More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: PlaidSquirrel on 2006 January 01, 14:28:02

Title: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: PlaidSquirrel on 2006 January 01, 14:28:02
Well maybe I shouldn't be such a drama queen but my sims really are not cooperating.

I have a teen named Thalia whom I liked so much I went into CAS and made a father (Marcel who Brynne can't stop auto flirting even though they only have one bolt. Maybe it's because he's french?) son (Aimery) family just so she would have a nice cute boy to date. Things were going great. They had two dream dates, wanted nothing but to be together and have two bolts (I've only ever gotten up to two bolts with any couple until...) for each other. So he asks her to go steady and they Woohoo for the first time at a party she has and everything is going great.

Okay so next day I'm playing at his place and Britany Parker (I aged all the townie children up to teen for a particularly bad foster home I was playing) is doing a walk-by and even though they have 0/0 she is at 2 bolts with him. Next thing you know he is talking to her and it imediately goes up to three! My first three bolt couple and that hussy is half of it so of course I'm horrified. And this guy Aimery wouldn't even exist if it weren't for Thalia. Now I'm all in a quandry over what to do with this.

A little background on Britanny- 
She is fortune and she managed to escape the foster home (unlike some of her foster siblings who met with some mysterious "accidents") by hooking up with a rich elder in town. She and Meadow Thayer are sharing the old guy so I haven't been to their lot since NL except to test the romance mod. I thought maybe Britt and Aimery can have a brief fling before he finds out what kind of girl she is. After all she'll never leave her rich old sugar daddy for some unemployed kid. Shes in it for cash not romance. Then he and Thalia can live happily ever after. Maybe.

Also on the subject of Brynne-
If she continues to insist on him I'm afraid she's gonna get her heart broken with this Marcel thing as he is a Con Artist and a Romance. I may post more on this as it develops.

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: Inge on 2006 January 01, 14:45:20
I know how you feel.  Brian got a blind date, and it turned out to be the social worker - whose name is actually Social Worker weirdly enough.  So they got on fine and had a daughter called Brocia (I like to make a combination of the parents' names).   I sort of pre-betrothed her to one of my boy sims.   But she had other ideas and started stalking one of my other sims by phone.   I give in!

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: Savage on 2006 January 01, 14:46:28
Hate to sound like a chimp, but I'm lost. Completely. Whats wrong with all this lmao? and whats happening?

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: MutantBunny on 2006 January 01, 15:20:48
Tell Thalia he's a chump and let the hussy have him. Please, God, make someone new for Thalia........ :)

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 January 01, 15:37:43
So they got on fine and had a daughter called Brocia (I like to make a combination of the parents' names). 
That's what I do!  I have loads of kids with combination names in my original Pleasantview, such as Donina (Don & Nina), Robson (Roberta & Grayson), Justella (Justus & Eleanor), Rima (Ricky & Marion) ... the list goes on.  Most of the names are invented, but some are real, such as Robson.  In fact, the majority of my born-in games have combo-names.  Sometimes I combine the names of grandparents instead, such as Mordon, who is the grandson of Mortimer & Don.  Sometimes I use strange combinations, which is why Castor & Allegra have Altaga (plus another I can't remember the name of) and Castor & Brittany have Barony.  The letters are all there, but not combined in an obvious way.  Occasionally I combine whole names, which is why the grandson of Skip & Daniel is called Spankideli.  I have great fun with this.

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: Savage on 2006 January 01, 16:12:09
So they got on fine and had a daughter called Brocia (I like to make a combination of the parents' names). 
That's what I do!  I have loads of kids with combination names in my original Pleasantview, such as Donina (Don & Nina), Robson (Roberta & Grayson), Justella (Justus & Eleanor), Rima (Ricky & Marion) ... the list goes on.  Most of the names are invented, but some are real, such as Robson.  In fact, the majority of my born-in games have combo-names.  Sometimes I combine the names of grandparents instead, such as Mordon, who is the grandson of Mortimer & Don.  Sometimes I use strange combinations, which is why Castor & Allegra have Altaga (plus another I can't remember the name of) and Castor & Brittany have Barony.  The letters are all there, but not combined in an obvious way.  Occasionally I combine whole names, which is why the grandson of Skip & Daniel is called Spankideli.  I have great fun with this.
Haha Spankodeli
I needed another way opf getting names, Im so crap with names they're so boring haha.

