More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: simmiecal on 2005 December 31, 19:07:19

Title: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 December 31, 19:07:19
For the MATYhood, I have gone into SimPE and set the attractiveness to specific genders for sims that expressed a specific preference in their thread. Do I still have to have the sim flirt with the correct gender in order to set the preference?

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: Torkle on 2005 December 31, 19:44:01
Nope - You should be good to go.

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 01, 02:27:38
But if he's romance it may not stop him wishing and wanting!  And it certainly doesn't stop family sims of the non-preferred sex swooning over him and following him home from work and stalking him on the phone.........

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: Brynne on 2006 January 01, 02:29:24
ZZ, your game has a mind of its own, I think LOL

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 01, 02:38:03
No, just Cassandra Goth!  She'll chase anything in trousers!

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: Brynne on 2006 January 01, 02:38:45
She's my sister in law.  ;)

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 01, 02:47:19
She's nobody's sister-in-law in my game!  Alexander has only ever got as far as Uni, he's a Peter Pan living in a Greek House forever!  And she's always a cheating wife, and Not because I organise it!  I certainly didn't tell her to bring Daniel Pleasant home from work and leap into his arms!  She had poor Beau in really desperate straits, he was so upset!

And she followed my sim in another version home from work and leapt on him in front of his long-term partner and they nearly broke up!  THEN she brought him home to her house and started to kiss him again in front of her husband and little daughter! who was very upset indeed!  Now, what caring mother would do that?

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: Brynne on 2006 January 01, 03:42:55
That Cassandra! What a hoot she is. Our family reunions are always fun!  :D

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 01, 03:48:14
She's a trollop!  I don't play vampires, but I wonder....... ;)

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: Brynne on 2006 January 01, 04:09:22
That would be fun! I don't play them either, but...heh heh.
Just kidding. I haven't played her enough to know what kind of personality she has in my game. She seems nice enough to her half-siblings, though.

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 01, 05:27:07
Oh, I thought she was nice enough at first, far too nice, I thought, for Don, which is why, since I played the Broke house much more than the goth one, she ended up the same age as Beau and they got married.  And then she cheats on him with her best friend's husband!

Maybe I should have let her have Daniel!

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: Brynne on 2006 January 01, 05:34:36
Yeah! I have almost as much fun tormenting Daniel as I do Don.  ;D

I hardly ever play the Goth household, believe it or not. Even though Bella is the mother of many of my sims, she was always teleported over. I didn't see the infamous wedding clip until Justin was a teen. I went to the Goth house, invited Justin and Joe as the wedding guests, and they got to see Cassandra get stood up at the altar. I haven't been back to the Goth house, since.

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 01, 05:40:18
I usually get her to break up, it's easier than having her go over to his house to be broken up with!  But I hate playing the Goth house, it's so unplayable!  And so dark, I spend hours just putting some decent lighting in!

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: Brynne on 2006 January 01, 05:45:51
Yeah, I noticed that, too. And the gardening is a nightmare!

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 01, 05:49:09
I wonder who they get to build their houses for them?  I think my cat could do better!

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: Brynne on 2006 January 01, 05:50:27
Hell, I think I could do better!

I totally cannot build a decent looking house. Like Bangelnuts says, they look like boxes with roofs.  :D

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 01, 05:56:30
My neighbours' twelve year old has that problem - plus he usually makes them nearly as big as the lot!  But really, it's not hard, and boxes basically work better than all these complicated designs that people keep coming up with!   If you learn how to build bays, if makes all the difference to how a box looks!  I'm in the process at present of sorting out a lot of houses from my game and doing a vanilla install to redecorate them etc., so if you like I could email you some of the better ones.  Be nice to have someone else test them for me!

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: Brynne on 2006 January 01, 05:59:37
Sure, that would be cool!

I'm really not that bad with houses. I do know how to do the bay windows and a few other tricks. It's just not where my creative talents lie. I'm more of a sim builder.  ;)

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 01, 06:05:40
I like doing both, I have to be in the right mood though!  What I like doing best, though, is building unfinished houses that have potential and odd as in peculiar) houses!

I'll let you know when I've got some interesting ones!

