stood right next to them but didn't interupt.  I was like,aren't you suppose to GO AWAY!!  They ended up having three bolts for each other so the next night she had a date with him.

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 03, 07:52:04
Sorry, but I don't by that about Family Sims!  Cassandra Goth is a worse whore than any Romance sim I've ever played!  she'll hit on any work colleague, follow them home, leap on them out of the blue etc!  Never mind the fact that SHE's married or that he is!  Even if he's gay, it doesn't bother her!  And any Downtown lot you visit, chances are she's there following your sim around town!

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: aussieone on 2006 January 03, 07:56:38
Sorry, but I don't by that about Family Sims!  Cassandra Goth is a worse whore than any Romance sim I've ever played!  she'll hit on any work colleague, follow them home, leap on them out of the blue etc!  Never mind the fact that SHE's married or that he is!  Even if he's gay, it doesn't bother her!  And any Downtown lot you visit, chances are she's there following your sim around town!

Interesting romance sim will have to 'make friends' with Cassandra then to fulfill his 20 sim woohoo  :D

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 03, 08:03:42
Dunno if it's work that way round!  But it's happened in so many versions of Pleasantview that she's broken up her own marriage and tried to break up someone else's that I just don't trust her at all!

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: aussieone on 2006 January 03, 08:38:37
Dunno if it's work that way round!  But it's happened in so many versions of Pleasantview that she's broken up her own marriage and tried to break up someone else's that I just don't trust her at all!

Damned Harlot!!  ;D

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 03, 08:42:30
Well, she didn't have much of an upbringing, did she?  But her LTW should be "Have babies by ten different fathers"!

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: Brynne on 2006 January 03, 08:45:36
This is my sister in law you're talking about, may I remind you!  >:(  ;D

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: aussieone on 2006 January 03, 08:58:49
This is my sister in law you're talking about, may I remind you!  >:(  ;D

Oh dear....not sure what to say.....umm....commmiserations (sp?) Brynne  ;)

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: Brynne on 2006 January 03, 09:01:55
I'm stalking you aussie! mwahahahaha

I hardly ever play Cassandra. I'm thinking I may have to do that, now. She sounds like a trip!  :D

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: aussieone on 2006 January 03, 09:03:49
I'm stalking you aussie! mwahahahaha

I hardly ever play Cassandra. I'm thinking I may have to do that, now. She sounds like a trip!  :D

I haven't been 'stalked' since....ooh....1995....last time me and my ex hubby.....ooh never mind  :P

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: Brynne on 2006 January 03, 09:05:51
I'm watching you! Ha ha ha ha ha... *trails off*

Can you tell I'm just hitting "refresh" repeatedly?

I should be in bed.  :P

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 January 03, 11:55:19
Rivalry Explained

*If sim C is furious at sim A, he or she will hit on sim B if he/she is at least meutrally attracted to sim B.
*If sim C is not furious at sim A but is not a friend of sim A, sim C will hit on sim B if he/she is very strongly attracted to sim sim B
*Is sim C is a freind of sim A and isn't furious at sim A, sim C will never hit on sim B
*If sim c is married/joined/steadied, sim C may still hit on sim B but the attraction must be very great
*if sim C is married/joined/stedied AND is a family sim, sim C will never hit on sim B
*if sim C is a romance sim, all required attraction are lowered meaning it takes less attraction for them to become rivals

Dealing with rivals

Hmm you learn something new everyday..interesting.

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: Process Denied on 2006 January 08, 20:00:52
I turned Cassie into a teen and sent her to college with Don, Dina,etc. and she is really cool.  She graduated and got married to Ty Bubbler(Goth) and is very happy and is pregnant with her second child.  She hasn't gotten in a fight with antone(yet) and she doesn't even look at anyone else.  The same with Daniel and Mary Sue they got married and Daniel didn't even have a fear of it(may have to do with the fact that the scenerio was messed up and he doesn't know that he should be afraid of it)  either way--it worked for me.  I usually wait till the fear is gone but they had to get married right away because of the twins.

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 January 08, 22:53:05
I thought Daniel & Mary-Sue were already married?  They certainly are in my game, although I noticed when I restarted it that they weren't actually best friends.  I think that was a mistake on Maxis' part though, because they'd made best friends quite some time before.

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: Process Denied on 2006 January 08, 23:23:44
I turned them into teens and made the oldies into adults and the twins were tots.  I wiped out all memories after they turned into teens except their intimate actions and the twin's birth--so they had the twins as teens and they went steady but they were never engaged or married.  I wanted Mary Sue to have a chance to change her mind but she really loves him--crazy for him more like it.  They have graduated and just had a little boy.  Daniel seems quite happy and hasn't asked to fool around with anyone besides the usual wants that all romance sims have.  It doesn't matter even if he does, cause he is perma-plat.

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 09, 05:59:05
If you make Daniel Knowledge (very suited to his personality) and Mary sue family, then even if they've split up in a blazing row, they get three bolts for each other as soon as they see each other again!  I did this in my game which went a bit weird (not with the Pleasants) they split up mainly to split the twins up, but they wer mad at each other at the time because of Daniel's dalliance with Kaylynn!

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: Process Denied on 2006 January 10, 03:56:16
What's funny is that Kaylynn was fired immediately not because of Daniel, but because the didn't need her. But after Daniel and Mary Sue graduated, I hired a maid and it was Lucy.  Kaylynn was their All-In-One maid at Uni but she didn't have time to socialize there.  But I couldn't have that drama even if I wanted it. 

Title: Re: Buy-Off?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 10, 04:17:22
Kaylynn is just sitting in the bin in this old hood, been there for nearly a year now!  Dunno if she'll ever get out!