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: eaglezero on 2006 January 01, 16:24:23
So they got on fine and had a daughter called Brocia (I like to make a combination of the parents' names). 
That's what I do!  I have loads of kids with combination names in my original Pleasantview, such as Donina (Don & Nina), Robson (Roberta & Grayson), Justella (Justus & Eleanor), Rima (Ricky & Marion) ... the list goes on.  Most of the names are invented, but some are real, such as Robson.  In fact, the majority of my born-in games have combo-names.  Sometimes I combine the names of grandparents instead, such as Mordon, who is the grandson of Mortimer & Don.  Sometimes I use strange combinations, which is why Castor & Allegra have Altaga (plus another I can't remember the name of) and Castor & Brittany have Barony.  The letters are all there, but not combined in an obvious way.  Occasionally I combine whole names, which is why the grandson of Skip & Daniel is called Spankideli.  I have great fun with this.

Usually my families have naming patterns, although none like that. For instance, with the Goth family, I think I just took the name "Cassandra" and ran with it ... Mortimer's daughter with Dina is named Medea, Cassandra's children with Don are Antigone and Troy, and Don's son with Nina is Ajax. *snickers* Yeah, I had some fun. All my Legacy family's heirs' names start with L (the ones I remember are Lana, Lionel, Liesl, and Laura). I never would have thought of combining names, but I just might try it.

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: gethane on 2006 January 01, 16:31:27
In my game, 3 lightening bolts trumps all "plans" i might have for a sim.

I had a knowledge sim just starting out. Didn't really hit it off with the townie welcome wagon chick. Went downtown and though the waitress spilled food on him, they had a lightening bolt and started dating. They had a crush and were working on love/engage/marriage when he met a downtownie that he had 3 bolts for. They had a whirlwind romance and were married withing 36 sim hours! (with the help of some sunglasses :)) And they are so cute married.

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: PlaidSquirrel on 2006 January 01, 18:12:26
I had one family I used food names for. I started with Taffy, Peppermint and Cookie and then Chip and Lolly were born. I still play Peppermint but everyone else is hanging out in an abandoned neighborhood. Then I had the Brand family that I tried to come up with country sounding names for. The Father had the ten kids want so I was constantly needing new ones. Charlie, Becky Sue, Charlene, Henry, Mabel, Dusty, Fancy, LeAnn, Ray and Wade. I had to look to remember them all. That was fun though. Then of course I had a little girl named Plantain and her mom Uletta. I made those two up out of my head.

As to the three bolts it would conquer all except that I have never liked Brittany Parker and shes lucky she didn't perish long ago like so many of the other townie kids. In fact the only townie young persons I have ever not minded are Ricky Cromier and Meadow Thayer. However I haven't got any fates carved in stone (anymore) yet. I'm gonna see how things go for a bit. Maybe they will decide for me.

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: rohina on 2006 January 02, 08:49:45
I have one family who are herbs and spices. Cinnamon is the mother, and she had Ginger, Basil and Saffron. The grandkids so far who are keeping with the theme are Sage and Annise. Another family names their boys after poets. They have Blake, Byron, Eliot and Wyatt.

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: Athena on 2006 January 02, 10:06:37
In the case of lightning bolts for the wrong Sims, there's not much I can do if they're friends and they hang out together.  All I can do is make sure they're happily in love with other Sims- or better yet, engaged/married to other Sims.  If they have two or three lightning bolts for random dormies/townies and they're already attached otherwise, then I either try to change the dormie/townie using the Mind Control Mirror and a mirror/Merola64's painting so that he/she is no longer attractive to my Sims, or I just kill them and have them make nice ghosts for various lots.