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: Brynne on 2006 January 01, 06:13:33
Awesome, ZZ!

My worst ever house was called "The Sand Lot". JM saw a pic and thought it was an email challenge lot. Uh, nope. Just me too lazy to bother with minor details like walls and flooring.


Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 01, 06:25:02
I did something similar with some very poor students!  Just a pity the recliners don't match up to the Sims1 ones - if I made a big family then, I used to put a cheap recliner for each sim in front of the tv.  When the kids were tired at around 10pm they napped, parents watched tv then they napped (as kids slept through tv in those innocent and halcyon days!).  And they all woke up at 6am without an alarm clock!

I have one house I packaged up for SandySimmer over at simFreaks, it's quite large with an interesting staircase.  Updated for NL and works fine in the game, didn't crash when I tried to load it in my vanilla game, so presumably I didn't use any terrain paints in it (now I know the dangers I never do!.  I've got pics as well, but since I'm hopeless at uploading and whenever I've been to Photobucket or anywhere like that they are full and direct me elsewhere, and I just get confused!

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: gali on 2006 January 01, 06:26:11
Brynne, just rememberred to ask you - don't you sent your teens to college?

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 01, 06:37:59
I suspect Brynne has them all in teen jobs as soon as possible and then, like human teenagers, they just want to leave school and get a job!

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: Brynne on 2006 January 01, 06:46:06
No, they actually do go to college, eventually. Remember, Justin was a teenager for 4 months real time, and he went to Uni late last August! So, yeah, they'll go to college. When I'm ready.  :)

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 01, 06:52:09
Just wish it was quicker moving between the two hoods!  Once I'm there I tend to stay and play a fair number of lots for a couple of semesters before I return!

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: Brynne on 2006 January 01, 06:58:00
I do too. Maybe that's a reason for my waiting so long to send them off? Subconsciously?

When Justin was in Uni, that's all I played until he graduated. Of course, I had to teleport his family in because I missed them.  :P Justin had his first born son, Joel, with him at college. I used Inge's apartment system and recreated the on campus apartment building I lived in in college, and had Joe stay there with him (didn't move him in, just made him selectable). It was nice, though, because Joe could take care of Joel while Justin studied. Josh's oldest son, Joshie Jr, lived next door to him, and Josh stayed there. The triplets were still kids, so they were teleported in for frequent visits, as well. And on the other side, Justin's cousin Gary Jr. (Joe's brother Gary's youngest child) lived, and Gary stayed there, as well. I can't just play one sim! I have to have many family members!

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 01, 07:03:31
I have one family I've just revived in this old lot, Vallee Rouge, that I'm playing.  There are seven brothers and one son/nephew.  All but two of the brothers are now married with babies or at least one on the way (including the father of the younger generation sim, who is now married to the daughter of his uncle's wife.  One brother is in a joined union, and one lives alone.  Two of the brothers are as near to identical as I could get them in CAS, and they're married to sisters who are the same!  The twins are both family sims, so..........Oh, and Shane, the nephew has born-in-game twins who've just become teenagers.  I don't know if he's having any more though!

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: Brynne on 2006 January 01, 07:10:41
So you're about to get a houseful, then!

It's funny. I have 2 sets of identical twins. Joe and Gary started out as close as I could get them to be to identical, but as teens Gary's file got screwed up somehow, so I had to clone Joe in simpe. Josh and Jacob are also identical (again, simpe clones. They didn't start out as identical). I then went out of my way to make them look as different as possible, as many real life identical twins do. Same facial data, though. But they look completely different.

Title: Re: Setting sexual preferences
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2006 January 01, 08:06:52
Funny thing with mine, I gave them basic Maxis heads and identical hair and eyes etc., identical personalities (all four are Gemini) and both Paul and Peter are Family and Sigrid and Ingrid are Fortune.  But whereas Paul, if I have Sigrid go to be because she has to be up in the morning, Paul (who has energy to spare) will go and relax on the bed!  Peter, who has a job, never does this!  (Paul had a job originally, but it was a custom career which I had to delete with Uni!  Since then he's shown no signs of wanting another job!)  and the really interesting thing is Paul and Ingrid don't get on at all well, and likewise Peter and Sigrid!  Now that surprised me!