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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Savage on 2005 December 29, 15:34:27

Title: Object Data? SimPE?
Post by: Savage on 2005 December 29, 15:34:27
Erm Im trying to do things on SimPE like change the amount of fun someone has on one object?
I don't reqally know how but Im on plugin and it has a list of things with all thease numbers etc down the side in a kind of grid:


Is there anywhere where I can get a kind of code for what these numbers etc means? I know 0X1f can mean another number for like the careers etc. But Im confused I want to make it so it as more fun effect to it etc.

Title: Re: Object Data? SimPE?
Post by: Inge on 2005 December 29, 15:41:23
I'm afraid that won't do you any good.  Those values are merely what you see in the catalogue and do not affect the real amount of fun a sim gets.  For that you'd have to edit a BCON resource or a BHAV, and that varies from one object to the next so I couldn't give you a general rule to work to.

Title: Re: Object Data? SimPE?
Post by: Savage on 2005 December 29, 15:43:48
Lmao, I suck soooo badly, I cant even clone objects good lord I suck...  ::)

Title: Re: Object Data? SimPE?
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 December 29, 15:47:36
Lmao, I suck soooo badly, I cant even clone objects good lord I suck...  ::)

Yeah - but you're not as bad as me. I haven't even figured out how to clone objects.

Title: Re: Object Data? SimPE?
Post by: Savage on 2005 December 29, 15:52:27
Neither have I, I tried it with a tutorial and It took me about 2 hours and it sdidnt work after... the most I can do is move girls clothes to boys,

Buyt basically Inge, what I was gunna try and do was to modify one of the flamingo's (Flamingos de Feliz) so that all it would o would be to keep social up but everything else so that it only tops it up if theyre about to faint or die or something so I could get onwith it and theyd be a bad move but not dead ...  :o

Title: Re: Object Data? SimPE?
Post by: nectere on 2005 December 29, 16:10:31
Did you try JWoods Object creation tutorial on MTS2? Its about the easiest to follow, if you use the classic gui in SimPe. His tutorial is clear and concise, try it, print it out set it next to you and see if you cant make a new object. (Of course you will need a 3d program like Milkshape or something)

As far as straight cloning, there are only two reasons to clone an object, hacking it and making something new (new mesh based on original as stated above). Hacking is a whole different animal and even though its not extremely difficult it can be messy and you can break stuff. Meshing is fairly simple once you have the hang of it unless you have to deal with anims like on beds etc. Cloned objects that are not meant to override the original must have a new guid. I always say its best to begin with recolors, get that down so that you know it forwards and backwards because it will help you when you move on to making a new object and need to UV map it and give it texture. Once you understand making new objects you can move on to hacking them and anims.

Good luck.

Title: Re: Object Data? SimPE?
Post by: Savage on 2005 December 29, 18:39:50
I tried looking but Im trying to HACK the object kinmd of Im trying to get the fun up.

I went on one of JWoods Tutorial it didnt say how to up the energy or mtovies at all..

Do you know how I could? ciould you post a link please?

Title: Re: Object Data? SimPE?
Post by: nectere on 2005 December 29, 18:50:37
MTS2 has a lot of tutorials as does the SimPe site, Inge as simlogical also has some links and advice so you might want to check there as well. I cant open any of those sites right now so you would just have to look around, there are literally hundreds of tutorials out there, but I think your best bet would be to go to to ambertation:

The very first on the list is how to max fun on a pc so that might help you out, since the methodology is the same.

And you can always ask for help there as well

Title: Re: Object Data? SimPE?
Post by: Savage on 2005 December 29, 19:03:36
Thanks :)