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: SIMplyLisa on 2006 January 02, 12:36:38
My legacy family where all Disney characters. One alien family (Mork and Mindy) had kids named after planets and stars. I love theme naming!   

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: SciBirg on 2006 January 02, 13:53:52
I had the Slaw family. Cole, Murphy and Newton. :)

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: Renatus on 2006 January 02, 14:33:07
I had the Slaw family. Cole, Murphy and Newton. :)

I had to repeat the last two to myself a couple of times before they clicked - wonderful!  :D

I'm not nearly so clever with my names, unfortunately, and wish I were - I'd get a chuckle out of them every time I saw them because I am easily amused! I do like to go with themes, however. My regular neighborhood is a bit boring and the current seed generation are all named by ethnicity, but my fantasy neighborhood has all of the first-gen children named by gemstones (Topaz, Amethyst, Emerald, and the like).

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: Swiftgold on 2006 January 02, 18:41:03
I'm having something similar go on, too. My very first born in-game Sim is a couple days away from elder, and she's never dated or been in love with any other Sim but her husband, and the same with him. They've never cheated (after my cheat-tastic first few generations, I decided someone had to be faithful!) and I planned for them to never cheat. She has two bolts for her husband so I was pretty satisfied with that. She's Family and he's Fortune.

So, of course, she brings home a co-worker, another Family Sim, and they have three bolts. *sigh*

He's married, too, and hasn't cheated since he got married. I tend to not allow that anymore, but let them date around before marriage all they want. Anyway, right now they've been spinning up all their wants for each other, but there's been no autonomous flirting and I hope with the romance mod in place any such flirting will be rejected. Too bad, guys! Sometimes you miss out on your true soulmate! That's life!

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: Kristalrose on 2006 January 02, 18:59:40
I have a sim who I made to be a breeder. He's very handsome, and has custom eyes that I created, as opposed to the really good cutom eyes I downloaded from Heleane and WDS.   ::)  So, anyway, as always seems to happen in my neighborhood, I create them, I get them through UNI, and then I get bored with them and forget them.  I've had this happen so many times that I now use Inge's teleporter painting to make them townies, so they don't take up household space, and if I ever get interested in them again, I can move them in and play them.  Anyway, I digress.  So, this sim, David, is out there floating in townieville, and I have another sim, Suki, who's engaged to the father of her two children, who's getting close to becoming an elder, and who I'm bored with.  (I'm playing the household to raise her daughter.  I have almost NO FEMALES born in game, and lthis little girl is one of THREE!  About TWENTY Boys running around and only THREE girls? )  So, I get the idea to let the Momma have a one night fling with someone, hopefully to give birth to another girl.  I had a sim picked out, but as I was going through checking chemestry, I found that she had three lightning bolts with David, plus a close friendship.  So, the fiance' flies off to work, and I teleport David in.  A few minutes of snuggling on the couch, and they go upstairs.  When she gives birth, the baby has Dad's custom eyes, but it's a BOY!!  I exited without saving 3 times before I finally gave up and accepted the boy.  :( 

The best laid plans of mice and men. . .

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: maxon on 2006 January 03, 02:16:47
I tend to give my sims names that reflect their personalities (as I imagine them).  I have a romance sim called Crimson Lane.  The name came to me when I was making her and I couldn't think of anything else no matter how hard I tried.

Sorry that was really tasteless.

I have been making three bolt couples recently and I have found a way to completely ignore the bloody star signs (which I hate).

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: BeckerCheez on 2006 January 03, 03:08:14
I have a neighborhood filled with game and anime characters.  They may not look like who they're named after, but oh well.   :D

One of them married Ivy Copur, and their kids were Portulaca, Narcissus and Hyacinth. 

The aliens were named Starboy and Boba Fett.  Starboy had Andromeda, who had Astro and Haley.  Boba Fett had Leia and Luke (who is the lovely vampire pictured in my avatar, joy!). 


Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: PlaidSquirrel on 2006 January 03, 03:14:37
I tend to give my sims names that reflect their personalities (as I imagine them).  I have a romance sim called Crimson Lane.  The name came to me when I was making her and I couldn't think of anything else no matter how hard I tried.

