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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Mike on 2005 December 31, 20:28:48

Title: Londoste terminates my date scenario.
Post by: Mike on 2005 December 31, 20:28:48
Everytime I go to Londoste (which is a downtown lot), both of my sims have a pop up message saying " Leaving me for someone else are you? How could you!" Then after that, all the characters are deleted physically from the lot, the date meter disappears, and live mode becomes disabled. I started having these problems after downloading the Nightlfe directors cut hack. Does anyone know exactly what causes this to happen?

Title: Re: Londoste terminates my date scenario.
Post by: Sagana on 2005 December 31, 22:41:36
I saw someone else post with this problem. In that case, it was an endless loop caused by one of the people on the date accidentally trying to flirt with someone else while the date meter was up (or supposed to be up, like just as they got to the lot). In that case, I *think* the solution was to send both sims home, make sure they didn't have any actions in their queues for other dates or flirting or anything, and send them out again and then it worked - but... I can't find the original thread again :( Dunno that that will help at all, but maybe someone else will remember more clearly.

Title: Re: Londoste terminates my date scenario.
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 December 31, 23:56:55
Does this happen with ANY couple you send to that lot or only a specific couple? Does this only happen with dates at Londoste or do you have other problems with the lot when not on a date?

I remember someone posting a story (sounds like Sagana's post  :P ) about a problem like this. I believe what caused it was the person was saved while on a lot that wasn't their home lot and the game kept getting confused. Once the lot was re-entered and saved without the visiting sim, the problem went away.

Example: on Jane's lot, Jane invites over John. While John is still on the lot, they game is saved and the lot is exited. John's lot is entered, he calls Jane and asks her on a date. Everything is fine until they show up on the community lot where the player gets the message you got. Returning to Jane's lot, sending John home, re-saving solved the problem for that poster.

Title: Re: Londoste terminates my date scenario.
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 01, 00:13:48
I lost a whole neighbourhood and had to clone everyone in it due to Londoste's!  Every romance sim that went there, not even on a date, seemed to get a jump bug with toilets afterwards, and nothing I could do, and nothing anyone suggested, fixed the problem!  I'd be inclined to bulldoze Londoste's and build my own restaurant!