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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: bloodstainedkisses on 2005 December 30, 22:19:14

Title: Recommendations for good Challenges?
Post by: bloodstainedkisses on 2005 December 30, 22:19:14
So, I've got my new graphics card, my new RAM, and my PC is running great. Everything looks so realistic in it, even the eyes... I finally see the point of 'realistic eyes' and my special events camera, I can FINALLY use it.

But yes... other than the Legacy, and Gay Legacy (both of which I know of), got any good ideas for TS2 challenges? I have all expansions, so any and all ideas are welcome. I even have the party pack.

I'm thinking of trying the Rights of Women challenge, it does look interesting... yeah, just in need of ideas. ^^

Someone also recommended the Royal Kingdom challenge... oh, and links would be wonderful, if anyone has any ideas. ^^;

Title: Re: Recommendations for good Challenges?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 December 30, 22:27:50
Well, you probably know about E-Mail and Ethiopia, so here's some more:

Prosperity Challenge (,item.61,item.41,item.23&threadID=dcfe0f7ed3a2aa53f9e750174f998e1f&directoryID=82&startRow=1#cc23fc067bd57f0fd84419c75612639a).

Life Unscripted (,item.43,item.61&threadID=28b25d0518b49878e15c7eeaa8a1a915&directoryID=22&startRow=1).

Operation Millionaire (,item.43,item.61&threadID=9490c4baf7332f710bb6a246b34448c3&directoryID=25&startRow=1).

Polyamory Challenge (

FluffyDevil04 ( has written some challenges, including Rights of Women, and this is a thread with all her challenges listed.

GloamingMerle wrote the ISBI Challenge (

TreyNutz2 wrote the ToddlerMania Challenge (

And finally, for all the challenges I know, Pinstar1161 wrote the Greek Challenge (

Title: Re: Recommendations for good Challenges?
Post by: Venusy on 2005 December 30, 22:37:36
Try looking on Planet K ( for some good challenges.

Title: Re: Recommendations for good Challenges?
Post by: Liss on 2005 December 30, 23:02:22
I always play Prosperity Challenge to seed my neighborhoods.  It's not as boring as Legacy. There is a link to it in Blue's reply.

Title: Re: Recommendations for good Challenges?
Post by: Lythdan on 2005 December 30, 23:08:31
I always play Prosperity Challenge to seed my neighborhoods.  It's not as boring as Legacy. There is a link to it in Blue's reply.

I'm doing Prosperity currently. Nearly up to the fifth generation...

Title: Re: Recommendations for good Challenges?
Post by: rohina on 2005 December 31, 08:15:18
For a relatively quick challenge with lots of hilarity, try the bachelor challenge. Here's the orginal link:

You might want to add your own NL twists, of course. I'm in the process of defining some, and will have a story up real soon, now.

Title: Re: Recommendations for good Challenges?
Post by: SaraMK on 2005 December 31, 22:04:37
Similar to Life Unscripted is the Hands Off challenge. It's 10 real life hours instead of 30 sim days. Quick and amusing.,item.43,item.61,item.23&threadID=801f0d69117078ee041c90c566fc16d4&directoryID=82&startRow=1

Title: Re: Recommendations for good Challenges?
Post by: Ellatrue on 2006 January 04, 17:58:01
You can try my poverty challenge, if it interests you. The link is in my signature.