Sorry that was really tasteless.

I have been making three bolt couples recently and I have found a way to completely ignore the bloody star signs (which I hate).

What's the secret?

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: greeneyedsims on 2006 January 06, 03:07:20
I have yet to have a 3 bolt couple in my game...and I've had NL since it came out.  I think if this happened to me, I would most definitely have to go with it, no matter what was going on in their current relationship.  Even if it's my most favorite couple...there would have to be some drama! LOL!


Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: seven on 2006 January 06, 05:12:08
I agree with you Green, but I haven't seen 3 bolts yet either.

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2006 January 06, 05:32:09
Those chemistry bolts screwed up a few of my existing relationships that were established pre-NL.  But I still let the 3 bolts trump everything.  Because, hey, who am I to stand in the way of true love?

That being said, if you don't like drama don't let John Burb met Brandi Broke.  Poor Lucy is the child of a broken home now because of those 3 bolts.  That whole ugly scene where Jennifer caught John and Brandi in the act still gives me the evil giggles.   ;D

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2006 January 06, 21:40:19
Since I'm playing a color genetics hood, my sims all have very colorful (if not sometimes tasteless) names.

Black:  Charcoal, Shale, Raven, Slate, Onyx, Flatt, Matt, Pitch, Jet, Pepper.
Pink: Pansy, Petunia, Rhoda, Adobe, Blush, Floyd (think about it).
Green:  Forrest, Mint, Jade, Peridot, Olive, Hunter, Willow, Lima.
Purple: Reg L., Orchid, Amethyst, Tyrian, Grape, Nexium, Lilac, Passion, Raisin.

I have a lot more, but it just goes downhill from there!

And I actually had a couple of 2nd gen YAs from this hood who met at college and have 3 bolts.  Wasn't even trying for it!  Of course, they are now happily (and sappily) married and have started their family.

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: Muisie on 2006 January 06, 22:15:52
Have you had this happen?

1.  Matchmaking
Let a sim finally settle down with a 2-bolt partner (sometimes after messing of turn on/offs to make them fit).  After a house and a few kids he meets an obsession producing 3-bolt love interest?

2.  Let love in
Move heaven and earth for a 3-bolt couple to become "available" and move them in together, only to discover that after growing up from college they had dropped down to TWO bolts!

3.  Sweetie who?
Arrange for a 3-bolt couple to be together but one of them keeps thinking about a previous 2 or even one-bolt attraction.

I know it's actually quite realistic, but GAH!!!

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: Issy on 2006 January 07, 01:51:16
I absolutely hate that too.  The obsession that sims get with a past love also is very annoying.  Hey you graduated like 20 years ago, married and have 3 kids yet you want to flirt with ure college boyfriend everyday? the only way I've found that I can get rid of that is if I put the relationship to 0, even then they still want to do something with a past love.

The bolts are kind of decieving.  I had a couple who had 1 lighting bolt for each other, then the wife would constantly be dreaming of some townie that I didn't even know.  I found him later but heck no idea when she even met or saw the guy.  I eventually gave in to her, since it gets difficult playing a happily married couple when you have one of them dreaming and fantasising over someone else :/

I also had a sim who just graduated and was obsessing over his college sweetheart (who happened to be romance, not at all suitable for a knowledge guy).  They had 1 bolt together.  I played him for like 15-20 sim days and well no matter who he dated or who he met with I couldn't get him to hate her.  I even made him catch her with someone else.  He was furious with her but still wanted her.  Anyways I managed to find him a 3 bolt townie, they married but that didn't work either.  So in the end, when he turned elder I made him marry her.  Funny thing was he never got any wants towrds his 3 bolt ex-wife ever.  He just lived happily ever after.  Weird huh?

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: Muisie on 2006 January 07, 14:42:37
I wonder if the star sign attaction part is stronger than any of the other ones.  That may be why we see sims with only one bolt or even a crossed out bolt obsessing over each other.  Or they're just weird.  (You make me gag!  Want to date?)

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: PlaidSquirrel on 2006 January 07, 16:00:07
Well it is somewhat realistic. How many of us know rl couples who are completely wrong for each other? In fact when I think about it I myself have been half of a couple like that once or twice when I was a teenager.

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: angelyne on 2006 January 07, 17:38:54
Actually I think this is absolutely awesome.  I love that Sims finally have a mind of their own when it comes to love.  It makes things so much more realistic.  And I like that my sims defy me sometimes.  Adds spice to the game.

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: simposiast on 2006 January 07, 18:13:14
I still can't get the hang of the chemistry/attraction/turn-ons/sim-is-hot thing.

One couple I had went from 2 bolts to 1 crossed out, when she left him at the alter. Apart from him being mad at her, wouldn't their chemistry still be the same?

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: Regina on 2006 January 08, 08:50:59
I would think their chemistry should still be the same, but what do I know?  I'm with you--I have a hard time figuring it out sometimes!

Still, I have mainly 3-bolt couples in my game.  My sim-self and sim-hubby have ended up with six kids.  The oldest is married to her 3-bolt ex-Downtownie stud-muffin.  I'm still trying to figure out why it is her younger sister and her boyfriend only have two bolts for each other--everything indicates they should have three.  I'm thinking here it may be a star sign issue.  Maybe I'll try some tweaking with that and see what happens.

Then there's their son who's in a 2-bolt relationship with his prof.  I'm not completely satisfied with that one and think I may try for 3 bolts before he settles down.  He's just started his first semester of his senior year so he still has some time.

Then there's Wally.  Wallys a teen and currently dating one of the Countesses.  I have no clue how many bolts they have but they're so smitten!  His younger half-alien sister fell for their dad's best friend, Abercrombie.  Abercrombie was a Townie I created, then had him move in with the family when they were a bit strapped for cash, had him move out on his own, move in the oldest daughter's future husband, de-age him to a teen so he could go to college, then Abercrombie went on to resurrect the Tricou family, for which he was handsomely rewarded.  Then Cara-Beri, the little green teen, was hanging out at the Panting Lizard one day when in walked Abercrombie, and she was completely lost to him!  So, poor Abercrombie (knowledge sim he is he just shouldn't miss out on anything of life, right?) decided to do the aging experiment on himself, so now he's reverted back to a teen so he can go to college with Cara-Beri.  I think Wally's going to skip college, though.  His lifetime goal is to become a professional party guest.  He's also carrying around a case of vampire potion just in case his galfriend gets a little too friendly.

After playing today I was just really, really glad the youngest child is still a toddler!

I also use Merola's multi-painting and mind-control mirror so that I can try to optimize turn-ons and turn-offs for prospective partners.  It sure makes it a whole lot easier to know quickly if a couple ever will be really attracted to each other.

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 January 08, 10:32:05
I absolutely hate that too.  The obsession that sims get with a past love also is very annoying.  Hey you graduated like 20 years ago, married and have 3 kids yet you want to flirt with ure college boyfriend everyday? the only way I've found that I can get rid of that is if I put the relationship to 0, even then they still want to do something with a past love.
That effect is the "Random flirt want" effect. it has nothing really do with sim attraction at all. Basically how it works is that, by default, anytime a sim satisfies an interactional want with another sim, if that sim is of a compatible gender, one of the wants that will randomly appear tends to invariably be "Flirt With". Nothing else matters. It's not even coupled to the attraction system, it's basically just entirely random.

The bolts are kind of decieving.  I had a couple who had 1 lighting bolt for each other, then the wife would constantly be dreaming of some townie that I didn't even know.  I found him later but heck no idea when she even met or saw the guy.  I eventually gave in to her, since it gets difficult playing a happily married couple when you have one of them dreaming and fantasising over someone else :/
The thought bubbles are random. Sims will just randomly think about anything that happens to be the subject or object of a recent interaction or memory. There is no deeper meaning, and the random thought bubbles have no connection to a sim's wants.

I also had a sim who just graduated and was obsessing over his college sweetheart (who happened to be romance, not at all suitable for a knowledge guy).  They had 1 bolt together.  I played him for like 15-20 sim days and well no matter who he dated or who he met with I couldn't get him to hate her.  I even made him catch her with someone else.  He was furious with her but still wanted her.  Anyways I managed to find him a 3 bolt townie, they married but that didn't work either.  So in the end, when he turned elder I made him marry her.  Funny thing was he never got any wants towrds his 3 bolt ex-wife ever.  He just lived happily ever after.  Weird huh?
You're reading too much into it. The reason that thought kept coming up was likely because that sim just happened to keep coming up as a discussion topic, likely because she was a romance sim, and by continuously exposing him to her, you were just feeding the apparent obsession.

Sim thought bubbles are essentially random noise, and you should not pay any attention to them whatsoever.

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 January 08, 10:37:20
Sim thought bubbles are essentially random noise, and you should not pay any attention to them whatsoever.

Good, because your Sim-self in my game always thinks of Brynne, and my Sim-self was getting ready to kick your ass!

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: Oddysey on 2006 January 08, 23:49:19
Sim thought bubbles are essentially random noise, and you should not pay any attention to them whatsoever.

This is true of human thought bubbles as well. Er, at least, human thoughts.

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: BeckerCheez on 2006 January 09, 02:01:01
Yeah for some odd reason, all my third generation kids who graduated from college kept thinking and talking about Jane Stacks, including hearts flying around her picture.  None of them knew her very well, none of them had attraction to her.  Maybe they were impressed that she had 4 lightening bolts for Martin Ruben.  Who knows at this point, it was just random stuff.   ::)

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: seven on 2006 January 10, 00:36:30
Are 4 lightening bolts possible? I thought 3 was the most you could have.

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: BeckerCheez on 2006 January 10, 00:40:20
It is possible;  I've have several couples with four lightening bolts.   :)

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: seven on 2006 January 10, 00:43:11
That I've got to see. I have 2 couples with 3 LB each and they won't leave each other alone! So 4 must be something else!  :o

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 January 10, 00:47:13
It is possible;  I've have several couples with four lightening bolts.   :)

No this was talked about a while ago - the max you can get is 3, although the picture does make it look like there are 4.

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: BeckerCheez on 2006 January 10, 00:48:17
Yeah they're pretty close at 4.  When I first had it happen, the two college kids already had girlfriend/boyfriend relationships with other people.  Once their lovers graduated, they were left in the house alone...and they had 4 bolts.   :o  Autonomous flirting and everything... ::)

Edit:  Huh, it is really three...I better go look at that again.   ??? :-\

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: Kyna on 2006 January 10, 12:23:32
Last time someone said they had 4 bolts in their game, they ended up posting a pic.  The pic definitely showed three bolts, but it did look like four bolts at first glance.

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: PlaidSquirrel on 2006 January 10, 21:20:04
Last time i played my game I tried to change my sim self from pleasure to family since she is married with kids now. Unfortunately that took her and her sim husband down to one bolt. Of course I imediately switched back to pleasure. There's no way she's letting him get away! I was disappointed, but not really suprised I guess, to see that their asperation played such a huge part in their chemistry.

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: Muisie on 2006 January 10, 21:57:05
Yep, it's quite ironic if you go back to Pleasantville and notice how many family-romance couples are in there.

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2006 January 10, 23:20:43
Yep, it's quite ironic if you go back to Pleasantville and notice how many family-romance couples are in there.

There's really only one couple like that.  The Oldies.

Two couples if you managed to the Don and Cassandra married.

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: BeckerCheez on 2006 January 11, 02:36:53
Yeah I looked at it again...I swear I cannot tell if this is four or three lightening bolts (btw I dressed Heather Huffington in a frilly dress, seems to suit her :D):


Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 January 11, 02:39:02
It clearly looks like 3 to me. You need your eyes checked.

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: BeckerCheez on 2006 January 11, 03:07:47
Maybe so, it's been awhile.   ::)

Title: Re: All my plans Ruined!
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 January 11, 03:09:02
It clearly looks like 3 to me.
